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Posts posted by Brad

  1. Time for another contest...


    How to enter: reply to this thread with a memorable Black Friday deal you scored in the past. It could be something you waited in line for hours to get, something that was a killer deal, something that was for an important gift - whatever you'd consider memorable. Feel free to include more than one if you'd like.


    Entries will be accepted until 11:59pm CT on Friday, November 10th. At that point I'll randomly select 3 winners from all eligible entries and you will each win a $25 Target gift card!


    Note: unlike past years with t-shirt contests, if you won a gift card this year you are welcome to try to win another.


    Good luck to everyone!

  2. Update: it is December 1st which means the Prize Club is closed to new members.



    It's back....

    Six years ago we started a club for those who are able to post in a thread once per month all year long. The 2018 club winners received t-shirts. The 2019 club winners received tote bags. For 2020 we gave away sparkly GD enamel pins. For 2021 we gave away super-bright LED flashlights. 2022 members received a pair of zippered storage pouches and 2023 members received 20th anniversary magnets and stickers.

    For 2024 the prize will once again be a mystery until they are shipped out, but I have the prizes already and I think you'll find them useful.

    All you have to do to win is post in this thread at least once per month from now (November 2023) through October 2024. 12 months, 12 posts.

    You can post as much or as little as you’d like. You could just post “I’m here” or give a 3,000 word monthly update on your life. It doesn’t matter. You can post more than once per month - feel free to reply to others or just be chatty in here. This is what happened the last few years and it was great to see everyone posting all year long. Note that empty posts or quote-replies with no actual reply included won’t count.

    Anyone successfully doing this will get a prize next year. No random drawing, no luck needed. But if you miss a month, you’re out. Hopefully you stick around a little longer than the 6 seconds it takes to post each month, but that’s up to you.

    For the purposes of this contest, each month starts on the 1st at midnight Central time. Also, posts in this thread will not count towards any other Black Friday forum posting contests in 2023 or 2024.


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  3. Time for another contest. We do this one every few years so let's bring it back this year...

    How to enter: reply to this thread and post a one or more recipes for your favorite holiday foods. Whether it's Christmas cookies, stuffing for Thanksgiving, a Halloween treat or anything else you'd like, share the recipe with everyone here.

    Hopefully it's something you've made every year that you love, or if you are "baking-challenged", find a recipe that sounds good and post that one. Feel free to tell everyone why it's so good and/or include pics to make everyone hungry.


    Entries will be accepted until 11:59pm CT on Tuesday, October 31st. At that point I'll randomly select 3 winners from all eligible entries and you will each win a $25 Walmart / Sam's Club gift card!


    Note: unlike past years with t-shirt contests, if you won a gift card you are welcome to try for another.

    Good luck to everyone!


    Also for anyone looking for more recipes to make this year, here are some of the recipe contest threads we've done in the past:


    2009: https://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/101740-post-a-recipe-win-gottadealcom-black-friday-survival-kits-winners-chosen

    2010: https://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/119822-post-a-holiday-recipe-win-gd-reusable-grocery-bags-winners-posted/

    2011: https://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/151783-contest-post-a-recipe-win-a-black-friday-t-shirt-winners-posted/

    2017: https://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/278035-post-a-recipe-win-black-friday-t-shirts-winners-posted/

    2020: https://forums.gottadeal.com/topic/331554-post-a-recipe-win-mystery-shirt-prize-packs-winners-posted


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