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How many years have you been going shopping on Black Friday?

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I've never been into it and thought everyone doing it was crazy! Then the first year I went home with my boyfriend ( 4 years ago) his sister dragged me out and I've been hooked ever since. My mom and sister and I went the following year and they've been hooked too!

Since the year the Furbies came out

Actually, longer than that. My eldest nephew turned 29 this year, and he might have been 2or 3 when we first started going BF shopping.


In the beginning, it was me, my 2 sisters and my mom. Then it became me, my 2 sisters and a kid or 2, and my mom. My 15-year old has been going since she was a year old (except for the year that she pitched a hissy and got left at day care, only to have the teacher call me and beg me to pick her up, which I did at lunchtime). My older nieces and nephews don't come anymore as they've moved out, and my younger sister's daughters have never come along (I feel sorry for them).


I especially remember being in line for Cabbage Patch Kids, Furby, and the really cheap Game Boys.

About 21 years!!! My mom and grandma used to go out every year. I was not allowed to go until my niece was born--I think they only wanted me for my youth and athleticism!!!! Grandma is no longer with us and my mom can't shop as long. My sister who has always been the grumpy shopper brings my mom and meets us for lunch somewhere..we all shop together for a bit.
I can't remember a time when I didn't go BF shopping and I'm 33 now. Me and my Mom have always gone. Starting very early and coming home very late. This past BF was my first without her and it was pretty sad for me. I have really wonderful memories about BF shopping!!
Over 20 years...hard to remember not going out on BF. I did the Cabbage Patch dolls and Furbies, now those were some crazy people in line...LOL

Over 20 years...hard to remember not going out on BF. I did the Cabbage Patch dolls and Furbies, now those were some crazy people in line...LOL

The good ole days:yup:

My first year I was pregnant and didn't know if I'd make it through Christmas....and I was hooked. So, this will be my 9th year...I am now the person i used to make fun of!
Well, counting my previous life, this will be 113 years. Course we didn't call it Black Friday back in 1890s, we called it "Wish Book" Shopping. We would read the Sears, Roebuck and Company Catalog and wish we could buy the things shown in it.
This will be my 5th BF. Before my mom would ditch me to go with her friends :rolleyes: since she didn't want me to see what "Santa" was up to. Now that I'm older she comes with me and we have a blast.
I actually went out when I was either 17 or 18- I didnt need anything, I just wanted to go because it looked fun! I waited in line, walked around stores and got a couple small things. I was hooked immediately!
We've been going for as long as I remember, and I just turned 40 in April! I'm usually done by Halloween, but I just love the atmosphere, and the chance that I may get something at a better price than I did earlier. It's the doorbusters that usually reel me in, tho!
Four or five years now and trying to get better at it each year. Last year was the first that I was fairly serious and did lots of prep work but then funds ran short and I couldn't get much help so I didn't get all the deals I wanted. Hopefully this year works out better.
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