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Okay, I need some advice on what to do here. I purchased a new heat pump/ central air unit from Sears in 2005. Since then it has had nothing but problems. Fortunately I paid for the extended service plan (10 years). Unfortunately my latest attempts to get the system repaired have been very frustrating.


The main problem with the pump is the circuit board that runs the supplemental heat. This is what kicks in when it is very cold and the heat pump can't keep up. Two years ago it burnt out and had to be replaced. Last year it quit again. This time it was the fuse. The fuse was replaced. Then on Dec 22 we woke up to a cold house. It was out again. December 23rd the repairman came out and checked the circuit board. He said it was burnt out again, this time because the previous repairman had put in the wrong size fuse.


Of course the part had to be ordered. Being December 23rd the part could not be delivered until Friday. The repairman made an appointment to come back on Monday (December 29th). Friday and Saturday came, no part. So on Sunday I called and they said the part was still at the warehouse. It would be shipped out Monday or Tuesday. The part had not even been shipped! So they rescheduled the appointment for Friday (January 2nd). My wife and I were both off work that day so we sat around and waited. The technician was supposed to come between 8:00-12:00. We waited around all morning. By 11:30 I called to see where he was. I was told that I didn't have an appointment and that they showed we were still waiting for the part. The part had been delivered on Tuesday of that week and was sitting right there on my counter (Sears ships the part to you instead of the repair center). I asked at that time to be transferred to a supervisor. I was on hold for 5 or more minutes before I was disconnected. Frustrated that we had wasted our last day of vacation waiting around the house I decided to go on and take the kids down the road and deal with it on Monday.


So earlier this week I called again and scheduled someone to come out yesterday, Friday (January 9). Again the repairman was supposed to some between 8:00-12:00. My wife stayed home and waited. When 11:00 came and there was no call and no repairman I called again. They said they would send a message to the repair man asking him to call and let us know when he was coming. By 11:55 I had received no call. I called the 800 number back and was told the repairman was one stop away and would call me. Around 12:30 I got a call saying he was about 30 minutes away. My wife had to leave for work at 1:30 so there was no way he would be able to get there in time to fix it. I called and complained, talk to a supervisor and AGAIN rescheduled the appointment for this Monday (January 12) (8:00-12:00). So I just got a voice mail this afternoon saying that the technician may be running 30 minutes late on Monday. I called back to ask why this was and after being on hold for 10+ minutes I talked to a supervisor and was disconnected mid conversation. Called back and held another 10 minutes to talk to a different supervisor. They first said they had no idea why I got a call that the technician was going to be late as they would not know that until the actual day of service. When I gave them the name of the person who called and the time they decided to ask the routing department. The person I talked to came back and said that though there was a slight possibility the technician would be late he probably wouldn't and he would call me early in the morning to confirm that he was coming.


So my situation is this. I basically have no recourse with these people. I can't ask for a credit because the heat pump is long since paid for and I am paying nothing for the service due to the extended warranty. I can't take my business elsewhere, again due to the extended warranty. Any advice on what I could do here? If this was the cable company I would (and have) asked for a credit. I feel a lot of my time has been wasted here and I have been very inconvenienced but I don't know what to do about it.

At this point, I'd call and ask for the name and address for the district/regional manager as well as corporate. Send a nasty nastygram. I have also had HORRIBLE HORRIBLE service with Sears and avoid them whenever I can. Sorry to hear about your experience.

Oh, you can ask for some credit and you deserve it with this situation. If it were me I would call corporate and tell them of all of the issues and ask for a full refund for the heat pump AND a full refund for the extended warranty.

I've dealt with Sears on a refrigerator issue and I can tell you they were delivering a new one after EVERYONE at the store level told me I was out of luck. I had issues with the second one and when I called the store they had one here the next day! What a difference it make when you involve corporate!


You get much further with honey... I would professional outline what you have gone through. Emphasize the fact that because you like shopping at Sears in the first place, you purchased the extended warrenty for the product etc. Explain your level of patience and how you spent cold holidays with your family because of this issue. Attacking a business once youve decided you need to go "higher up" the management chain is never a good way to start. It will be the first time that this person hears of your story and they always respond better if they feel there is a futher customer to keep. Its hard to do everything to make someone happy if they are already starting with "ill never shop there again" kind of attitude. I would ask for a new system, yours sounds like a lemon anyway!


