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Everything posted by Marcster

  1. I use Sygate Personal Firewall Pro. There is a free version, however: http://smb.sygate.com/products/spf_standard.htm
  2. I know... The kid's attitude is "Yeah, so what!"
  3. Marcster


    I'm sure they'll have something. They love to have sales any other time of year...
  4. http://www.ebaumsworld.com/images/peeneck.jpg
  5. Oh, come on now, I was only joking.
  6. I just bought the Kodak Z740 at Best Buy, on sale for $299.99 down to $283.99 less a 12% coupon and my single BBB. It has 5MP w/10x Zoom. http://www.steves-digicams.com/2005_reviews/z740.html You can buy the same camera on BF for $299.99 w/$75 MIR on an camera over $199.00 @ Office Depot. Replaces my Panasonic DMC-L33 http://www.steves-digicams.com/2003_reviews/lc33.html. Quite a step up!
  7. Great thread, bigjimslade! I'd also like to suggest folks get a mouse with a wheel if their computer doesn't come with one. Many low-priced desktops come with mice that don't have a scroll wheel and some aren't even laser mice (they have the old, mechanical ball rotating inside). The wheel is so handy to scroll up and down long web pages, documents, etc. Laptops don't come with a mouse at all. If you are buying one for a laptop, cordless are best. Make sure to get one with a small plug-in receiver (all "notebook" cordless mice, and a growing number of full-sized Logitechs).
  8. Problem solved: http://www.amerimark.com/images/2/242/full/24208.jpg http://www.acespilotshop.com/pilot-supplies/safety/safety.htm ss Here is another thread all about this: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=20016
  9. I guess not, LOL! saturnboy01 -- Joined: 11-15-2005 Total Posts: 443 (72.26 posts per day) Find all posts by saturnboy01 Find all threads started by saturnboy01 You're posting more than me! (44.0 posts per day).
  10. 10 GottaPoints per day?
  11. Ross... Could you ban me M-F from 8 am to 6 pm?
  12. Yeah, the grocery store coupons you get in the Sunday paper... They don't "double" coupons though.
  13. I can't see why they wouldn't... You can use grocery coupons there...
  14. I know how you feel, several times I've considered getting the ladder myself to retrieve things off the top shelf in hardware.
  15. Anti-competition laws. Probably to prevent stores like Wal-Mart from stealing customers from K-Mart, etc.
  16. You do realize that BB has no AOL deal, right? That's just with CompUSA and Circuit City...
  17. *cough, cough*, RIOTS!, *cough*
  18. To quote Pretty Woman: Shop assistant: Hello, can I help you? Vivian: I was in here yesterday, you wouldn't wait on me. Shop assistant: Oh. Vivian: You people work on commission, right? Shop assistant: Yeah. Vivian: Big mistake. Big. Huge. I have to go shopping now.
  19. Makes me think of this picture: http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Funny/4a6_goodidea2.jpg
  20. When my wife and I were dating, we both lived at home, about 50 minutes apart. We noticed over a couple of phone calls, that our circulars for Best Buy had slightly different prices (5-10%) on certain items.
  21. Maybe you should consider it an early delivery for tomorrow.
  22. Done! And it only took 4 days to add 10K more!
  23. Or maybe she gets a commision on the sale at full price! http://i23.photobucket.com/albums/b399/Marcster2005/Smileys/Nasties/sourgrapes.gif
  24. Wow!!! People are going to need to start camping out at 8 pm on Thursday night.
  25. $378 for the laptop here & $398 for the desktop.
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