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Teachers: $1 Holiday Sale @ Scholastic.com


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Well, I placed my order last night.

How strict are they when they verify the homeschool information?

I'm SUPER close to getting my teaching degree - and have an internship that I start next month (which is why I ordered the books). But since I don't "technically" have a school, I said I homeschool my children (and while I do work hard with my kids, it's not through a homeschool program, though these books will definitely be used with them as well).

Anyone know how they verify?

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Well if you are a homeschool, they put your address on a list and you can be seen as a homeschool program, for example when I looked to put in the middle school I worked at their were a lot of things that said "Homeschool"...then their addresses. Basically, when you add yourself as a homeschool you are making your homeschool appear on a list of schools anyone who is looking for a school in the area would find. I called Scholastic last year about that because I was curious.


Otherwise, if you are a "real" teacher, they verify it by shipping it to your school.

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Well if you are a homeschool, they put your address on a list and you can be seen as a homeschool program, for example when I looked to put in the middle school I worked at their were a lot of things that said "Homeschool"...then their addresses. Basically, when you add yourself as a homeschool you are making your homeschool appear on a list of schools anyone who is looking for a school in the area would find. I called Scholastic last year about that because I was curious.


Otherwise, if you are a "real" teacher, they verify it by shipping it to your school.


Thank you so much! That puts my mind at ease a bit. I didn't order a ton (just a few books)...but I'll call them tomorrow to see what they say, too. Although I got the order confirmation email, my order doesn't show up in the order history on my account....


Thank you!!:)

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I just received my order today, 18 out of the 19 books I ordered. The UPS man asked me where I was keeping all of the boxes I have been getting lately. I told him this one isn't for christmas:p. It's for our homeschool!:D Thanks again for posting this.
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Im having the same issues. I got the order in my email but when I look up my order on the website it says I have no order history. Plus my card was never charged. I hope they did not cancel it.

My credit card has not been charged either. I am waiting for one more book. My order says still processing.

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No! I was actually going to email them tonight because I was getting worried about where my order was. It was a nice surprise to get it today.:)

Ahhhhh! Now Im gonna be on the edge of my seat waiting!! :cheesy:


One more question...how long ago did you place your order?

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I don't homeschool anyone though. I am a student teacher, but I won't be in the school until January.


I'm in the same boat as you. I start my internship next month, so just put homeschool as the school. I actually called and spoke to someone about it, and she said to just put down homeschool since I won't start teaching for a few weeks.


Got my order today - well, the other half of it. For some reason, two items shipped separately.

I am SO thrilled with the resource books I got. Even threw in some pencil pads for my kiddos' stockings....Can't believe it only cost me $10 (including shipping)!! :D:D:D

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