Good luck, sorry to hear about the chilly issues youve had.

A good friend of mine had a similar situation with her washer...it took weeks to work it out, and no washer to use (yes, I offered mine). She ended up calling the store manager, working her way up the chain to a regional person. They did give her a credit for all her wasted time. In some states there are actual laws about this---so you could give the Consumer Affairs folks in your area a call, too. I would ask for all the money back for everything, as you no longer have faith in their ability to service the lemon. It's unlikely that you will get, but if you don't ask you won't get anything.
We had a similiar problem with Home Depot. Keep a detailed calendar of every phone call you make and whom you spoke to. The poster who said get the district manager involved is right. Call that person and read to him all of the notes that you have made. Trust me they don't want any trouble and they will get it fixed asap. I always do this when I am dealing with any big ticket item. Don't sign anything unless you read it. Also, if a service person comes over and says someone will be back at so and so time GET IT IN WRITING it will be your word against someone else if you don't. This has saved us alot of headache.
  Dutchess said:

You get much further with honey... I would professional outline what you have gone through. Emphasize the fact that because you like shopping at Sears in the first place, you purchased the extended warrenty for the product etc. Explain your level of patience and how you spent cold holidays with your family because of this issue. Attacking a business once youve decided you need to go "higher up" the management chain is never a good way to start. It will be the first time that this person hears of your story and they always respond better if they feel there is a futher customer to keep. Its hard to do everything to make someone happy if they are already starting with "ill never shop there again" kind of attitude. I would ask for a new system, yours sounds like a lemon anyway!


Good luck, sorry to hear about the chilly issues youve had.

I AGREE!!! I always tell them, I totally understand this is not your fault, but I am very very frustrated. And I really need this taken care of and I need to talk to somebody that has the authority to help me. MOVE UP THE CHAIN THOUGH....somebody will help you...eventually.


Explain what your family has been through "calmly". Tell them you have children. It is cold. And you put your trust in their product and their service and at Christmas time your family was in the cold. And this was not the first time. You have had multiple problems with this unit.


I did Tech Support and it is the same will ALL customer service. It all depends on who you talk to. I would hear other people on the phone and think...are you kidding me? So make sure you call back until you get somebody that you can talk to. And go up the chain. Be nice about it and kinda make them feel important. Just say....I Hope you can help me and if they can't, ask for their supervisor until you get somebody with the "AUTHORITY" to actually make decisions. Maybe they can replace your unit since you have had so many problems with it. And if not, maybe they can at least extend your warranty since you may need it. Its worth a try. But you really do have to be patient. But make sure they know EXACTLY what you want. Don't be affaid to ask for it.


My mom and my brother in law had problems with their lawn mowers from Sears and both ended up leaving with NEW ONES. But they had to keep calling and dealing with people. If you can get to a person that UNDERSTANDS your situtation it will be better. Not all the reps are the same quality...TRUST ME!!! The person sitting at another desk is probably sitting there shaking their head like I did on many occassions thinking....seriously??? So KEEP CALLING...it really can make a difference in WHO you talk to.


Thanks everyone for your replys. Just to clear up a point so you don't feel too bad for us. We did have heat over the holidays. This is the supplemental heat that is out. It only kicks in when it gets really cold and the heatpump can't keep up. It was in the mid 50's here at Christmas.


As of today, Monday, I was told that they were going to call me 'first thing'. Well it is 9:50 AM and I have heard nothing. Getting ready to call back. Good advice everyone. Thanks!


Get names and call back numbers (direct lines). Chances are, just asking for the direct line will get you a manager, which should help. And I would be asking for a credit for all those wasted hours!


Good Luck!


Im having a problem with Sears right now. Last Friday my fridge thermostat was supposed to be in (ordered 10 days prior). Sent tracking #. By after on Friday (no call from Sears) my husband went online and checked the tracking#. Well.... tracking # no longer valid and says backordered. It would have been nice for them to call us. My husband called Sears and they just asked if we wanted to cancel?? Thermostat is now coming 1/25. Now my fridge isn't totally gone, but I can't use the fridge part. Only freezer is working. Soooo, no grocery shopping for and Im living out of freezer items. Kenmore fridge is only 5 years old. (we bought it from Sears).


Fighting them right now. Didn't even offer a replacement dorm fridge (I've had experience where stores do this). There response was if I got the extended warranty then they would, but ours was only for 1 year.


