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Veteran's Day Sale at Circuit City


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I wonder what their return policy & inventory will be like now that they've filed for bankrupty protection? :confused:

I wouldn't take anything I'm saying for 100% certainty, but from MY understanding, they are closing a bunch of stores. They will still have some stores, but are cutting back alot. They have no plans on closing their online sales. So if there aren't any stores around you, you may have to pay to send your return back. But I heard their online has no plans on going away. :yup:

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I would be careful about anything you think you'd have to take back. None of our store are scheduled to close (yet) but you just never know. Linens N' Things started out the same way, store closings then chapter 11 then completely gone. I think they are just trying get the last holiday season. But Circut City is also have trouble getting product to sell, Sony is a big one who recalled a big shipment to them after they announced their trouble. So I would get something if you think it's a good deal because I don't know if you see too much of a holiday sale from them - of they will actually have much in stock.
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There is a letter from the CEO stating that they will still operate as normal. You can find it here: http://www.circuitcity.com/ccd/genericContent.do?oid=231769


I am not sure how true it is since we all know how CEOs have a tendency to lie.



EDIT: Sorry, forgot to say thanks for this post! :)

Edited by diamond42377
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I've always liked CircuitCity and have had no real issues with them. I got a $300 laptop after rebate, last year with no problems. They have been around for a long time in my area and have recently changed/modernized a lot of their stores. The new ones are better and have more cash registers. I try to support the underdog:yup:
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I never had any problem with them they have been around long before Best Buy came to this area I have bought three tvs and a dvd system from them no problems.They are not closing any stores in SC.There is a lot of competition in electronics but right now they are not going under as many stores are.
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The Circuit City near my home has a huge liquidation sale going on. I am looking to buy two LCD tvs for Xmas, but I didn't see any great deals. The tvs were going for 10% of regular price. I'm sure that will change over time, BUT:


BEWARE. Circuit City is not shutting down these stores, THEY HAVE ALREADY SOLD THEM! I asked the manager why the prices in the store were different from the prices in their ad (more expensive, I might add), and he said that they (that particular store) were not owned by CC, but by a liquidation company, and WOULD NOT HONOR OR PARTICIPATE in the Black Friday events with the other stores. Also, any products bought there would have to be returned to the manufacturer for warranty issues.


Be careful, because everything about the store looks like Circuit City - the employees are still wearing the red shirts with the CC logo on them, the store signs, everything...



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Don't expect any great deals in Liquidation sales, :no:except at the very end. The company hires, or is forced to hire (by the bankruptcy court) a liquidation company to move product out of its closing stores. The reason is because the court wants the stores to make as much profit as possible to pay creditors. This is relatively new, but was inacted because companies would simply blow out their inventories as quickly as possible with no regard to profit making. That's why now you'll see high end merchandise removed from the stores and broken items, returned items, and discontinued items brought in from other stores to be sold at high starting MSRP's with maybe 20%-40% taken off to make people think they are getting a good deal. It's all about psychology, you think a good deal because the sign says you are. Just remember to always bring a cellphone that has internet access to check prices before purchasing. I do this using Ebay and have talked myself out of alot deals, that weren't really deals. :yup:
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Exactly. A lot of the "sale prices" I saw were priced higher than they were on the Circuit City website. However, the biggest concern I have is that they told me that I couldn't return merchandise and I would not be able to get support from other Circuit City stores. I would have to deal with the manufacturer if I had any problems.
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I heard on the news last night that they went ahead and filed for bankruptcy to be able to keep their suppliers shipping them product, esp. to be able to stock for the upcoming holiday season.


That said, I was on CC's website this morning to check for music/movie deals & sales. When you click on that tab, you get a "find it in a store near you" message and you can only pick your local store. I cannot get any DVD to come up no matter what I pick. Guess they are not selling DVDs online any longer? :confused:

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