mom2monkiesx3 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Yep just now and he won't be back until around 10am tomorrow. Can you believe that anyone would do such a thing to someone that has 3 young kids (9,6,3) All the "Santa" gifts are in the attic ready to go but I weigh all of 97lbs and don't know if I can possibally get them down myself (Large dollhouse, large drum set (HEAVY!), Barbie Throne (pretty light thank GOoDNESS) and Rockband! I am so terribly depressed! My 2 younger kids were totally in tears! To top it off I have to go tonight to spend Christmas with his family without him and they are all crazy! None of my family lives here so the kids and I will be on our own tonight and Christmas morning! BAH HUMBUG!!!
MandaJo111 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Oh I am so sorry. Are you going to try to make the kids wait to open till he gets home then? Sheesh I can't think of any other way. Do you maybe have a neighbor that can help you get the presents down?
harrispizza4 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Awwww.... your friends here at gottadeal will be thinking of you though!! I know it's tough cuz my hubby works 10-8 today and 10-7 tommrow. But I do have him early x-mas morning which is prolly the hardest to not have you hubby home. I'm missing my 20yo brother who is overseas very much today so I know what it feels like. Just be happy your all healthy and I'm sure you will have a wonderful x-mas!:)
bettyn100 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Can a neighboring gottadealer be of any assistance? If ya need some help getting stuff out of the attic I'm sure Dh won't mind helping.
Grassy Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Wow. How sad...I'm so sorry for you and your kids---and your husband! What a bummer! My husband volunteered to work today. Out of 250 employees, they needed only 10 today for just a while. He was one of the chosen 10, but he only did it because he's off for 5 days here, so his paycheck would have been light...and it is only a 6 hour shift this morning from 6am to noon. (He usually works 10 hour days, so this will seem short for him). Then he's off tonight for 3 more days...that is like a VACATION for us! I'd be upset if I had to go tonight to the "in laws" christmas without him too. I can relate to that one! I only go and smile and get through it for him. It's not my number one spot to be on Christmas Eve, but we all have to do it! Things are better these days, but in the past it would have been more difficult. I'm sure he still appreciates you taking the kids to go see his family. I'm sure he'll be sad tonight knowing that ALL of his family is together, but he can't be there too. I'd say, if you can somehow get the presents down, so the kids can see when they wake up that "santa really came" (if that is what you do---the santa thing). But make them a nice big long & drawn out breakfast , and come up with some games and activities to stall until dad gets home, and that way you can all still enjoy opening everything together. I'd get out the glitter and my craft junk box and tell them they need to make something special for daddy before he gets home, since he was sad to have missed Christmas Eve with them. How does that sound? Will that work?
love a deal Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 I'm so sorry! My hubby is on call also. I have worried myself sick over it.
booga12345 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 I'm sorry I know how that feels to have to go to the in-laws without the other half. I am in the same boat with gifts. We decided to put the "Santa" gifts up in the loft, and dh was been working all weekend. We have rockband up there also and there is no way I can get that down myself. At least dh gets if today at 8pm so we will be wrapping all night Best wishes!
Grassy Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Might I add...I'm glad my kids are still young enough that I can wrap theirs and jus stick the presents in my walk in closet...they are only ages 3 and 4, so they are not nosy little dudes yet. They never even asked me what or who they are for... No ups and downs into the attic QUITE yet for me... Be careful if you attempt to get them down!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
lisamag Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 i know that puts a damper on things, maybe you can ask the kids to wait to open them tomorrow, just let your husband know. can he leave a little earlier tomorrow? and please be careful taking the gift down.
alimfp Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 I agree. Ask the kids to wait, as Daddy would enjoy seeing them open their gifts from Santa.. the two older ones may be more understanding than you think (HOPEFULLY), lol. Don't take the gifts down unless you are 110% comfy doing it.. otherwise find help or have DH do it and make up some story about Santa?!