Never again will I buy from Sears


I had a really bad experience with Sears last year, and am dealing with them again now.


Last year my dryer stopped working. It would work, but was not getting heat. I too had purchased an extended warranty though them. Had my dryer for three years (purchased 5 year warranty). I scheduled an appointment. Sat home waiting on the day of, noone ever showed up. I did get a confirmation call the night before. When I called them they could not tell me why the guy did not show up. Only could reschedule. This time the guy comes. he was in the laundry rom about 5 minutes. COmes out explains the problem to be that we needed a new lent trap thingy. I can't see how that would stop the dryer form heating up, but he is the technician right? So hea leaves. I wash some clothes and then out them in the dryer. Guess what...NO HEAT! I call them abck. Have to schedule another appointment. They couldn't get someone here for another three days. Then they have to order the part. That took a week. Then have to have someone come back out to put the part back on. I was without a dryer for over two weeks. VERY FRUSTRATING!!!


Now last week my washer quit working. IT wont spin. So I call Sears. After getting disconected three times I finally got to talk to someone. Set up an appointment for the next day. Guess what...they tech never showed up. Called back, they said he got backed up and I was the last stop. So now I am expecting them tomorrow. It is very frustrating. I honestly dont think I will ever deal with Sears again once my warranty is expired.

I haven't dealt with Sears myself but a friend of mine bought all her appliances from them when they built their house and she has had nothing but trouble. At one point her oven on her stove didn't work and it took them over a month to get it fixed(the part was on backorder, they sent the wrong part, it was just a clusterfck of excuses and incompetence). On top of that, while fixing it they gouged up her slate floor so bad she had to have it redone. Sears said they would send someone out too look at it for compensation and after the 5th time that no one showed up she gave up and just paid to have the floor fixed.

Sorry you're having so many problems:no: I went through something VERY similar last year with my fridge/freezer. Basically, it died the Sunday before Thanksgiving. Ironically, they were able to get someone here the very next morning. He supposedly fixed the problem but he really didn't. Call back Monday night and they tell me they can't get anyone there until Wednesday morning. Morning turned into 6:30pm and when the tech finally came, he spent a total of 2 minutes looking at the fridge and told me I need a $300 dollar part. I refused to pay but he ordered it anyway and made the appt to come back 1 week later so I was out a fridge for t-day with no loaner, nothing. DH ran to Sears to buy a "loaner" for us but I still say Sears ruined out Thanksgiving.


Week later, someone calls to confirm the installation appt but I didn't have the part so she cancelled it. The day of the appt, the part comes and they won't give me my appt back and tell me it will be a few more days. This is when I lost it. Wrote complaints on different complaint boards, googled some names at the corporate office and wrote them, and spoke to one idiot at my local service dispatch who told me that refridgerater repairs weren't considered to be "urgent" calls. When I asked him what he would do without a freezer or refridgerator and 2 kids to feed, he suggested we stock up on canned food and eat out. I was livid. Made more calls, wrote more e-mails and to make and in the end, got NOTHING for my trouble. When the tech finally came, it was obvious that the sent the most competent, and nicest person they had. I asked him if it was by luck that the sent him and he said no, they knew I was upset so they sent him since he was a manager or something. Anyway, after spending 3 hours installing whatever it was, he waited here for 30 minutes just to make sure the fridge was working and it wasn't. He went out to the truck and I watched him having a heated argument with someone. He came back in, flushed my freon and withing minutes, my fridge was working again. He gave me the max allowance for spoiled food, waived the $$ I supposedly owed for the part I didn't need and apologized profusely for the inconvenience.


Basically, what I'm trying to say is Good Luck to you. I got nowhere with them but hopefully you can find some recourse. Maybe a refund of the service agreement?

  elena_398 said:


Fighting them right now. Didn't even offer a replacement dorm fridge (I've had experience where stores do this). There response was if I got the extended warranty then they would, but ours was only for 1 year.


Never again will I buy from Sears

We gave ourselves a replacement fridge. DH went to store, bought a midsize fridge and they day our fridge was fixed, I packed it up and brought it right back to the store and to avoid the 15% restocking fee I said the fridge didn't work well. I just didn't say which fridge wasn't working :blush:. Sorry but morals went out the window when I have to store my groceries in the fridge at my kids daycare for 2 weeks.

