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6 year old without a wish list?!!!!!

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We have been asking my ds7 what he wants for Christmas for the last month and all he says is I don't know. He has not told us 1 thing he would like. His answer to my question today was "Just make my list and put what you think I want". This is getting frustrating, because we have bought him things that we think he would like but I wanna see his face when he opens that 1 special gift that he really wants!!! I don't know if the problem is that he has sooo much that he can't even think of anything else he could want or if he really just hasn't seen anything that special. I am guesing the first. We work really hard to give our kids whatever we can, but now I feel that it was too much and now Christmas isn't going to be that much fun. :( Have any of you been in this situation, and how did you correct your behavior without throwing your kids into shock when they don't get whatever they want all the time? This really is the first time I am realizing that they are spoiled beyond belief and don't want them to grow up to be ungrateful and expect everything to be handed to them. Also does anybody have any ideas on what that 1 special gift could be that would give me that smile I really wanna see.
I dont have any idea what a kid that age would want, my kids are older. ONly thing that come to mind would be a wii, and those are hard to find plus might not be affordable. I just wanted to wish you luck and let you know that maybe he knows what you get him is always good so that might be why he doesnt have a wish list.
I wish you luck. At 6 and 7 if he doesn't already have a wii, then that maybe the BIG thing on the list. My DS 12 list was two items. An online membership & Lego Starwars complete Saga for the Wii... that's it....till the last week and it started with Monolopy Electronic Banking, then Friday it was Heelys (which I already had) ...and now a PSP (just got a new ds lite) so I can relate.. Good LUCK>

Every year.........my wife an I take out kids out to tru so they can make their "Santa List". (We usually take along the babysitter too since we have four, but back to the point at hand.) We jot down stuff on the list as we go and sometimes end up with a page and a half-to two pages with ideas from them, but only get the things that cause the greatest reaction in the store. (screaming, jumping up and down, acting like they won a zillion dollar lottery.)


My ds3 is big on Thomas and Buzz, but he went absolutely berzerk over a jack-in-the-box he saw in The Imaginarium. I made sure that made the list. Also, my DD5 had close to three pages, but the sitter noted the 6-7 toys she really made a fuss over. (Hanna Montana, Electronic Drums.)


Take him to TRU and tell him to make a list and most importantly.....watch his reaction as he tells you what he wants.


let me just say - that is great! I know it is frustrating, but how wonderful that he is not focused on the material things!


I, on the other hand, have children who are acutely aware of material things. They are not spoiled, but they know. they can recite a list blindfolded at 100 paces (wait that doesn't even make sense). Anyway, I have a 7yr old, I can PM you his list if it would help, but he asked for: Books, legos, transformers, a pool table (TRU TOY Book), etc.


I know how you feel, ds5 doesn't talk much, so we have to just buy him what we think he will like. It would be nice though for him to be able to tell us what he wants. We take him through the toys whenever we are in the store, so we tried to go by what he seems interested in (which seems to be EVERYTHING LOL) Hopefully the toys we have picked out will be a hit and put a smile on his face :)


I know it's not the same, but you could always just buy him a couple small toys you think he will like (from Santa) and then give him giftcards and take him shopping after Christmas. Good luck and Merry Christmas!

My DS(9) didn't ask for aything either...we had to really push him so he asked for "3 pounds of chocolate"!!!!! I am thinking 3 pounds because they are allowed to ask for 3 things. I had to guess on gifts, and hope it all works out!!

Oh you are not alone in this! I am going thru this this year myself. :(

I dont know how christmas morning is going to be, I'm just grateful we have

to get on the road first thing, so no time to throw tantrums. lol

One word Wii my kids love it! DS9 this year when I asked him to make out a Christmas list said just video games and Pokemon cards...I had no clue what games to get so now I have 2 games that he has since told me that doesn't want.....UGH
  abentley said:

My DS(9) didn't ask for aything either...we had to really push him so he asked for "3 pounds of chocolate"!!!!! I am thinking 3 pounds because they are allowed to ask for 3 things. I had to guess on gifts, and hope it all works out!!

How Cute!!! My granddaughter is 3 1/2 and I asked her what she wanted "Ho-Ho" to bring her and she said "I love candy". That is all she would ever tell us...... But I think that is adorable that a 9 year old just wants chocolate.... sounds like my kind of gift!!!!!!! I think if I were you I would at least get him one large box of chocolates!!!!:yup:


My DD is four and did not have a list. I have taken her to TRU and have a good idea of what she likes though.


Here are a few suggestions of things my boys would have liked at that age


DS with games, eyeclops, radio controlled helicopters


I have a couple that do that. Yes, it's frustrating, but it is nice that they don't want everything under the sun.


I agree-- a DS might be good, if he likes video games and doesn't have one already. That's nice to travel with too. My ds7 enjoys Transformers.

if he is not asking for much or anything special.. then he wants u to create something special. my son is 8 and well he still wants things but its usally pokemon and now wii... anyway maybe u can think of something he really likes to do.. and set a date and bring somefriends and that be his gift.. to just hang and do what it is he likes.. say a movie party. or skate party , but in a box put the things that would go with the theme. and he gets to plan his own party.and maybe add some money to it so he can go buy what he wants in it.
Thanks for all the replies, I do feel much better knowing it's not just us! :) The only two things he is really big on is wrestling and video games. He already has a ton of wrestlling figures and they already have a wii, x box, playstation II and III, psp. I am going to take your advice and take him to toys r us this evening. We'll see what happens!
We went to Toys R US and had a little sucess. He was interested in a skateboard and The Alvin and the Chipmunks game. He really liked the game, so that will probably be what puts a smile on his face.
My sons are hard this year. When we were making the lists back at the beginning of November they were excited, so I took note of the best thigns they asked for. But just last week I was asking them what they REALLY wanted and they shruged and said "I don't know, whatever" Ugg kids!
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