mom2monkiesx3 Posted December 24, 2007 Author Posted December 24, 2007 bettyn100 said: Can a neighboring gottadealer be of any assistance? If ya need some help getting stuff out of the attic I'm sure Dh won't mind helping.Thank you so much, Actually the Mason's live across the street and they are VERY helpful so I might just ask for some help (I am horrible at that, asking for help thing!) Thanks guys for making me feel better, I got a ZILLION board games "From" santa so I'll just let them open them and wait to do the big Santa gifts AFTER Dh gets home... I have my stomach sick about going tonight but I just keep telling myself it is for the kids. I guess I should start cooking and getting outta our jammies if we are going to be in Lovington by 4. I don't think the entire thing about him being gone has sunk in yet...oh well! Thanks again for all your thoughts .. BTW my youngest is is SOOO HARD For me to remember that he is already 4...maybe I'll start calling him 4 when it is time to start calling him 5!! Lol:cheesy:
bettyn100 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 You're Welcome. If ya need any help just let me know.
my2kidsmom Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 What a bummer...try not to let it ruin your Christmas. I hope you can get it all figured out. I can certainly relate to the crazy inlaws. (and not the good kind of crazy)
MandaJo111 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Don't feel bad I am still trying to drill 5 into my head. I have said 4 several times -- DS is QUICK to correct me. lol It is Christmas time, I am sure your neighbors would be glad to help. That way the stuff will all be down and good to go. Maybe you can let them open those few presents then do a Christmas breakfast (how about using cookie cutters and making Christmas tree or angel shaped pancakes.) Mix up some butter with a couple of drops of red and green food coloring tonight and put it back in to chill tomorrow they can have Christmas pancakes. And maybe some green koolaid with red ice cubes (just use different flavors of KoolAid). Just a thought. Then by the time they are done eating DH should be home and ready to delve into the rest of the Christmas fun.
mom2monkiesx3 Posted December 24, 2007 Author Posted December 24, 2007 Dh just called, he got out to work. The thing with his job is he isn't really there to DO anything just sit in the trailer and 'babysit' IF there are any problems. He told me he got called out because someone got FIRED yes, on Christmas Eve! I suddenly felt REALLY guilty for feeling sorry for our situation but then he proceeds to tell me that the guy was fired for failing a drug follicle test!!! Yes a grown man in his 40s with Children dependant on him just lost a $120,000-$140,000/year salary job with benefits, family medical insurance, company truck with company gascard and expense account for SMOKING POT! So not only did HE ruin Christmas for US he ruined Christmas for his family as well. This is a small town DEPENDANT on the oilfield business and he won't be able to get the same job with any other company most likely because as I tell my DH all the time "oilfield guys are like a bunch of old woman" They gossip like crazy so by noon everyone will know this man was fired for failing a drug test... My thoughts go out to his poor wife and chidren Stupid selfish guy!
kim_r4 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 No Kidding! Just imagine how his wife and kids must feel right now! Sorry you have to spend Christmas Eve with the in-laws. I know that would be torture for me. On a positive note, you just might be earning your wings tonight! If I were in your situation, I would probably try to keep my kids up as late as possible so they might sleep in a little. (Mine always get up between 4 and 5am on Christmas. It's Crazy but fun!) Then at least you wouldn't have to stall as long in the morning. Good luck with the santa part!
shanni Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 I'm so sorry he won't be home! I worry about this with my own husband, we live 2 hours away from his office. So when they call him in I know he will be gone 4 hours just in travel time. I'm glad we're going some places tomorrow where there is no cell phone service, good luck trying to reach him phone company! As far as failing the drug test, I've seen countless people lose good jobs over that.
jdrd90 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 Write a note from santa to the kids. Tell them santa wants this to be a special day for all of them, maybe suggest they make a big breakfast for daddy to take up some time. Tell them santa brought daddy a gift too and should only be opened around people that love him. Just trying to think of some ideas, hth Merry Christmas
booga12345 Posted December 24, 2007 Posted December 24, 2007 It is horrible that this Christmas will not be the same for you and your family and I really wish that wasn't the case. This is a great example of why when you get dealt a bad hand somebody out their has an even worse one. Try to keep your spirits up, everything will work out for you.
hockeyfanamo Posted December 25, 2007 Posted December 25, 2007 Awwww....I'm sorry your DH had to go in. My DH went to meet flights of soldiers from his unit today. He goes back tonight and will be at the airfield until about 7am. I will go and help out in the USO tent for a couple of hours as well. These were some "suprise" flights. I can't wait to see the looks on the waiting families and arriving soldiers What a Christmas miracle!
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