The big problem is sears contracts out the warranty work. My brother has 5 trucks that deliver there appliances and the people that are supposed to bring them to the warehouse for his guys to deliver shows up only 70% of the time. It drives him nuts as well as the customers. I would call and politely ask for the district manager so when the repair contract is up for this person it is not renewed.
No service again today. Talked to the technician at 11:45 and he admitted it would be another hour. I am not at all blaming this technician however. At least not this one (don't know about the one from Friday, it was the same moron who installed the wrong size fuse). He was the original guy out to my house and I really like him. He had promised to look into what was causing the boards to burn up and not just replace it and leave. When I talked to him he said that he told dispatch that his appointments would not start that day until 11:00. He also never received a message to call me 'first thing'. His schedule showed that he was supposed to be at my house around 1:15 PM. I talked to csr's, floor managers and someone from the 'executive office' today (yes I have names). None of them shared this with me though they were bound to have it. Rescheduled for Thursday (I can't do tomorrow or Wednesday) and was told by both the floor manager and the person from the 'executive office' that they could not guarantee me the first appointment. When I asked the person in the 'executive office' for her supervisors name and number she said the next step up was the corporate office. However she could only give me the address of the corporate office and not the number. I assured her that I was sure I could find the number for myself and she told me that was 'fine' but she was not allowed to give it to me. Thanks to a nice GD person I did not have to look far!

Sears Holdings Corporation (map)

3333 Beverly Road

Hoffman Estates, IL 60179

(847) 286-2500


By the way, I would definitly be on the phone with my local "problem solver" or consumer rep with the news by now. They seem to get miraculous and fast results.

This just goes to show why Sears had to file bankruptcy a couple years back.....incompetent help, sub-par products and higher prices. Luckily, I rent right now but in five years I will be shopping for a home. When that happens, I WILL NOT be going to Sears for my appliances.

So sorry for all the troubles. I think at this point, I would work my way up the Sears Food Chain and talk with someone who can rattle some heads. With all that you have been through, and as patient as you have been, they hopefully will work with you.


Just keep documenting everything that happens (or doesn't happen).


I'd have to pull out my warranty info, but isn't it that after so many tries, if it isn't fixed, they have to replace it with a same item (or similar item if that model is no longer available)?


Good Luck and please keep us posted!


We had a similiar issue with our washer/dryer a few years back. We got the W/D back in 2000 with the extended warranty and had a problem with rust spots on the clothes two years later. My DW contacted Sears repair, and they started by telling us that our warranty wasn't good since we crossed a state line where the item was purchased and we called shennegains on it and talked with a manager, who said it'd be repaired within a week. They never called and we followed up and they swore that we had a service call placed, but it was two weeks before we were even contacted by the service team for an appt. by the service team.


They came out and inspected the product and first he tried to tell me it'd be at least a week for a new tub and a new belt and before I could answer, he said, "If he could even get the part at all since the W/D were older models and no longer in stock items." I was shocked and told the guy that we had a warranty and to fix the problem and that I didn' want to hear any BS aout it! He went to his truck and replaced the belt, but the tub had to be ordered and would take a week.


Two weeks went by and we called Sears and explained what had hapened and they informed me that the tub they ordered was no longer in their stock and a replacement had to be ordered and should be in by that Friday and expect a call by Sat. We called them Monday and complained and they said the part was on back order and hung up.


We then called regional on them and complained and they said "they'd look into it." We got a call the following Friday saying the part was in and when would be a good time for them to come out. I told them ASAP. They came the following Monday saying they were backlogged, and I told them it was inexcusable since this had been going on for five weeks now. The repair was done and they guy said to me that he didn't think the repair would hold up since were basically putting the same type of tub. I talked to a manager as he was driving away and told him with the repair guy had told me and he assured me that the part was diferent and covered under the warranty. I told him that I was sick of the whole experience and was contacting corporate about the whole experience and he basically wished me luck.


My DW did the complaint starting from the beginning and going up to and including waiting 15 minutes for a live person to talk with on the other end. They're response was another reassurance that this wasn't going to happen again, as well as, a check for $90.00 for sending out our laundry and a $200.00 GC for our trouble.


