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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2008

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  1angelnhvn said:

Ok, what day of the week will they mark down the big baby items? Our stores have had them 30 off for a few weeks now! I want AT LEAST 50 off! I don't see that on the main page?? Do they usually do it with the kids clothing????

Yes, they do it on Monday with the kids clothing.

  newhousejim said:

Just back from a Dallas Target. Toys 75%off. 2 other Dallas targets are not 75.


What is 75% off (off the top of my head)

-ALL Cool Toys

-ALL National Geo Toys

-All of those clearance games (board games like Scene IT Harry Potter, Candyland Dora, musical games, electronic games)

-Tons of barbie stuff like the Throne, Guitar

-Disney Enchated Barbies

-Shake N Go Crash up race track

-Thomas stuff (trains, accessories, riding toy)

-GI Joe Anniversary sets

-Power Ranger stuff

-Too much to name......................


What was not marked to 75% off

-Tents, sleeping bags, play equipment, outdoor toys


My realization from this trip: Target needs bigger shopping carts!


Dallas, TX??? which one???

Run to the Niles Oh target, most of the toys 75% off, I scored big time too many to list, even if the asile says 30-50 most of the things are 75%, and one asile is near where the christmas stuff was. I had two buggies full and it all came under $200, birthdays, easter, and most of next christmas are done for me, I may hit the boardman store tomorrow, they had more boy things in niles.

Check the SHOES!! They were in a markdown frenzy over in the shoe dept.


Did pretty good, got the crystal light, more 3 pks of nuts, the $30 microplush throws for $7, christmas plastic bowls, pie carrier and plastic pitcher, The 12.39 dirtdevil that was 35 on BF (Whole endcap of those!), The 18 qt red roaster, whole bunch of kitchen thingys and a Nick and Nora PJ set for 6.25. Also got a couple of Intuition shave gift sets- I save a lot of money when I buy those, and a robe for my husband for 4.24!

  alexac said:

Check the SHOES!! They were in a markdown frenzy over in the shoe dept.



I knew I forgot something. I got my dd the cutest pair of winter clogs at the Stanley Target for $3.74. Very cute and she needed a pair of brown shoes so this worked perfectly!


Sorry in advance for what I think will be a long post...


Went to the 2 story Pasadena store and they had not started toy clearance. bummmer....so I go in search of my markdown team buddy to get the scoop. Well I saw a couple of her teammates that are new and they were doing market. So, I pull out my cheat sheet to see what else they mark at the same time, and I see housewares. I go and see there is only one wine cooler left and it still shows a $49.98 tag, so I memorize the DPCI and walk up to one of the new girls and rattle it off to her. The printer spits out a red sticker and she hands it to me. LOL! I have never had THAT happen before. So, I got that for 75% off! Whoopie! I finally found my buddy and she looks it up and says toys are tomorrow for Pasadena.


I drop DS off at preschool and decide to check out Duarte because they often take toys 75% before Pasadena and I don't want to miss it. So I was a block away when a Hot Wheels collector friend calls me and says they are marking down the toys here! I ask if he wants me to bring him a basket from the front. :cheesy: He does, so we both load up. I got Mr. Magoriums Legos, Lego City Fire Boat set, a large Playmobil pirate ship, some Erector sets, a National Geographic metal detector & microscope, some Breyer ponies stuff, and a ton of games for our school fundraiser (doing a family game night basket, I guess).


The employees who helped me out to the car (It was multiple baskets) told me that they had 9 pallets of clearance toys in the back, mostly big stuff that wouldn't fit on the sales floor! So, if you were looking for anything large, you might ask or keep checking back!


Tomorrow will be the Pasadena, Burbank & San Dimas stores - I called around and asked.


WooHoo!!!!!!!!!! My Target marked the toys to 75% off today. I scored big time!!!! Regular price would have been $740 and I paid $185. I am soooooooooo excited.


