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Stressing About Lack of Shopping Done and Budget

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I've been procrastinating, but it's going to be time to sit down and look at my budget for the rest of the year. I have only gotten a few small gifts so far.


I realized today that I have 4 checks left between now and Christmas (including the one I get this week). My husband has 2 checks only (he's paid monthly). I also have 2 child support checks left between now and then.


That is just not that many considering I still have to pay w/ those checks at least Dec Rent (Nov is paid for and I'll get paid on 1/2 and can pay January's then if I absolutely have to). 4 car payments (2 in Nov and 2 in Dec.). Once again, I could push 1 car payment off to the Jan 2nd check as that date still falls within the "grace period", if push came to shove. I have 2 gas bills, 2 electric bills, 2 cable bills, and 2 car insurances left. **We have no credit cards, so no CC bills.


I hate pushing December's bills off until January- but it seems like that is the only way we can pay for Christmas every year. The only bright side is we're always caught up by mid-January, we do not touch a credit card at all, and we always pay within the grace period to not be reported. (We only push off what we know we can get away w/). It just seems like we have to rob Peter to pay Paul every Nov-January. It doesn't help that I also have 4 birthday between now and the end of the year too.


Anyone else starting to feel the anxiety of not too many paychecks left????


Doesn't help that we have not been able to pass a budget at work yet either. The are starting to talk cut-backs. I do not think my job per se will be affected, but you never know. My department has the least # of employee's of any department. Though we do the same volume of work, we just cannot seem to keep it staffed. So, I'm thinking worse case scenario they might not fill the 2 openings I currently have. I always worry about job security at this time of year when I do not have my gifts bought. I start imagining how will I give my son a Christmas or how will I pay those bills I pushed off a week or two. Ironically, the rest of the year I don't think much of it........who know's holiday financial anxiety is just starting to set in.

I really try to purchase a couple of gifts every month so I can focus on our kids when it gets close. I would do your best this year, and then plan even farther ahead the next year. I know it sounds crazy, but make a list of everyone you give a gift to, and see what you can do throughout the year!!!
i am stressing too but not too bad...yet i read somewhere that every 25 th of every month buy a gift then when dec 25 gets here you have tons of stuff problem is there is always something to spend the money on and i put it off til the next month maybe in '09 i'll try it
im having the same problem also however I have a really good start on x mas just have to pay my bills then go from there...after black friday that will really help me get more done..dh is going to be a struggle because I don't ever know what to even get him..I do buy all year and then starting in sept when I go out on the weekend I get at least 1 gift it helps BIG time..
I'm stressing the budget but fortunately I started pulling money out back in August whenever we could afford it. Now I have a good chunk of cash put away so that helps, but I always worry about money this time of year no matter how well I think I've prepared.

I usually am stressed but this year I planned really well. I stashed away 2,000.00 for the season for Xmas and for my heat bill because they talk how high it will be soon.


I have actuaully buckled down and did alot of my shopping.

I think its work alot better when you stash money away every month then when its time to shop you have it and it does not interfere with the holiday's

I feel the stress too. I do have a Christmas fund, but it is put into my savings account on October 1st. Something always comes up and it is usually gone before I can use it for Xmas. This year it went to fix my vehicle. However, this year my employer changed to biweekly paychecks. I am still trying to get use to that. This year my bank is offering a skip a payment on the loans that I have. That does help me enough to get what I need. On top of everything my employer is also doing layoffs. They just laid off 440 and they are talking about more in a couple weeks. So, we will see how things go. We always manage. Good luck

I've tried putting money away- it does not work. It goes this way every single year. I always get stressed this time of year, but we always make it through on cash only. 2 years ago I almost caved and charged Christmas, but we did not.


(My husband had received a modest lump sum of cash a few years ago for being hit by a car (as a pedestrian) when he was on the side of the road. Anyhow, we used a majority of it to pay off all our debt, and we swore we'd never use cards again.)


