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Miss Indiana USA needs your votes she is slipping out of the lead

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A very dear friend of mine is going for miss USA and she is from Indiana she needs your vote for her glam shot,








So take a moment and vote for Courtni Hall

Edited by Illinoismom
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As a Hoosier myself, I would normally be inclined to cast my vote. However, I must first evaluate the competitors and make sure that they all get equal consideration. This could take anywhere from hours to days or even months.


Of course, a date with the candidate could help me to make my decision more quickly.


See if you can make that happen.



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As a Hoosier myself, I would normally be inclined to cast my vote. However, I must first evaluate the competitors and make sure that they all get equal consideration. This could take anywhere from hours to days or even months.


Of course, a date with the candidate could help me to make my decision more quickly.


See if you can make that happen.



Although I would love to honor that request. But as I know you have a wife and I really do not think I could do that to your wife

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Voted for hair and glam. Can you only vote once? I will vote for web interview as soon as it opens up if someone keeps this thread bumped.

You might want to ask for votes for hair to, she is a bit behind in it, not to bad though.

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