Two weeks later, we got a bill for the repair and the parts. We contacted them saying the repairs were done as part of the warranty and they tried saying that the part was a warrantied part, since the replaced part wasn't on the original washer. We told them what had happened with the washer being DC'd and they basically said, well, too bad. Pay us! I then basically to them shove it and we weren't paying a bogus bill. I haven't heard from them since.

  civiclover88 said:

This just goes to show why Sears had to file bankruptcy a couple years back.....incompetent help, sub-par products and higher prices. Luckily, I rent right now but in five years I will be shopping for a home. When that happens, I WILL NOT be going to Sears for my appliances.

Sears didn't file bankruptcy--you're thinking of Kmart.


Sorry you're having trouble, but I will say I have had outstanding service. Always on time, courteous, and very competent. I would never buy an appliance anywhere else, and the service is one of the reasons.


I would keep calling and hopefully you'll get this resolved!


Well the heat finally got fixed on Thursday. The guy was there first thing in the morning, very nice and accommodating. Again my problem has never really been with the techs (except maybe the one guy that was late without a call, never found out that story). So the repairman showed up and installed the new circuit board and it immediately burned up. He said it was literally smoking. So he had to shut the whole thing down. He found the problem, a different faulty part that was burning out the first part. Now we are currently having the coldest weather our area of the country has experienced in years so no heat at all was going to be a MAJOR problem. However this technician didn't leave us out in the cold. When the Sears warehouse failed to have the correct part (big surprise- they never do!) he called around town until he found one, drove to the store and came back and fixed our heat! So happy since it is currently -2 Fahrenheit outside! (I know some of you from up north probably think that's a heat wave!)


Anyway, I think I am going to call and get his name and technician's number. Then I am calling corporate. First I am going to compliment the technician. Then I am going to tell them all my problems with my equipment and the service I received from the phone/ scheduling department. I am seriously considering asking for a whole new system, if this thing was smoking who knows what other damage was done. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!

  zooskoo said:

Sears didn't file bankruptcy--you're thinking of Kmart.


Sorry you're having trouble, but I will say I have had outstanding service. Always on time, courteous, and very competent. I would never buy an appliance anywhere else, and the service is one of the reasons.


I would keep calling and hopefully you'll get this resolved!

Sears may not have filed for bankruptcy yet. But with service like this it could be just around the corner. Just in our area we have lost (or are losing) in the last month- Steve and Barry's, Goody's, Circuit City. Macy's and GAP in bordering towns are closing. It's a tough time to keep a business afloat. You have to do a VERY good job.

Wow, a relative of mine had a very serious problem with sears. She bought a washing machine and later had to change it because it was acting up. Well they exchanged it for her but charged her for it also so she was being charged for two washing machines on her credit. She had hell getting the old machine off her credit, it took her almost two years of fighting with them!:no:
My only experience with Sears was a swimming pool that collapsed when it thawed the 4th year we had it. It had a 25 year guarantee but you are required to go through manufactureer. They said by pictures it looked a tree limb had fallen on it. It was not true, When it thawed it just went rushing across the yard. After 3 months of angry calls, I called the store and said hey look, you should stand behind your merchandise. The manager said he thought our problem had been resolved. I said no, they offered to sell me another one at a reduced price, he said no problem, they paid for it. When it comes to appliances we would rather pay a little more and buy from a smsall local store that we know will stsand behind anything they sell. We've had our maytag washer and dryer over 20 years and our fridge for 19. If you buy from a big chain just to get a cheaper price, you get what you pay for.
  rogueleader said:

..... The guy was there first thing in the morning, very nice and accommodating. Again my problem has never really been with the techs (except maybe the one guy that was late without a call, never found out that story). So the repairman showed up and installed the new circuit board and it immediately burned up. He said it was literally smoking. So he had to shut the whole thing down. He found the problem, a different faulty part that was burning out the first part. Now we are currently having the coldest weather our area of the country has experienced in years so no heat at all was going to be a MAJOR problem. However this technician didn't leave us out in the cold. When the Sears warehouse failed to have the correct part (big surprise- they never do!) he called around town until he found one, drove to the store and came back and fixed our heat!


Anyway, I think I am going to call and get his name and technician's number. Then I am calling corporate. First I am going to compliment the technician. Then I am going to tell them all my problems with my equipment and the service I received from the phone/ scheduling department. I am seriously considering asking for a whole new system, if this thing was smoking who knows what other damage was done. Thanks everyone for your suggestions!

Do the technician a big favor and send an email/letter to the head of the service department and whoever else you can think of and let them know what he did for you. The guy probably runs his butt off and never gets as much as a "Thanks" from anyone.

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