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Everyone seems to be "debating" different things here.


Who cares if the OP was or was not polite or if the OP used foul language himself. Bottom line is, what kind of employee uses the F-word in a children's store? Any person who is provoked to do so needs a lesson in self control.


Scanner420, are you calling management because the employee used the F-word, or because you feel the employee treated you poorly through the entire call?


Wow! I'm glad I mostly shop online. I cannot believe the attitudes of the customer service people here. I served the public for 10 years, and I always approached people with politness and respect, and most of the time, I got it back. You can't approach people thinking they are bad or stupid and expect them not to notice. If it weren't for your customers, you wouldn't have a job...

I approached (and still do) customers with politeness and respect. At my current retail job, I get customer compliments and I've even received flowers for being so polite. And yet, when I was working at Target, I STILL had experiences with snotty, crabby customers who felt as though it was their job to make me feel like the gum on the bottom of their shoe. When you get treated like that, I'm not going to be all smiley and wanting to hold your hand while you do your shopping after I've dealt with customers like that. I'm sorry but I'm HUMAN. I have FEELINGS. I dealt with a lot of good people when I was at Target but there was a heck of a lot of rude, inconsiderate folks as well. THAT'S why I quit Target. Thank god the customers where I work now are wonderful.


Second, regarding your "if it weren't for your customers, you wouldn't have a job" comment. Yes, this is partly true. But does that still give them the right to be rude to me when I have done absolutely nothing wrong or mean to THEM? I treat my customers with respect and 90% of the time I end my conservations with customers with a smile and a "have a good day" but it's hard not to get upset when people treat you like crap on a daily basis. I do my job well but when I read things like what I've read on this thread, it hurts to know that people STILL think they deserve the best service imaginable with the low amount of money I get paid. It hurts and it makes me angry. I find it very hard to believe that some of you have worked in customer service because you clearly haven't been through what a lot of retail workers have to go through.


Also, if it weren't for retail workers, where would you shop? Regardless of how retail workers treat their customers, customers still NEED people in order for them to shop or else who would ring up your purchases, who would process your returns, who would stock the shelves, and who would answer your questions. So it's safe to say that customers need retail workers just as much as retail workers need customers. If you treat me with respect, I'll treat YOU with respect. Unfortunately, in the retail business, it's apparently OK to treat employees unfairly. And when employees don't go above and beyond in terms of customer service, people feel the need to complain about EVERYTHING. It's disgusting.


Lastly, I find it funny how people say that if we don't want to work in customer service, then we should find another job. Try finding a non-retail job where I live. It's impossible. I'm a college student currently and retail is the only job I can find. Some of you are just so darn ignorant.


Oh my! What the hell does all this matter anymore. The OP just vented about how they were treated on the phone by CS! I would've been just as PO if I had heard an employee say that! Especially if I was the one on the phone! I could care less if the comment was for me or for the person right before I called...the point is, the comment was made, using nasty language and , I (A CUSTOMER) heard it, and the employee needs to be reprimanded.


I do agree there are a ton of people who try to push the envelope to see what they can get stores to honor...but not everyone is that way and with the prices being so dang high on everything now, who can blame them if they do?


I approached (and still do) customers with politeness and respect. At my current retail job, I get customer compliments and I've even received flowers for being so polite. And yet, when I was working at Target, I STILL had experiences with snotty, crabby customers who felt as though it was their job to make me feel like the gum on the bottom of their shoe. When you get treated like that, I'm not going to be all smiley and wanting to hold your hand while you do your shopping after I've dealt with customers like that. I'm sorry but I'm HUMAN. I have FEELINGS. I dealt with a lot of good people when I was at Target but there was a heck of a lot of rude, inconsiderate folks as well. THAT'S why I quit Target. Thank god the customers where I work now are wonderful.


Second, regarding your "if it weren't for your customers, you wouldn't have a job" comment. Yes, this is partly true. But does that still give them the right to be rude to me when I have done absolutely nothing wrong or mean to THEM? I treat my customers with respect and 90% of the time I end my conservations with customers with a smile and a "have a good day" but it's hard not to get upset when people treat you like crap on a daily basis. I do my job well but when I read things like what I've read on this thread, it hurts to know that people STILL think they deserve the best service imaginable with the low amount of money I get paid. It hurts and it makes me angry. I find it very hard to believe that some of you have worked in customer service because you clearly haven't been through what a lot of retail workers have to go through.

