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Everything posted by dmintelsgt

  1. I ditto this! Very annoying - little sticky balls get everywhere - stuck in the carpet even - worst toy idea of 2008!
  2. I think she has a valid complaint and since the incident took place at a business the Mayor owns, it is within his right to call the UPS supervisor. The UPS driver should be moved to a different route. Our UPS driver always hides packages behind our gate - I think it is nice that he takes the time to ensure the package won't be stolen - but it took me a while to figure out his hiding place, I wish he would have left me note under the door!
  3. Arrived at JCPenny @ 0415 - out @0505 - lots of clothes for the kids, checkout lines sucked... 0515 @ Sears crowds were horrible and the store set up made for mass confusion, things were not where they should have been, wrong items in sale area, sales person inexperienced... I did two separate check outs there one for tools and then I went back for clothes... both times my credit card company put a hold on the transactions for security reasons - I had to call them and tell them "Hey, I'm Chirstmas shopping today!!!" Arrived at Target at 0730, not much interested me there so we were out by 0800. I did some price adjusting (over $120 back thanks to gottadeal!! ) at TRU around 0815, then picked up a couple of little things since the store was not crowded like I expected. Next I actually went to Circuit City and bought my daughter's stereo - in and out in 25 minutes! After that I was brave enough to go to the mall, got the VIP bag deal @ BBW. I made a stop at Michaels for my mom and then swung by Kohl's but it was insane so I left. Picked up some little webkins at Walgreens then headed to my mom's to drop off and take inventory. On the way home I hit another Target and got the electronic valet they were out of at the other store! :) Home by 1230 and taking a nap by 1300! All in all it was a successful BF!
  4. Mine said they would price adjust for up to 30 days to include BF!
  5. EEEK - rain in Tucson on BF - oh no!
  6. People who bring their whole family and I mean cousins, uncles, aunts, babies, toddlers, etc like they are going to a family reunion then stand there in the aisle way either not moving at all or at .5mile an hour speed acting like they don't know what they are there for - Move outta my way I'm on a mission!!! :mad:
  7. I need the Target and Circuit City ads too!!! Oh please, please, please BF gods hand down the ads!!!
  8. At least it's a tip on where to find them - I'm sure the information will help someone! :)
  9. Good grief! I just stopped by there to exchange a jacket - wrong size. The place was a mad house!!! Wall to wall people and stuff thrown EVERYWHERE!! What a mess... I lucked out and was the only one in customer service then I beat feet outta there!
  10. Our paper just announced that the 3 Mervyns in Tucson, AZ will be closing over the holidays! I love Mervyns for my youngest DDs clothes.
  11. I'm really starting to get antsy now! I can't wait for the big ads to get in!!! Sooooooo excited!!
  12. Usually I start out with just ME and maybe one friend. Sometimes I pick up my mom around 8am to help me finish shopping. This year I have a new friend who is completely excited about going with me - she has 3 kids to shop for and I have 2. My group might get as big as 4 or 5 this year since my aunt moved to town - we'll just have to see what the ads are like this year. I'm usually done with all my shopping by noon. DH stays home w/the girls and won't leave the house on BF unless it was on fire!
  13. Not one I would have guessed - but YAY!!! I can't wait to see more!!!
  14. dmintelsgt


    Oh, you are right... we adopted two fur babies in August, I hope they don't eat the tree (they love plants - weird dogs). I guess I'll have to watch for pet store ads this year as well. I don't recall any BF ads for Petsmart, but I wasn't in the market before.
  15. Big who ??? Their loss! Plenty of other stores in which to spend my $$$.
  16. Sweeeeeet! Thanks, I had not seen or heard about this!
  17. Uh roll out of bed, dress, shop, shop, shop, shop, shop, shop, drive home, crash in the bed until Saturday! That's pretty much how it happens every year. Although last year I missed BF and Christmas because I was deployed, I plan on making up for it this year! (I have to get DH credit, he did a great job shopping and the girls had a wonderful Christmas)
  18. Definately Target, I usually get most of the kids stuff there... I will also be checking out Sears, Kmart, JCPenny's, and TRU (although I dread TRU on BF).
  19. I agree, I never shop there because they are way over priced, but I might have to check them out this year.
  20. I did not know that! Thanks so much! Is there a time frame - i.e. if it was over 3 months am I out of luck?
  21. The character Thermos were on sale for $3.49 regular $14.99 (Hello Kitty, High School Musical, etc.) I wish I had the receipts from when I bought 2 at $14.99! I got an additional one at the cheaper price in case I need spare for hot lunches this winter.
  22. The Tucson El Con Mall Target has some 75%, off girls clothing - lots of cute summer items (Its still in the 90s here!)... some cute tanks that could be used for layering this fall and winter - $3.49! I also saw a couple outfits my daughter already has at 75% (darn it!). The Target on Broadway is also having a sale but it is much more picked over.
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