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Everything posted by kmcnabb108

  1. Try Geeks.com They have different ones, some with screens.
  2. I don't see it for that price.
  3. I got this for my daughter last year! It is so much fun! It gets it right 8 times out of 10!!! This is great for long car trips!
  4. Thanks! I LOVE Arby's!:)
  5. Oh my gosh! Now I'm getting nervous about my packages arriving for christmas!
  6. How is Overstock shipping? I ordered something on the 13th and it hasn't been shipped. I need it for Christmas and am getting worried! Has anyone had a problem with them before?
  7. I was wondering when they would recall these!
  8. Darn, unavailable! I could have used one of those!
  9. These are going fast! By the time I got to check out, they were unavailable! Still got a pair for my daughter! Good post!
  10. I haven't had any problems so far.
  11. Great! I missed the other one!
  12. I never heard of that one....
  13. Oh my gosh! I haven't ordered from them, and now I'm not sure I will.
  14. I think I'll pass also.
  15. I hope my DVD's arrive for Christmas! I thought a week was long enough for shippig.
  16. found it! Use this coupon when shopping at Avon.com for 10% off and free shipping on ANYTHING: BDAY2006 Offer expires 12/31/06
  17. Avon also had some great deals with free shipping....let me find the free shipping code & I'll post it for ya.
  18. Joined in November and have been addicted ever since!
  19. Hmmm...that doesn't sound too good. Are they going to quit makeing the FLY PEN????
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