Also, if it weren't for retail workers, where would you shop? Regardless of how retail workers treat their customers, customers still NEED people in order for them to shop or else who would ring up your purchases, who would process your returns, who would stock the shelves, and who would answer your questions. So it's safe to say that customers need retail workers just as much as retail workers need customers. If you treat me with respect, I'll treat YOU with respect. Unfortunately, in the retail business, it's apparently OK to treat employees unfairly. And when employees don't go above and beyond in terms of customer service, people feel the need to complain about EVERYTHING. It's disgusting.


Lastly, I find it funny how people say that if we don't want to work in customer service, then we should find another job. Try finding a non-retail job where I live. It's impossible. I'm a college student currently and retail is the only job I can find. Some of you are just so darn ignorant.


I don't care if you believe if I worked in public service. I did... Funny, we have something in common, as you said 90% of your dealings with customers end with a smile. I'd say about 90-95% of mine ended in a smile. What is the gripe if 90% of individuals are pleasant? It sounds like we had/have similar experience--and that is because we approach people with pleasantness. So, 5-10% of people are jerks... That is life and that is the world we live in. It stinks to be treated poorly, but does it make it ok for us to assume others are bad/rude? I'm thankful that the majority are good people. My post was not toward someone like you--it was in response to the individual that stated 90-95% of customers are rude or bad--or whatever they said.


There are jobs other than retail--I personally worked in a nursing home through college. Many wouldn't do that...


I don't care if you believe if I worked in public service. I did... Funny, we have something in common, as you said 90% of your dealings with customers end with a smile. I'd say about 90-95% of mine ended in a smile. What is the gripe if 90% of individuals are pleasant? It sounds like we had/have similar experience--and that is because we approach people with pleasantness. So, 5-10% of people are jerks... That is life and that is the world we live in. It stinks to be treated poorly, but does it make it ok for us to treat others that way? I'm thankful that the majority are good people. My post was not toward someone like you--it was in response to the individual that stated 90-95% of customers are rude or bad--or whatever they said.


There are jobs other than retail--I personally worked in a nursing home through college. Many wouldn't do that...

No, I didn't say that 90% of customers were polite. I said that I was polite to 90% of my customers. It's NOT ok to treat others poorly so WHY is it ok for them to treat ME so poorly?


It's good to hear that you worked in a nursing room through college. But like I said, it's not possible where I live. And I don't know how old you are or how long ago you went to college but the economy isn't that great compared to how it was just a few years ago.


It's good to hear that you worked in a nursing room through college. But like I said, it's not possible where I live. And I don't know how old you are or how long ago you went to college but the economy isn't that great compared to how it was just a few years ago.

Bull. Nursing homes are everywhere and usually understaffed. Are you saying there isn't a single old person or health care service anywhere in your whole region. Let's see in college I drove truck, was a nurses aid (hospital and nursing home), worked work study on campus, lifeguarded, was an assistan manager at a rec. center, taught CPR, waitressed, and was a receptionist at various points. All of this in a teeny tiny college town.


I also currently do research in a college environment. I have seen students work in reseach labs, waitress, teach dance, work retail, work fast food, work for a oil change place, work as a secratary, work in manufacturing, work at a call center, plus do all the things I did in college.


Bull. Nursing homes are everywhere and usually understaffed. Are you saying there isn't a single old person or health care service anywhere in your whole region. Let's see in college I drove truck, was a nurses aid (hospital and nursing home), worked work study on campus, lifeguarded, was an assistan manager at a rec. center, taught CPR, waitressed, and was a receptionist at various points. All of this in a teeny tiny college town.


I also currently do research in a college environment. I have seen students work in reseach labs, waitress, teach dance, work retail, work fast food, work for a oil change place, work as a secratary, work in manufacturing, work at a call center, plus do all the things I did in college.

Do you want me to send you a link that explains the incredible lack of jobs in my town? Maybe where you live and when you were in college things were different. But don't tell ME "bull". I was unemployed for 4 months before I got the job I'm at right now. I was desperate and willing to work ANYWHERE and I STILL couldn't find anything.


Oh and btw, more than half the things you listed in your last paragraph deal with customer service. Not to mention the fact that you held at least 8 different jobs while you were in college. Obviously there's something wrong with this situation. Nice try.

Guest RealLivePrinces

I think that when the debate is between 5% statistically, that seems to be reaching a bit for something to spar over.


