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Everything posted by katiesmommy01

  1. good price...but a little too violent for us (we are a hannah montana, dance dance revolution, star wars maybe group)
  2. we had a great time there ourselves yesterday...got a sleeping beauty winter coat for under $25! The staff was great and we got the 15% off coupon too :)
  3. hahaha...ok this was just toooooo good to resist...i bought 3...awesome gift for some of my friends :)thanks!
  4. is this good in store or just online? The ones we would want are out of stock
  5. I did a search but didn't come up with anything. Anyone know of any sales or coupon/codes to make the wii games more affordable? We finally scored one for us and now i'm looking to outfit it without selling the house
  6. My grandmother is 93 (almost 94) and needs/wants nothing. So I made her a calender at shutterfly.com with everyone's birthdays on it and pictures of us all for each of the months...it's not done yet, but she knows about it and is all excited since it will help her remember dates for things and have pictures for her to look at of all of us :)
  7. why did i look at this thread??!?!?!?! WHY!!!!! ugh. The fed ex truck stopped right in front of my house tonight so i sent my daughter upstairs into my room (not facing the road)...she was freaked out but i just couldnt let her see it! Then he left...without delivering the horse I dunno...is it worth $30 (well less with 6% tax) and no delivery to have to return this one and pick up that one? I just figured it out...$18 difference...i'm being crazy right? I should just stop now.
  8. Was just at walmart and saw the Littlest pet shop Whirl-Around-Playground w/pets for $15! I grabbed one for my daughter (who is going to be incredibly spoiled!)...thought this might be great for someone else as well!
  9. you had to tell me that? I want to be done!!! The Fed-Ex truck tried to deliver mine yesterday...thank GOD my daughter and i were out! That would've been terrible...
  10. http://wholesaleclothingmart.stores.yahoo.net/gt-hsmu.html It was $9.00 there for the HSM umbrella...i just did a google search.
  11. my daughter is all about pink sports equipment, we got a pink soccer ball from toysrus...try there...or even the Wilson website maybe, good luck!
  12. look on Amazon.com...i just saw one of the furreal kitties for like $12.
  13. Thanks SOOO much!!!! I just managed to get the Butterscotch horse for $228.95 w/$10 gift card, and getting this for half price will be a great touch from Santa :) My little girl is going to beam this Christmas and I have all of you to thank for it :)
  14. they've been good, except for the 2nd alert, i got the phone text, but their site was down and I missed the amazon in stock while i was sitting at my computer! I've missed 3 alerts altogether from them, but they seem to be pretty good...
  15. wow...yeah dora only has one dollhouse (the talking one), we picked it up for $15 on amazon last christmas (my daughter is 6, loves hannah and hsm, but also dora)...she also has a magic castle. Both are alot of money since you dont have enough time to get them online/shipped...i'm going to look for you later though...
  16. haha, nice to know i had backup I cannot believe i'm done looking for it! lol...UPS has been to my house the past 3 days dropping off Amazon.com boxes...i've got to stop shopping!!!!
  17. OK, i was hoping to find it cheaper, but this ended up the best choice. Ended up getting the horse shipped for $228.95 AND they threw in a $10 gift card (which will help in the purchase of my daughter's last present from santa). So it was $218.95 really (only $3.95 more than the deal i missed on Amazon.com). DONE.
  18. come on folks, it's a toy in a kids meal! what do you want it to do really? My daughter was begging for the idog from there so we stopped on our way for a roadtrip, it's a really cute dog and his head lights up (although hers is broken, so it doesnt light up), she's still really happy with it and pretends with it...something that most kids have stopped doing because all of their toys "do" something! If your kid wants a real Idog, go buy it from a store!!! don't expect burger king to provide one for a few bucks with a meal. give me a break here.
  19. i'm not a member of either...and my car isn't big enough to get it home if i find it in a store...would need to be shipped. And I know how to get it fro $228 and change...trying to do better if possible.
  20. NICE...wish I had a Dillards...within 100 miles of me ;-) now i'm jealous, first i wasn't notified about the wii in stock and now this...i'm getting off the computer!
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