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Everything posted by IDmom262

  1. http://ecx.images-amazon.com/images/I/515LG5g4fHL._AA300_.jpg DSi/DS Lite Universal Transporter Carrying Case by POWER A Platform: Nintendo DS 4.9 out of 5 stars See all reviews (32 customer reviews) Like (1) List Price: $19.99 Price: $13.99 & eligible for free shipping with Amazon Prime You Save: $6.00 (30%) http://www.amazon.com/DS-Lite-Universal-Transporter-Carrying-Nintendo/dp/B002NILRUY/ref=sr_1_2?ie=UTF8&qid=1290274113&sr=8-2
  2. Thanks, this is a great deal. If you have a store near you, there is free site to store shipping! :)
  3. Thanks for posting this, my dd asked for cookbooks for christmas and I was able to purchase 5 of these for $20 plus tax. :)
  4. Walmart has the Monkey on their site with free site to store shipping. I hope that helps. I am looking for the polar bear.
  5. Thanks Brad for taking the time to put up this ad! I greatly appreciate it and I have been really looking forward to it. Unfortunately, it is a big let down. I was looking for a dsi bundle and an ipod touch 32 gb. Now I have to brave Sears, unless Best Buy or the shack comes out with something better.
  6. Abercrombie is offering monday only "secret" deals. Today's deal is 20% (online only). The code for abercrombie.com is 1118. The code for abercrombiekids.com is 2118. They do not do a lot of promo codes, so I think this is a pretty good deal. There is no free shipping, but the 20% off might at least cover that cost.
  7. Thanks for your quick reply! I guess I will just have to be patient, I just want to get all my shopping done now! :)
  8. I want to get the green dsi bundle. Has anyone seen this anywhere else? Thanks for the ad! I am hoping for lots more today! :)
  9. My watches came today. I think they are fantastic! I bought them for myself and I do have to say I have the strap on the smallest hole, they are really big. If you bought these for a younger child, you may have to replace the strap with a smaller one. I would order from this company again. :)
  10. For those of you who have received your watches, did it arrive regular mail? I ordered mine on the 13th, it shipped on the 14th and it hasn't arrived yet. I am just wondering if I should start looking into it, or if I should wait it out. Thanks.
  11. I would dress up as pippy longstocking. I could use her unusual strength to carry my black friday goodies and I would use her best friend Mr. Nilsson (her pet monkey) to help grab things before other people in line.
  12. I received an email today that the order I had placed was cancelled. DARN!
  13. Thank you for posting this, and I ordered 2 for myself. I love hello kitty!
  14. I don't know which is more irritating ... thinking I was in the party, but didn't sign up in time ... or I wasn't even in the party at all. I really wanted a new coffee maker, but oh well. :) Good luck on the next one! :)
  15. I finally got in, and it is already full, so I missed out. I am totally bummed, I really wanted this one!
  16. Mine wasn't cancelled, and has actually shipped. That was pretty fast for Kohl's they normally have really slow shipping. Sorry yours was cancelled, maybe the product was out of stock.
  17. I just got an email for the Thai Kitchen Party. I am looking forward to this party pack. I really hope there are some good recipes in the" Recipe leaflet" :) Party Pack What will be in my party pack? The FREE party pack includes: Thai Kitchen® Coconut Milk Thai Kitchen® Red Curry Paste Thai Kitchen® Fish Sauce Thai Kitchen® Peanut Satay Sauce Thai Kitchen® Jasmine Rice Thai Kitchen® Stir Fry Rice Noodles Thai Kitchen® Pad Thai Sauce 15 Thai Kitchen® Placemats 15 Sets of Thai Kitchen® Chopsticks 15 Reusable Thai Kitchen® Totes Thai Kitchen® Coupons for Guests Thai Kitchen® Recipe Leaflet Package of Thai Kitchen® Napkins
  18. Last year during the amazon toy sale, I picked up 3 of these for $7.79 each. I had to go back and look to make sure how much I paid, and they were purchased on december 5th, so hopefully they will have another sale this year.
  19. That is a great deal, especially with free shipping! Thanks.
  20. Thanks, this just worked for me! YAY! :)
  21. You can still apply for that party, it is under the kraft foods link. It is for oscar Mayer hot dogs. Here is what is included: If selected as a host, your FREE party pack will be loaded with OSCAR MAYER goodies for you and your guests: FREE OSCAR MAYER Hot Dog Coupons OSCAR MAYER Tongs for the host OSCAR MAYER Oven Mitt Set for the host OSCAR MAYER Soft Baseballs OSCAR MAYER Frisbees OSCAR MAYER Plates and Napkins
  22. I know I shouldn't complain, but I really wanted the canning party. I did get the french party, so I am happy with that, but I really wanted the recipes in the canning party. I hope someone else gets in! :)
  23. I just got into the french cocktail party. Check your emails, and good luck everyone!
  24. I was able to make this purchase. It is working now.
  25. I just received the Alexa side dishes campaign. I had to use a key.
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