I've charged myself w/ sitting down this evening and figuring out our budget through the end of the year for sure. This way I can take a chunk of each of the 6 paychecks and buy the gifts we need, and I should be able to use both support checks in full for gifts.


It sounds like you have a good handle on what you are going to do.


Do you have friends or family that you can ask to help you find certain gifts. You could give them a list of items you are looking for and when they see it at a good price they could call and let you know. It can be difficult to find deals and save money especially at the holidays when you are working and have a family to take care of.


Also make a list of what you are going to get for everyone and vow to stick to it. I know it is easier said then done, but it is amazing how much more I can spend when I don't have a list.


How many people do you buy gifts for? Can you cut back on the list or on the amount you spend for each person.


I hope the holidays are less stressful for you and you are able to enjoy them with out feeling overwhelmed.


Have a great day!


I make my Christmas list and treat it like a Bible.


I also shop (mainly clearance) all year long. I shopped A LOT at the Target toy sale last year. I spent around $400-$500 when toys were 75% off. That's what I've used for birthday gifts all year and now will use for Christmas gifts. I just need to buy my daughter's 'Santa' gifts and a few giftcards and I'm done.


I have a lot of kiddos on my list so the toy sale really helped me out.

I am right there with you. I usually start shopping early-this year I started the end of August when I got DD8 a WII. I am half way through my list but am pretty much out of money. I have been really good about not using credit cards (I got married, bought a house and had a baby all in about 13 months so I racked up quite a large sum on those darn things) but I think I might have to use at least one to make sure I can pay all my other bills on time.

Still not much further along. I have some money set aside, and the budget looks good. Alittle tight, but if we're disciplined- it looks good. I tried shopping all day Saturday. Went to the mall. It was busy beyond belief. We had to circle around looking for a parking spot. Spent several hours there and left w/ a pair of shoes on sale for dh (for now).


Went to Walmart, bought 2 small things. Came home spent 2 hrs online looking for deals. NOTHING!!! Everyone is so hard to buy for this year.

I usually try to start my holiday shopping season on BF. I know some of you had your heart stop at that - you planners! But I love "the season" and shopping during the holidays. Last year was the first year I caved and shopped online - the money saved was too good- but normally I feel the online cheats you out of the spirt of holiday shopping. I love to shop for gifts for others. ANYWAY! This year I have had to start early because of some amazing bargins I've run into (thanks Gottadeal). So I can't complain at all about feeling behind in my shopping. I have not starting making any lists and I need to do that - I'm a huge list maker! I really don't know about the budgeting. My DH handles the money in our house - I don't fight him for that job either. I have an idea of what I want to spend on everyone and he tells me if it seems reasonable or not (it usually is) and we go from there. I get the best bang for my buck. Sometimes I can do a lot with $30 to spend on a kid!! Sometimes I know a specific item I want for a person but I usually get better deals if I see something great I know someone would love on a great sale and snap it up.
well last year was really hard for me and my husband. Him being in the military and bills and a ridiculous rent payment. We did what we could. Which wasnt much, but we had a good Christmas. This year I really have to watch because i dont have a job and it always feels like its a paycheck to paycheck thing during the holidays. The few things I have gotten are under 20.00 so far. My family is hard to buy for because either they want gift cards or thats it, but i know for sure that unless I see a better deal between now and then ill be hitting Sears bf morning for the 39.99 microwave . ;) my parents want one!
Posted (edited)

