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tytyty i was trying to find the reg leapster cheep.. but this is worth it .. for 5.00 more then the asking price online at some places.. woooooohooo only now i cant get the printer to set up on the new puter. uhhgggg i have no time for this lol

Thank you, Thank you, Thank you --- My 3 year old has been asking for one since his older brother and sister are addicted to there leapster. Just ordered one for local store pick-up.

Anbody have any tips on cheap games??

just picked mine up... but i ordered last night on line.. but my printer wont work on the new puter .. so i went ot work printed it out .. and went to get it.. ok so i stand in line .. then she does something on the puter with my card and then goes in the back .. about 2 min goes by and she finally comes out .. does more stuff on the puter .. so im still standing there. she hads me the bad and says here ya go.. well not one thank you not one smile .. i look at the bag,,, umm i say to the girl ummm thank you .. now u want to get me what i ordered. as this is a camera and not leapster.. lol i laughed she looked at the paper work looked at the puter and looked at the paper work then she says brb .. goes in the back comes back out about 4 mins later well she has it in hand does some thing on puter again .. then puts it in the bag and hands it to me and says here. ok... first off lucky i was in a good mood ... my question is this... dont i get a free gc for the troulbe of not having it ready for pick up.. i did not dare say a word to her and she was just to ummmm not caring. i left came home and thought about it..
ok after venting on here.. i called and spoke to a manager... she was very nice.. she came back on the phone told me sorry.. and that i need to come in she wants to give me the gc... i said can i come in on monday.. she said yes woohoo
  ally&tommysmom said:

I keep checking, but my CC has constantly said out of stock. Now it's in stock, but it's $74. Does anyone know if this is an online only deal in certain locations?

I think the $49.99 price was only for last weekend.

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