Vtech Food Fun Game for the fridge $4.98

Big Trouble game $4.97

Boggle Jr $2.58

Fisher Price Star Station karaoke $9.47

Bulls Eye game $4.98

Transformers $3.22

Mini Roboreptile thingy $3.22

Bionicles $1.24

Hot Spot game $4.24

Build a Bears $2.43 ea

Large Cabbage Patch Kid dolls $4.97

Thomas Tank Quarry Set $24.98

I Can Play Piano (Plug n Play this thing is big) $16.18

Robopet Remote Control $12.48

V Bot (remote control car turns robot, plays music from your MP3 player and does some other neat stuff) $32.48

Imaginext stuff $1.24

Sweet Secret little dog thingy (kinda looks like polly pocket) $1.22

Matchbox set (not a set of cars, but a playset) $4.24

Cabbage Patch Kids Li'l Sprouts Playset $4.98 (I got the Li'l Sprouts dolls from Amazon when they were really cheap, so I'm excited I got the big playset to go along with it)


They had tons of stuff, but it was moving FAST! Some of the people had two and three carts loaded!

That is what we are waiting on is that tool bench... I know the closest store to me had six this weekend. Ahh... I want to get to the store, but my youngest is sleeping and I am waiting on a bus to drop off the older. Anyone know if Northeast Ohio is down to 75 % off yet??

Hey Target shoppers in Chicago:


If anyone notices the clearanced Glade/Renuzit/Fabreeze fragrance refills to be marked down significantly, would you post please. I can't believe these weren't included in X-mas clearance this year! :gdangry3: Thanks!


75% off toys here in Eau Claire, WI!


I got to Target at 8:15 and saw people w/2 carts FULL of toys! I walked very fast(LOL)to the toy section and, sure enough, there were at least 10 employees scanning and remarking toys. I loaded up my cart and had to wait around(that was okay because I went up and down those toys aisles at least 5x each and kept on finding more stuff)for them to finish remarking the toys. I scanned a few things and they weren't ringing up 75% off. I had one lady remark a few things, but decided to wait til they were done.

Here's what I bought:


Here's what I bought 1st trip:

Spiderman toy phone 1.98

Easy Link catridge 1.48

Easy Link System 6.18-$5(coupon from Parade)1.18

Torpedo projector 39.98

Doodle Pro 4.78

Nerf football/waterbottle 2@3.74

Clue Junior 2@2.74

LP Farm Ark animals 2@2.18

I Can Play Guitar cartridges 3@3.24

Nerf Atom gun 3@1.48

Microscope 5.98

Cars Mack 4.58

Bratz Kidz 3.74

Imaginex Delux Animal set 1.24

Boggle Jr. 2@2.58

BIG Trouble game 4.97

Yahtzee Turbo 4.97

I Can Play Guitar 19.98-$10(coupon from Parade)9.98

FP Crash Ups Speedway 12.22-$10(coupon from Parade)2.22

Bratz Deluxe Scrapbooking 4.98

TOOP $137.15

That is the MOST I have had to spend at Target for a LONG time. Everything was 75% off + I got and extra $25 off in coupons.


Second Trip(I ran out of room in my cart the 1st trip so I had to go again)


Silk Soymilk 2.50-2(coupon).50

Easy Back refills 2@1.24

Webkinz 3.24

AF coffee 40@.99-39.59(40 coupon@.99)FREE

Clue Jr. 2.74

Boggle Jr. 2.58

TOOP 12.53



  lovetoshopCA said:

I go and see there is only one wine cooler left and it still shows a $49.98 tag, so I memorize the DPCI and walk up to one of the new girls and rattle it off to her. The printer spits out a red sticker and she hands it to me. LOL! I have never had THAT happen before. So, I got that for 75% off! Whoopie!

Glad you found one. They are 75% off at the Spectrum Target today too.


Canton, OH (Dressler) is at 75% today.


Massillon, OH is still at 30% with a handful of things at 50% (as of 2:30pm today they were condensing the 50% stuff to a couple of endcaps, everything in the aisles was still 30%).

  1angelnhvn said:

Just got back from the 38th street/west side store in Indy and they had a whole aisle of 75% off toys. One side had a sign for 50 off but all the toys were marked 75 off! The toys were in a wierd aisle though and not with the toys? I got the princess my size throne for 12.xx, several barbies (cheetah girls and barbie something) for 2.xx and 3.xx, got a LPS toy for 2.xx, and that was all I bought. They had cabbage patch kids, my little pony dancing pony thingy, and a baby my little pony toy, but didn't want any of that stuff. Wasn't really looking for anything specific. There was still several toys only marked 30 off and a few 50 but didn't have time to check them over by the actual toy section.........