I am in the same boat too....only I don't get paid in money for my job (lots of hugs and kisses though :D) We have 4 kids to get for plus 1 nephew, 3 nieces, 2 moms, 1 stepdad, 3 grandma's, and 3 sets of granparents (which is my usual list cut almost in half) I try not to spend alot on anyone, and look for really great deals usually starting in Nov. The grandparents get some sort of boxed candy or food item (as they are all well off and don't need a thing or want for anything (2 sets just bought new cars in cash)) and 1 grandma gets an elvis calendar (she expects it every year) As far as the kids the only thing I have bought this year is: 2 bathing suits ($1 for trunks and $2 for a two piece), 2 sunglasses (1.99 at disney store), 2 t shirts ( $3 for hannah montanna, $3 for disney store) light saber ($1.10 after halloween clearance), 2 bubbles (1.25 a piece), playdough (1.88), 2 hair clips (1 hannah headband 1 princess @ $1 a piece) 1 bracelet (HM $2) and a pair of pj's (clone war's $4.00). I have only spent $26 so far :eyepoppin. I did get my dn a pair of pj's too (transformer's for $4)...and will pick up a couple of the cars they have on sale at walgreens on BF and will spend a little over $5 for him. The dn's are a differnt story as they want stuff from aeropostle and hollister and stuff like that (young teens) I always shop the clearance racks on BF and get some really jam up deals. I don't have any ideas on what to get them before I shop, just look for really great deals and then decide if anyone on my list can use them :yup:


We have decided not to buy for anyone but the kids. we are going to go home for christmas and this will be our gift for our family. We haven't been home in awhile, so they will be glad to see us. I'm going to give my nephew his pj's though cause he is only 4.

Edited by leah_steven

My advice would be start earlier next year. I start the week after christmas:eek: When target has 75% off their toys, i grab tons in the age of my son for his birthday and his friend's birthdays! Then a few for next christmas, like sport balls, and board games, stuff to keep him occupied that I know he will like. If he won't use it by the time the holiday comes, I give it to his friends for a gift, or I donate it for toys for tots. For 75% off I can't complain! Then I wait for clearance at stores, when I head to the store I always check their clearance sections, I got my boyfriend's family (15 people) done back during the summer with clearance 50-75% household items (jar openers, massagers, pocket tools, basting sets)


and store closings are always great, 2 stores just left our mall, and they had 4 items for 5 bucks! I got tons of clothing items for christmas gifts!


Other wise I go crazy on coupons!:blush::o


Plus I put away money whenever I can.


It's always a organized year round thing to get ready for the holidays for me!!!


I still stress a bit, but not as much as I used too!


Good luck and be positive:D

I actually started a Christmas Fund in September that I will pay into every month, but not start using until next October. I put it into the budget every month, and it seems to be working---so far.:)
My DH just found out last week that he will be temporarily laid off Dec. 12-Jan. 1. Merry Christmas to us:(. Thankfully, I started on my Christmas in August, so I only have a few things left to buy, and I will have the kids stuff bought before he is laid off.

i hear ya there..

i went out for some surgery on oct 24. it went ok not as planned . the wk i left work they cut our hrs back. from 40 to 30-32. uhhgg i do get to collect disability thank god. but that still has not come yet and its nowhere near what i bring home but its something. so what i did was used my savy coupons and gift cards to get xmass for my kids. and of course cc so far i am done except for one more item for ds 17. but for all three kids and friends kids no adults we are not doing that this yr . just kids. and neice and nefs. i will have spent 1500.00 not bad at all . cause they have a ton of gifts and good ones. lap top ,ipod touch, car stero, gps,kids work bench and so many other toys. mostly i got at kohls. with the 30% off and free shipping. but the good news is when my cks do come in ill start paying the cc off and then ill keep paying my bills. i do want to leave my cash in my cking so if i have to pay min for a month im ok with that . at least i paid it some and then by dec 30 i hope to have everything paid off .. im gonna try and hide money every pay ck. so next year it wont be like this . last year i won money so that was nice not to have to worry. but back to reality i guess. but we always do it and over come things so this is just another one we will work on.

