Nope but I do know where you can get a list of businesses :) Does this link work? You should see this: Freight Forwarding (93) Courier & Delivery Services (179) Mailing & Shipping Services (69) Packaging Service (121)
Only $1,349.xx so far?
That's small peas, you've gotta rack up at least $5,000.xx
Remember to get a good credit card with rewards to sweeten your deal even more.
No worries, I don't feel bad at all when you consider my situation: Oregon has 0% sales tax. Access to OD, OM, Staples, BB, CC, CostCo, Sears, CompUSA, and dozens of other stores. My number 1 gripe is no In-N-Out burger. Lucky CA/AZ/NV bastages!
If you can find a cheap pickup go that route so you'll have wheels in SD.
Otherwise rent a U-Haul truck.
Paying a moving company for a 1 bedroom apartment is way overkill.
This is a good suggestion but there are already other established trader forums out there.
Perhaps after our membership base grows and there is a need for a GottaDeal trading community then we'll definitely consider it.
Hi Scott, First I would check After a quick search it seems the two best deals are: $86.00 - $20 rebate = $66 $99.98 Nero Ultra Edition +$0.02 filler -$20 off $100 coupon code 122574449440 (valid only for phone in orders) - $20 rebate ====================== $60.00