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Everything posted by Brad

  1. Also, a lot of their "lab-created" jewelry is labeled as introductory prices, and it says prices will jump up pretty significantly after the holidays.
  2. I haven't gotten to that one yet - give me another 30 minutes or so and it should be linked, otherwise I'll try to find out that info.
  3. Yep, and I'm linking as many of the items as I can right now, and I'm finding most of them on the site, so there should be plenty of them available online starting Thanksgiving Day.
  4. The full ad has now been posted. 350+ items total, all typed up by me and ready to be stolen . Items on the BF site with the asterisk (*) are the early bird items, so you may see the same item wtice with one price/discount with the asterisk and one without it - that means the price/discount changes at 11am. http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/Sales/Store/sears The actual ad scans will be posted tomorrow, so you can look forward to that as well :) Enjoy!
  5. There was some confusion about the before and after amounts for the rebate items so those have changed on the BF site. Again, all of this is unconfirmed :)
  6. We were supplied with a list of rumored Ace Hardware Black Friday sale ad items and have posted them on the BF site: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/Sales/Store/ace These are not confirmed (as we don't have the actual ad just yet). I'm guessing there will be more items added once the actual ad comes out, but you can start adding these to your shopping lists. And like always if they turn out to be fakes, they will just be removed from this site and your shopping lists (but who would go through all the trouble to create a fake list? espcially for a low-profile place like Ace, lol) And yes, the Sears ad will still be coming out later this afternoon/tonight. This Ace ad will have to be your fix for now
  7. The points are stored in the DB rounded to 2 decimal points, so the two pages might round them off differently (don't know why that would happen). No big deal - if you ever need 1 more point to buy something and your profile shows the correct amount let us know.
  8. Brad

    Target BF ads

    See: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=14785
  9. GD launched as a deal site 1/1/04. The forum opened 6/1/04 with just the deal-related forums - the others were added over time as need necessitated them. As far as I can remember, we`ve really only banned people for spamming. We are pretty good about ignoring the trolls and most go away quickly. As Ray said I`ll have a "State of GD" thread soon just to highlight all of the new stuff and all the new people on the site over the last month. That should let newbies like you Marcster catch up on things a little more. It won't be a thread with new rules or anything - just a chance to provide an update on everything :)
  10. That's the same that Amazon.com has it for. I was hoping they'd bring back the free $15 iTunes card with the purchase like they had when it was $285 - maybe in a few days.
  11. Black Friday isn't Black Friday without people (who are the nicest people 364 days out of the year) fighting complete strangers for the last crappy $19.99 DVD player :)
  12. Updated the list on the BF site linking some of the items I could find on the Costco.com site.
  13. The site that posted the HF ads has spammed our forums in the past as well as blatantly stole non-BF content from my other sites in the past (I had to go to their hosting company to get it removed), so they will get no free advertising here. Case closed.
  14. We've had these all morning, and can't verify them yet, but we figured we'd post them and if they are not legit or for a different ad besides BF, we'll remove them once we know: http://blackfriday.gottadeal.com/Sales/Store/costco
  15. Again, we ask that there is no more complaining about other sites. We're not going to do it anymore and we ask that nobody else does here. If we have threads like this every time a new ad comes out it's just going to clutter up the BF forum and take away from the more important, actual BF threads :) We know what ads we had first, you know what ads we had first, and that's all that matters
  16. Continue discussion in this thread, and please search before posting: http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=16400
  17. Keep in mind that we also have the ability to prevent certain threads from earning GottaPoints, so if we see it happening anywhere on the forum, we'll do so and you won't even know it Like RossMAN said, the points are their to reward people who make this a better forum. It isn't fair to someone who doesn't post "to just get points" to have to compete with people who do to win the prizes. Thread Locked :)
  18. Brad

    More BF ads

    Nobody knows
  19. Brad

    Apple/Mac deals this BF

    Usually the store's can't advertise Apple stuff below the list price. But they can (and often do) include free items with the purchase. For good deals on Apple stuff now, check out Amazon.com - they have exclusive mail-in rebates which makes a lot of their items cheaper.
  20. Make sure the L in List is capitalized.
  21. Minimizing it doesn't help the load time because the list is still loaded everytime the page is viewed even if it's minimized. But after BF the list should go back down to a more manageable size so it will be back :)
  22. Sounds fair enough. Maybe we'll just add the current total to the other stats and get rid of the long listing until after BF and everyone leaves, lol.
  23. I don't know what RMC is, but we're going with an "NMC" policy from here on out: No More Complaining about ads being taken/stolen/altered/etc... by other sites. You know if we had an ad first, we know if we had an ad first, and that's all that matters :) However if other sites get ads first, we're going to do the exact same thing that they have been doing to us And we better not here one peep out of them about it.
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