I have only just started my plans and lists; I have no idea what I'll be able to spend (depends on what DH says) but I'm not stressed about it. I figure most will be getting homemade treats, and if something I'm looking for is out then it wasn't meant to be. The kids, however, will need to help me out and narrow their lists down to something like a top 10 or so. The better idea I have of what they'll really spend their time playing with or using the less money I'll spend :D

I bought another gift this weekend, I was pretty pleased. It was a must-have for my neice, and I got it marked down from $15.99 to $6.59. As long as dh and I stay home and decorate this weekend like we planned, I should be able to retain the $500 budget I set for BF- and hopefully get myself close to done, at least 75% done.


Hoping and praying, w/ fingers crossed, we'll have another little one for Christmas this year (odd statement huh......:D). Anyhow, my nephew was placed into foster care almost 3 weeks ago, and it's looking good that we'll get a relative placement w/ us by the end of the month. He's only 2.5 months old, so it shouldn't throw my gift budget into a tailspin too much. Though, I will of course have to get him a few santa gifts. It will be worth stretching the budget for.


I don't feel too stressed at all but then again I don't have kids (I'm 21) but since I have four other siblings and three of them are in grade school and high school, my older sister and I tend to have to be the ones fronting the bill for our mom and dad's Christmas gifts. This year, unlike the past, we are just getting them each one big gift (Mom is getting the Kindle and my dad is getting a box full of TV seasons and games for the Wii). We also have three exchange students who we are getting gift cards for.

Last year the Credit card just keep going up so this year we started Christmas shopping back in mid-october to spread it out a bit.

Also I saved up my rewards on my cards for gift cards expecially for BF. As of right now I have $25 to Best Buy and $95 for Target and I've been saving up change throughout the year so time to cash that in as well.

I am scared this year too. I have bought a lot of the kids at Target's clearance sales. But I still have a long list. I keep telling myself that it will be okay. I am hoping for sime really good deals on BF. Last year I did really good. I still have to buy for all of the gown ups and the names we drew. The list just keeps getting bigger. I haven't bought anything for DH yet. But I am paying all of my bills first. And what ever is left over, is what I have to spend. I don't have any credit cards and I don't want any. I have a prepaid that I buy stiff online with, but thats all. I have been saving my survey checks and I will get about 150.00 extra on this check come Friday. I am not going to cash it until right before BF. I am planning on buying for everyone on my list except DH on BF. I will be spending around 1000.00!

I know it is tough, but you should really put back all year long this way you are not stuck in Jan playing catch up. With the way things are going these days it is hard to put anything back but it's even harder to live paycheck to paycheck. Just put down the cigarettes for a day each week, do pass up going to mcdonalds during the week, skip the Velveta shells and cheese and go to the walmart brand for a bit. Cut coupons, get on gottadeal to see what good deals are out there through the year. I know this year it's a little late, but I would def start doing it for next year.

And remember if you can't buy that very special gift it's alright. Just remind your family what it Christmas is all about. It's to celebrate the birth of Christ and to be thankful that you can wake up to a tree with lights and a warm room and hug and kiss those that mean most to you.

Some can't do that......cherish the Christmas season, and don't stress on how you will pay for it. Prayer is a very powerful thing. Relax and everything will work out just fine.

Good luck

  leefamily23 said:

I bought another gift this weekend, I was pretty pleased. It was a must-have for my neice, and I got it marked down from $15.99 to $6.59. As long as dh and I stay home and decorate this weekend like we planned, I should be able to retain the $500 budget I set for BF- and hopefully get myself close to done, at least 75% done.


Hoping and praying, w/ fingers crossed, we'll have another little one for Christmas this year (odd statement huh......:D). Anyhow, my nephew was placed into foster care almost 3 weeks ago, and it's looking good that we'll get a relative placement w/ us by the end of the month. He's only 2.5 months old, so it shouldn't throw my gift budget into a tailspin too much. Though, I will of course have to get him a few santa gifts. It will be worth stretching the budget for.

I hope the relative placement works out for your family and your Nephew. I'm sure having him in your home will help set your mind at ease that he is safe and healthy and with someone who loves him.

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