I work retail by choice, have for three years or so now. Have I gotten the rude customers sometimes? Of course. Yesterday, I had someone blow up at me because I told them calendars were in front of the Christmas trees, and she was angry I said Christmas!


But this time of year, everyone is extra stressed. And sometimes, unflatteringly, human nature dictates that people take it out on an easy target. I'd love to say I was always a perfect customer when I shopped but hey, there were times when I was short too. It is what it is.


That said, it is never okay to swear in public anywhere like that. Period. I don't care if you're dealing with customers or not, have a little respect for those around you.


Wow! I'm glad I mostly shop online. I cannot believe the attitudes of the customer service people here. I served the public for 10 years, and I always approached people with politness and respect, and most of the time, I got it back. You can't approach people thinking they are bad or stupid and expect them not to notice. If it weren't for your customers, you wouldn't have a job...

Well, for myself, I did Not approach people with the attitude, thoughts and feelings I have expressed here. Just because these are the things we think and feel does not mean we express them to customers. Customers, however, do not do the same. That is the point we are trying to get across. That we are people too. We have our limits. Think about the way you (you being a generalization) treat people.


For those of you that don't think the type of customers we have discussed are not the norm you are sadly mistaken. I know that there is some difference regionally. In NYS customers are far worse than they are in WI, MN and MO. However, maybe in your happy fairy land, this isn't the truth but in retail reality, it is. We are people too and deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy. We have bad days just like you do. None of you have been short with your Hubby? Kids? Co-workers? Don't throw stones. Did the OP not come here to blow off steam? We need to do the same. I see far, far more posts on this site with customers whining over the smallest things and expecting the world in return as an apology, than I see CS reps. complaining about the customers. Why do you think that is? That comment was not directed at you OP. I think you have a valid complaint. The CS should not have done that. I do, however, think you overreacted by calling corporate. Just cut these people some slack. Let it go and get on with life. It's better for your heart and soul.


nikkilugi, the large portion of people who come into my office, or call, are people complaining about one thing or another. Have I dealt with every customer in the world? No. Hence, I said MY customers. Not ALL customers. People usually come to customer service people because they are having a problem, not to idly chit chat about the weather. I can't help it if you don't understand the difference.


The nature of customer service is dealing with customers who have a problem. They are frustrated and upset that something they *usually* paid good money for is messed up or has a problem. I absolutely understand the difference - your customers vs. ALL customers who visit a customer service rep. Tell me what the difference is between your office and a different customer service office/desk? What is the difference between those customers?? I have been talking about customers who have a need for customer service help - just like you. I can't help it if you don't understand what I am talking about.

Guest RealLivePrinces

Well, for myself, I did Not approach people with the attitude, thoughts and feelings I have expressed here. Just because these are the things we think and feel does not mean we express them to customers. Customers, however, do not do the same. That is the point we are trying to get across. That we are people too. We have our limits. Think about the way you (you being a generalization) treat people.

Well said! I mean, I love my job. If I didn't, I'd leave. But would I love it even more if people didn't come and throw clothes on the floor? You bet. Do I come to their work and throw pencils on the floor? Most certainly not.


But for every rotten apple, there's always that amazing customer that comes in so much, we know each other well and it brightens my day to see them again. You've got to find the silver lining in life, or you'll never be happy! And that's my silver lining.


Do you want me to send you a link that explains the incredible lack of jobs in my town? Maybe where you live and when you were in college things were different. But don't tell ME "bull". I was unemployed for 4 months before I got the job I'm at right now. I was desperate and willing to work ANYWHERE and I STILL couldn't find anything.


Oh and btw, more than half the things you listed in your last paragraph deal with customer service. Not to mention the fact that you held at least 8 different jobs while you were in college. Obviously there's something wrong with this situation. Nice try.

Or I worked two jobs at home during the summer and one or two jobs during the summester each year. Four years of college and paid for it myself involves a number of different positions. Freshman year - lifeguarding over summer, work study during summester. Sophmore year - drove truck over the summer, during school year worked as a receptionist. Junior year - drove truck over the summer and asst. manager at rec center. Senior year - two nurses aid jobs over the summer (found out that nursing home work wasn't for me so moved to hospital), also did internship in clinic, and worked as a waitress, during summester continued work at hospital, also taught CPR for the rec. department at the school.


All people are telling you is if you hate your job and you hate your customers find something new.


Or I worked two jobs at home during the summer and one or two jobs during the summester each year. Four years of college and paid for it myself involves a number of different positions.


