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Everything posted by braggsalot

  1. I have no problems using it at Target.
  2. no the prices are good online too!!
  3. When is this good for? Thanks for sharing!!
  4. http://www.nextag.com/bubble-down-jacket/search-html This is a bubble coat. I bought my oldest DD one tonight. Mine had lots of different colors but very few in Small and Plus sizes.
  5. It may be a one time use code too.
  6. Yes I believe this is nationwide. I also believe it is online deals too. Last week when I went to my local TRU they had little to nothing left at my store for the specials.
  7. I just got an email for Toys R Us specials starting tomorrow at 5pm through Saturday. Some great deals. Check it out here http://toysrus.shoplocal.com/toysrus/Default.aspx?action=browsepageflash&storeid=2561343&rapid=478143&prvid=ToysRus-071109&promotioncode=ToysRus-071109&fsid=128390274395950206
  8. This would be an even sweeter deal if there was free shipping or if there was a code for free shipping.
  9. WOOHOO! The $5 off code still works. I just ordered Meet The Robinson's for my kids for Christmas!
  10. I would love the 20% off code if anyone has one available. Please PM the code though. Thanks!!
  11. Was the dress up shoes on sale by chance?
  12. I went and purchased three video games tonight and also inquired about the gift card and was told the opposite by the SA. She said I could get two cards if I bought two systems. I could also use them for the games. There was not a huge selection of the $20 games at my TRU but lots of $29.99 ones. I think this is a great deal!!
  13. I wonder if this is all TRU or just the one you shop at. Will check out my TRU tomorrow. Thanks!!
  14. I went to Target today to get Jungle Book for the $5.00 gift card, the movie was $16.99 at my local Target but the catch is you have to purchase something else too, in order to get the gift card.
  15. Thank you! I did not know about this site. Some great deals! My husband is going to be so happy!!
  16. I am looking for a couple of movies for my husband and I am trying to get the best deal possible. Any ideas where I can find some great deals besides Best Buy and Walmart? Thanks!!
  17. I would love one too! Please someone share. Thanks!!
  18. WooHoo I finally broke down and ordered myself some clothes. I never buy myself anything but this time it was a ME Purchase!! My husband is going to be so happy when he finds out. LOL!! Thank you for sharing this great deal!!
  19. I went to Wally World lastnight and our store had a girls and boys 12", 2 girls 16", 3 boys 20 inch, 2 girls 24", and 3 Boys 26". The prices ranged from $20 for the 12" all the way up to $140 for the 26" bike. Average was about $65 for a bike at our Walmart. I am going to wait though because my son wants a freestyle bike with pegs. Hoping that another Walmart will have one on clearance.
  20. Any online codes out there? Still searching and would love to use one. Thanks!!
  21. I went to use the code I was sent this AM for some reason it shows it is invalid so if anyone has another code for me, it would be greatly appreciated. Thanks a bunch!!
  22. For online it won't for me, it says it has been used the maximum amount of times, I thought that was strange as I thought those codes were unlimited. I am still looking for an online code too. Thanks!!
  23. And FSWONDERTIME is only a shipping code not 20% off. Please if anyone has another 20% off code please share. Thanks!!
  24. The coupon posted says it has met it maximum usage so it is not good anymore. Thanks for sharing. Anyone else have a good coupon out there?
  25. Nothing left at my Toys R us and they only had 20% off at my store. UGH!!
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