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Everything posted by setlok73

  1. Okay, so now I'm at a tie :) Anyone else have thoughts on which is better? TIA
  2. I thought the same thing...unfortunately Amazon has it on their site that they have the right to cancel the order. But I totally agree...if this had been an error at a B&M store they would have ate it. I'm sooo sorry they did that to you
  3. I know you said he doesn't eat at home...but maybe if he had something like a small George Foreman grill he could make himself something fast (and they are awesome). or since he's into nascar maybe a gift certificate for the nascar store http://store.nascar.com/home/index.jsp or if there is a concert coming up that he might like, get him a couple tickets Good Luck
  4. From what you wrote my opinion is that she would appreciate something personal...have you considered taking her away for a nice weekend together. Does she like to read? What about books on tape (something like audible.com) Does she like to try new things? You could get her dance or cooking classes (to take together of course). Just a few ideas...but jewelry is always nice too! HTH
  5. According to Snopes...its definitely true http://www.snopes.com/fraud/sales/giftcard.asp I always thought gift cards had those little scratch off sections so you couldn't do that...hmmm Glad you posted or I would have probably been had...TY
  6. Yes, sorry...just 1 item. Also saw that if you enter BHDEFER1, you can defer your billing on your CC for 90 Days!
  7. For those members in MST and PST, start calling your BB before they open...try to get ahold of a personal shopper. Since this isn't BF...just maybe they can pull it before the store opens and you can still get one. I don't know if it will work but its worth a try! Good Luck!!!
  8. My niece is a HUGE hockey fan. She said she wants a replica jersey for her favorite team (easy part). Here's my dilemma, I found that I can have her last name personalized on a jersey OR I can get her the jersey of her favorite player. Either way it needs to be a surprise so I can't ask her. Could I please get some opinions as which way to go? Any help would be very much appreciated. TIA
  9. I found a really cute item for my coworker but the shipping came out to more than the item Guess I'll see if they have it at the Disney Store. But Thank you for posting the codes and how to stack them. I'm sure they will help one of the members.
  10. Another Code BHBONUS this is good until 1/7/07.
  11. Can your cousin go to Kays and see if they have a copy of the receipt in their system? Or if she used her credit card, can she have the credit card company send her a copy of just that part of her statement? Just a few thoughts.
  12. DH would like wireless headsets so that he can listen to tv at night and not disturb me (he's sweet) but I know nothing about them and have no idea what a good price is. Does anyone know of a good product at a good price? TY
  13. I bought some items right around the 16th of November and had it in hand within about 10 days. HTH
  14. I have found 2 codes for JCP (not great but every little bit helps) Take $5 off your purchase. Code: R65C Expires 12/31/06 Take 5% off your purchase. Code: 34JPX Expires 12/30/06 HTH
  15. TY so much....these are great to have on hand for that unexpected gift I just know I'll need (I ordered several).
  16. Hi, I really like the site. I feel awkward posting still (this is only my 3rd) so I'm sorta in lurking mode But I'm sure as I hang out I'll get the hang of it. Thanks to everyone for the amazing deals and info!
  17. I don't know if I can post this here...if not I'm sorry but after seeing the posts it seems to make sense. I saw a petition online that is being submitted to Walmart to try and save LAW. I can't post url's but if you google Layaway petition walmart, its the first link. Don't know if it will help but it can't hurt.
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