All people are telling you is if you hate your job and you hate your customers find something new.

I like my current job. That's not the issue. I'm merely pointing out that some customers complain about everything. They expect retail workers to do everything for them and yet they treat the employees like crap. If it's my job to be treated like crap, that's fair. But no where did I read in my job description that I'm supposed to put my feelings aside as a human being and put up with people's rudeness for $6 an hour.


The DIFFERENCE is that I was talking about MY personal experiences with customers, not the experiences that others have had. If someone here has had nothing but good dealings with customers, that is GREAT. I sure wish they could send some of them my way. But in MY experience, that has not been the case. When people come in/call to complain for whatever reason, they are already upset about the "situation" and carry that attitude with the serivce rep. You'll catch more flies with honey than you will with vinegar. I've had people litterally throw fits because they call me to get phone numbers to random business, and I don't have them. Or because I don't know what the goings on are at the local Chamber office. Neither of which have anything to do with the jobs I do. Some people are just unrealistic in what they expect to get from customer service people. (i.e. Getting something for FREE when they don't actually "deserve" it.) And those are the very customers that we get upset over.


I am nice to everyone who comes to me for help. And I help everyone I can. But if you come into my place of work throwing a fit over something I have ZERO control over and demand I fix it right then and there, you are going to be told to take a flying leap (in a nice manner). I will not kiss the butts of rude people who "pay my salary". It's just not going to happen. I don't care who you are, how many years you've been with a company, how much you may have spent there, or anything else. Just because you (you as a generalization) have done business with someone doesn't make you a good customer.


And not to be rude, but driving a bus and actually doing customer service work are two different things. You take someone from point A to point B. Your interactions with actual "customers" are very short. I have to handle money, do billing, answer billing questions, handle installs, disconnections, answer general questions, technical questions, etc for TWO offices at the same time. I do this from the moment I get into the office until I leave. Then, I have customers call my HOME with problems and stop me when I am out and about trying to get me take care of their problems.


But we are not "allowed" to get upset over someone being rude and demanding with us? We are not "allowed" to react to someone calling us names, throwing things at us, etc.? We are not "allowed" to blow off steam with a fellow co-worker when someone is trying to be decietful with us? (Provided it is in the appropriate place, and with the appropriate language....which isn't the case here.) We are not "allowed" to be upset when someone's kid has destroyed something because the parent was too lazy to watch their own child? We are not "allowed" to do anything because we "chose" our line of work? Which last I knew, it did not say anywhere in my employee handbook that I should "allow" customers to walk all over me, treat me like dirt, and to take things from my employer. I guess I better contact the corporate office and let them know that they need to revise some things.


Afterall, the customer is ALWAYS right.


Well, for myself, I did Not approach people with the attitude, thoughts and feelings I have expressed here. Just because these are the things we think and feel does not mean we express them to customers. Customers, however, do not do the same. That is the point we are trying to get across. That we are people too. We have our limits. Think about the way you (you being a generalization) treat people.


For those of you that don't think the type of customers we have discussed are not the norm you are sadly mistaken. I know that there is some difference regionally. In NYS customers are far worse than they are in WI, MN and MO. However, maybe in your happy fairy land, this isn't the truth but in retail reality, it is. We are people too and deserve to be treated with respect and courtesy. We have bad days just like you do. None of you have been short with your Hubby? Kids? Co-workers? Don't throw stones. Did the OP not come here to blow off steam? We need to do the same. I see far, far more posts on this site with customers whining over the smallest things and expecting the world in return as an apology, than I see CS reps. complaining about the customers. Why do you think that is? That comment was not directed at you OP. I think you have a valid complaint. The CS should not have done that. I do, however, think you overreacted by calling corporate. Just cut these people some slack. Let it go and get on with life. It's better for your heart and soul.


I agree that there is a huge difference in the amount of rudeness now, as apposed to 10 years ago. I agree that people in retail deal with a crap-load of it. I know it is worse in certain areas. If this was pointed at me---I don't live in a fairy tale land. I guess I've just been luckier than the rest of you when it comes to the people I've dealt with during employment. Doesn't mean I didn't have bad times and that I don't now on the other side of it...


I also think the OP was just venting--which is something many of us do. I cannot believe how some of these threads catch fire and how things get misunderstood and what some accuse others of. It's kind of like that "telephone" game...:(

i am closing this thread because the conversation isn't really helping the OP out. please do not start another thread. if you want to provide advice to the OP, please do it via PM.
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