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Panda Girl

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Posts posted by Panda Girl

  1. I consider myself a chocaholic, and in my opinion Godiva is one of the best, they are over priced, but at half off if you love good chocolate it maybe worth it,

    I love Chocolate, but I decided life it to short to eat cheap chocolate. Don't confuse cheap with inexpensive - big differance. I do love Dove Dark Chocolate. I don't like Milk Chocolate or fake chocolate like that stuff they call white chocolate.


    But Godiva Dark chocolate somewhere around the 65% is awsome. (Can't remember the exact %) YOu get a good chocolate taste without being overly sweet. In the boutiques they have some large flat bars for around $5 that are a good value, if you can control your self. Just eat one square at a sitting, and that will satisfy your Chocolate craving. Or if it is good Chocolate a little goes a long way!!!

  2. I'm with Cingular and both get charged. If I receive a text message from someone I don't know.... even if I don't open it. I am charged. If I send a text, I am charged. Also for downloading these songs... I am charged the internet fee. It is all pretty minimal for a few, but would add up quickly for many uses.


    Sorry.... it's AT and T.... always forget.

    I did have this blocked on my phone. So I went to the website and was able to unblock this till I get a couple of new ringtones.


    Go to www.cingular.com (easier to type)

    sign in

    and on the right side it says

    Rate Plans and Features - click

    Add Manage Feature - click

    scroll down to Manage Existing Features

    and to block click WIX Blocked

  3. Tomorrow, December 12, all stores will slash prices by 40% to 50% off.


    It's about time because the prices are higher than their sale prices.

    I had bought a vanity last year for $199 and last saturday when I went in the store it was $239 down from the marked down cost of $279


    I asked the girl why - she said the prices were set by the liquidators not Bombay.

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