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Panda Girl

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Posts posted by Panda Girl

  1. Sometimes at the post office in the "moving" packets that come with a change of address form. There will be a 10% off coupon, but Id read the fine print.


    Maybe it's just my area but I checked the packets at the PO recently and no HD or Lowe's coupons.


    Will HD take an expired HD coupon???

  2. Grrr I remember years ago I went to Charleston South Carolina and they have a market place. My DD was 9 months at the time. I found this vendor that was selling beautiful "hand embroidery and shadow embroidery" dresses, I think I paid $25. He said he had family in the Phillipiens that made them. Beautiful little dresses.


    When I got back I was shopping at Babies R Us and FOUND THE SAME DRESS!!!! I was suckered!!! and kicked myself for a long time!!!

  3. Not sure if this will work all the timebut it worked for me on Tuesday.

    Last Sunday I bought 2 of the $10 candles, I couldn't smell, so I went on the advice of the clerk. I wanted them for work. The next day when I could smell I didn't like them, they were Sparkeling Angel. The President's Birthday sell was thru Monday.


    I took them back (no burnt) on Tuesday and asked if I could exchange the 2 for 2 others that were on sale. SHE LET ME EXCHANGE THEM FOR ANYTHING I WANTED!!!! I was willing to settle for 2 that had been $10. She said I'll just pretend that I didn't see this recipt and you can pick whatever you want. She was very helpfull in helping me find something for work. I still couldn't smell, I get in there and all the smells over welm my nose.

  4. I'm on my second one. The first one gave out after about 5 years. Though I don't use the grind spot as often, because then I would have to clean everything out before I could use it again. So most of the time I just grind my beans in a smaller grinder. Also by doing it this way I use fewer beans because when it moves the ground coffee over to the basket to brew you lose alot of coffee.


    But I love the other features. Like the 1-4 cup slower brew, makes coffee taste better. Also I just got a Brita Slim water filter for $5 at Walmart and wow it really makes a differance in the taste of the coffee. I buy gormet coffee from a local roaster. I love coffee!!!

  5. I got an email from ebay today


    <<We wanted to let you know that we received your return for the above-referenced order.


    If you are due a refund, it will be processed to the payment method used for the order. We'll send you an e-mail confirming the amount once the refund has been completed. For more information about refunds, please visit our Help pages>>

  6. Thanks for that wonderful info. That's kind of what I thought, but wasn't sure. You always pay a premium for the "name".


    I remember back around 89ish. Game Boy did all the advertising even though their product was so inferior to Sega Game Gear. Game Boy was bad graphics and black and white. Where Sega Game Gear was a little bigger but had fabulous graphics and was in color. But Game Boy won the war because of advertising, and it was the "in " thing to buy.


    I still have mine. :)

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