I was there too. It was kind of an odd setup --- different in than in the past. One aisle of toys between bulk foods and global bazaar just for toys 75% off. There were more toys in the toy dept still at 30 or 50%. I checked a couple just to be sure. Lots of barbie, pony stuff. Nothing my kids could use. There was a Little tikes kitchen in that aisle for awhile. If that stuck around until today someone got a great deal! A lot of the toys that other posters are mention (the kool toyz, easylink, etc.) are still at 30 or 50 off. We do not need more toys though so I just check out of curiosity. :blush:

Just ran back again to check on toys here in NH. I'm not sure if anyone else is in the Nashua NH area, but the toys havenm't gone done as of 3 pm today. I will be checking back in the morning at around 830. I am dying !!!!! Everytime I get in the door I make a mad dash for toys...lol.

Toys were marked @75% in Gilbert, AZ but not at the Mesa stores. It was a frenzy but I did manage to get a few cool things.

Barbie Smart phone 4.98

Playmobil pirate set 4.98

fluffy factory 5.98

spiderman toys 4.98

operation rescue game 5.98

little pony ice cream truck 5.98

candy land castle 3.98

Lincoln, RI Target marked their toys down to 75% about 10 this morning. A friend called me and as soon as one of my daughters left for school I went out. I checked South Attleboro, MA first but their toys are still ringing up 30%! Went to Lincoln and got 2 carts full of toys for $300-10%off coupon and coupons from huggies wipes (which expire tomorrow). Awesome time, although I am hiding most of the bags in the car until my husband goes to bed tonight. I will sneak them in and put them in the cellar on the gift shelf.
  kaysamlyss said:

Lincoln, RI Target marked their toys down to 75% about 10 this morning. A friend called me and as soon as one of my daughters left for school I went out. I checked South Attleboro, MA first but their toys are still ringing up 30%! Went to Lincoln and got 2 carts full of toys for $300-10%off coupon and coupons from huggies wipes (which expire tomorrow). Awesome time, although I am hiding most of the bags in the car until my husband goes to bed tonight. I will sneak them in and put them in the cellar on the gift shelf.

Someone who is kind of near me...lol. That gives me hope that maybe tomorrow we will go 75%. They have to go soon, caus ethey have 5 aisles of toys and no one is buying them !!! I can't wait !!!!:eyepoppin

  justinsmommy said:

That is what we are waiting on is that tool bench... I know the closest store to me had six this weekend. Ahh... I want to get to the store, but my youngest is sleeping and I am waiting on a bus to drop off the older. Anyone know if Northeast Ohio is down to 75 % off yet??

Yes, in Niles, oh 75% hit, see my post above.
Columbus West Broad St still 30 - 50% off toys... and I was bummed, the solar lights at my target are still only 50% off... hopefully they'll go 75% soon. If not, then it wasn't meant to be. My DH asked if I was ok cause it was my 2nd target trip this week where I walked out with nothing :(
Anyone know if toys in the Orlando area is 75% off? It was still 30-50% this morning at the Goldenrod Target, but last year one of the stores went 75% in the afternoon.
  Tommysmom said:

Toys were marked @75% in Gilbert, AZ but not at the Mesa stores. It was a frenzy but I did manage to get a few cool things.

Barbie Smart phone 4.98

Playmobil pirate set 4.98

fluffy factory 5.98

spiderman toys 4.98

operation rescue game 5.98

little pony ice cream truck 5.98

candy land castle 3.98

Which store in Gilbert? Anything left?


I went to Manalapan, Howell and Neptune today and pretty much everything was still scanning 30-50% - this was early in the a.m. Not sure if it went down to 75% later, please post if it did.


I did find:

V-tech Camera $12.48.

  christib327 said:

Where is Graceland? Is this the one kind of off of High Street?

Thanks :)

Yes, it is the one on High Street, close to Morse Rd. I will check again in the morning after I take dd to school.

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