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Everything posted by Cannon1

  1. USED or REFURBISHED-Sony PS2 Phat or Slim models (depends on store inventory) $49. -After today, their price returns to Phat-$59 and Slim-$69. -Finally figure why buy a DVD player? Although PS2 does not play blue-ray, will play regular DVDs. -USED. Meaning turned in to that store, tested 'in house, and deemed ok to resell. -REFURBISHED. Meaning returned to/from factory site... -Either Used/Refurbished come with 01 Controller. -I spent the extra $10 on each (bought two) to purchase a 1 yr warranty vs 30Day. Call ahead though! When we went out Friday-the two stores in NoVirginia we visited were OOS. Saturday, I called a central Virginia store (which by the way the phone number actually linked to THREE stores, it would've helped since the store that picked up the phone first said they had plenty-while the actual Richmond VA store I visited had "some" vs "plenty".
  2. Harmonix, maker of ROCK BAND products though.... I had a strum bar (guitar) problem by mid-Jan this past year. The included troubleshooting tutorial on the game disc identified it, I then called their service number, and they sent me another within 5 days. VERY satisfied. Like Rock Band More too-just wish they'd come out with disc's more frequently. (oh & I've all G_H_ for PS2 and both R_B_ for PS3). I'd write corporate on your discontent. Although I'll add "Sorry about your misfortune", I don't think you'll be able to recoup anything from the ordeal.
  3. And HP? I purchased 5 days ago, with free 2day busness shipping. Well the printer came, and wasn't even enclosed in another box. Maybe stupid me, but I won't buy from them again-now my daughter knows what she's gotten. Oh, and the other two items from them? They haven't show today either. I feel your frustration....
  4. PlayStation 3 DualShock 3 Wireless Controller - 98050 $40.95 + free S&H. Almost anywhere else these run for $59+. I picked up two, since a new PS3 only comes with two, but can support up to four. Note: Only some games can support up to four players, so if you don''t have a need, it's not a must-have accessory. BUT I do have pets that've damaged one by accident. AFTERPOST. Sorry I was excited to contribute and forgot where! www.buy.com
  5. Darn, I'm gonna have to go back to the site and look then. Thanx all. (I hope it's not a TRU/PayPal order confirmed/then :12min later order cancelled scenario). Ok, am back. Real steals? nope. Was intrigued with the 15" for $.01 & $98 s&h though.
  6. Its on the first line 3/4s of the way down. They authenticate via having an employee email account.
  7. Thank you very much for putting the appropriate search term in. It saved allot of time & since I've been up since midnight.... Well THanx!!!
  8. Donnask8pro, PLEASE DO!!!!!
  9. Right, I'd love 40%!!! But have only found those two sets at discount so far. My DS has his 'one and only gotta have: the Lego Castle Giant Chess Set #852293 (@$299) so $30/$300 this week end is the best I've found so far. Man, I would've jumped on 40%.
  10. $99
  11. Ha-Ha, Ha-Ha. Last Item: "Elegant 28690-06 Hawaiian Print Seat Cover", maybe, but they don't have a pic of.
  12. Err uhm, BF-Burlington Coat Factory add-will be $49 dollars as well so if miss this....
  13. You're Right, if this keeps up, I think they'll be good deals on parking spaces Thursday Night/Friday Morning, and thats it!!! Although markets placed their orders over 9months ago, and allot of years they've been off the mark, Golly Day!!! and everyones wallet is feeling the economic crisis,.... wait a minute I was getting ready to make excuses for retailers 100% markup, then advertise 40% off "deals". Executives, you better make some cost cutting bargains with the consumer, within the next 8 days-or you can say bye bye to you're being 'in the black this year.
  14. Saved $140 on a set of four 80K mi Goodyear Assurance Triple Treads. Reg $131 ea, sale was $104 each, plus $40 back from Goodyear!!!!
  15. Just Looked at BBuy BF add. TV's are verrrrrry disappointing. Looks like they won't see me this year.
  16. I'm surprised at your reviews. Rock Band gets played almost every weekend between both my kids & their umpteen friends vs GH which although has 2 Guitars, has been sitting in my sons room getting way less play time. Both kids & their friends are btwn 11 & 17 yr olds. & yes you can download additional songs for Rock Band.
  17. Remember on any given week end outlets are jam-packed? Well, multiply that times 2 or so. Also beware of the traffic congestion at the outlets that are having their first experience at midnight openings. Actually the police jurisdictions supporting those openings. Not a breaking the law thing, but their lack of a plan usually just plain sucks or hurts my time line. Case in point. Williamsburg VA. I got there at 10:30. Well within 6 miles of there. Fortunately, knowing the area I was able to hit and run the one store. But the traffic management was ridiculously mis-managed. Not a pandemonium of elbows and fists, but as an example the 2lane highway-the lane that entered the stores was backed up 4 miles. The parking lot that held 500 cars, folks were continuously directed into, but there were no spaces!!!! Along the lines of hard-core BF folks. I saw more sight see'rs meaning "oh, let's just go out and see whats going on - slow moving - hands in their pockets - milling about just to kill time - people!!! I'm to the point now of trying to get deals prior to then, and especially try to avoid outlet shopping. Due to the traffic problems and silly folks.
  18. Exactly, where do you find the Military Deal. I've just spent :30min with disappointing results. Hope this is true, I've 04 computers to upgrade.
  19. Mee Three. Or at least a cord adapter! An aftermarket DDR mat had plugins for PS2/XBx/&Wi but still, lookin for this fix.
  20. Well, since it was Nov you ordered (I did allot too), by mid-Dec I would have been tracking, or calling, or something. Sorry about your plans gone awry. :24 min may work. Day prior to Christmas I had placed an online order, went the 20mi, and ended up standing around (was the only one in line, but :30min later, watched about 10 folks come and go). The store manager apologized, then immediately stated their policy applied and a gift card would be provided once they rounded up all my items. I ended up Very satisfied.
  21. I'm in VA as well, and I dooo have a success story. I've got one plugged in under the porch where it dooooes keep down the spiders trying to roost above. But I wouldn't purchase another.
  22. Nope, nothing left at Bluray site
  23. made it to small appliance, but no brown box!
  24. Watch Out, allot of my games were: "Leaves warehouse in 2 - 3 weeks. - (Details)"
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