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Does anyone have a Corporate # for Sears?


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:mad:Specifically for the parts and repair dept? I am beyond angry at this point and I am tired of talking to people who are trained to tell me they can't do anything for me. I'm kicking myself for this but last Monday night, I called to make an appt. for service because my freezer wasn't working well. They told me it would cost $75 just to come out plus parts and labor for the repair OR I could purchase a repair warranty for $250 which would cover the repair and if the repair costs less, I could get a refund. I got the repair warrant. They told me someone would come between 8 and 12 on Tuesday. Someone finally showed up at 4pm. Diagnosed the problem in 5 minutes , changed the motor on the fan (which I know was already working) and was out of there in 30 minutes. Tuesday night the freezer is still not working and now the refridgerator is getting warm so I called back and they tell me they can't get someone here until Monday of this week. I called back Wednesday morning and finally got someone who was able to schedule an appt. for me from 9-5 that day (yes, the day before Thanksgiving). At 5 pm, he shows up and after 5 minutes, he tells me my compressor is bad and it will be 5-10 days to order the part and fix it. Plus it would be an extra $144 since my warranty only covered me to $500. I refused to pay, he ordered the part anyway and scheduled the repair for yesterday morning, Thursday. At 10:45 the tech calls because he's on the way. I don't have the part yet so he can't come. At 11 am, the part comes, I call back and I'm told the tech will come back. At 3, I call back and I'm told the tech will not call back and the next available appt is Dec. 5. He forwards me to someone who seems to understand the situation and she says she will talk to the routing mgr and try to get me in for today or tomorrow and she will call me back. Of course, no phone call, I call back and I'm given the Dec. 5 date again. The CS reps won't transfer me to the local dispacth and they won't force an appt for me because it's a 3 hour job they say.


So basically I need the number to someone who has the authority to make something happen sooner rather than later. Anyone?


Sorry this is so long but it's a vent. Can ya blame me?

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Did you lose food because of their delay?? If so tell them you expect it to be covered also. I hope you can get the service you need.

Yes, we lost food. Plenty of food. We're covered for either $200 or $250 but that depends on who you speak to. We have food stored in the freezer and refridgerator of my kids daycare, we have things in my 15 yr old college dorm fridge which still works perfectly and we unfortunately, we had to go out and buy a replacement midsize fridge. DH got it from Sears:shock: It's going back when all is said and done but we still might be out $45 with the 15% restocking fee:mad:


Have you tried the manager of the store you bought it from? I had a problem with a dishwasher that went out right before Christmas. I finally had enough and went to the store and raised heck till the manager gave me a new dishwasher. Problem solved.

Problem there is that we didn't buy it. The previous owners bought it right before we bought the house.


dmmiller, Thanks for the numbers. I tried them all and a few more after those and after 3 hours, got nowhere. I did talk to someone who sounded pretty disgruntled. She said their hands are tied and they're not supposed to force appts anymore and that she's been getting yelled all day every day for weeks now.


Next step is to write to corporate.

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Oh wow.. that sux.

Sorry your going thru so much crap.


We had our treamill worked on a few years ago, and the guy talked me into that

stupid service agreement, and said it would include a trip back to do a once over

and lube and stuff. After he talked down on me, about having the stupid thing in our

garage (above ground), saying he would terminate the agreement if he came back

and it was still in there. Oh I was ticked! DH said he wishes he would have been home

for that. I said "Honey, he wouldnt have been like that, if you were home."

Needless to say, we never called sears again for any more service.


Good luck with your situation.

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We no longer purchase extra extended warranties when we buy anything. Long story short, about 9 years ago, we purchased a big screen tv from Sun TV. They talked us into the extended warranty which cost us $500. 3 months later, Sun TV filed bankruptcy and we were out the warranty AND $500! We received a settlement from Sun TV bankruptcy court....a whole $20!!! NEVER AGAIN!! I'll take my chances on repair costs!
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:mad:Specifically for the parts and repair dept? I am beyond angry at this point and I am tired of talking to people who are trained to tell me they can't do anything for me. I'm kicking myself for this but last Monday night, I called to make an appt. for service because my freezer wasn't working well. They told me it would cost $75 just to come out plus parts and labor for the repair OR I could purchase a repair warranty for $250 which would cover the repair and if the repair costs less, I could get a refund. I got the repair warrant. They told me someone would come between 8 and 12 on Tuesday. Someone finally showed up at 4pm. Diagnosed the problem in 5 minutes , changed the motor on the fan (which I know was already working) and was out of there in 30 minutes. Tuesday night the freezer is still not working and now the refridgerator is getting warm so I called back and they tell me they can't get someone here until Monday of this week. I called back Wednesday morning and finally got someone who was able to schedule an appt. for me from 9-5 that day (yes, the day before Thanksgiving). At 5 pm, he shows up and after 5 minutes, he tells me my compressor is bad and it will be 5-10 days to order the part and fix it. Plus it would be an extra $144 since my warranty only covered me to $500. I refused to pay, he ordered the part anyway and scheduled the repair for yesterday morning, Thursday. At 10:45 the tech calls because he's on the way. I don't have the part yet so he can't come. At 11 am, the part comes, I call back and I'm told the tech will come back. At 3, I call back and I'm told the tech will not call back and the next available appt is Dec. 5. He forwards me to someone who seems to understand the situation and she says she will talk to the routing mgr and try to get me in for today or tomorrow and she will call me back. Of course, no phone call, I call back and I'm given the Dec. 5 date again. The CS reps won't transfer me to the local dispacth and they won't force an appt for me because it's a 3 hour job they say.


So basically I need the number to someone who has the authority to make something happen sooner rather than later. Anyone?


Sorry this is so long but it's a vent. Can ya blame me?

:mad: Sears repair made me wait 2 MONTHS to repair my washing machine. I did get multiple $50 Sears cards for calling to complain after each botched service call. Sears Corp was of no help, offered little satisfaction so I wrote letters & posted them across several websites.


Here's a snippet I called back in April/May for a weird noise coming from the agitation cycle. A very young Sears Rep came & said all is well. On August 12th I walk in to find my washroom full of smoke. Call repair center– it will take 10 days to get Sears here. Same young Sears Rep returns & after 1 hour on his phone tells me I need a new motor. He will have to order parts. Aug 28th Sears parts box arrived to my home but it’s water filters?!?! Sears will rush ship my new motor but they cannot come out until Sept 10th to install them. On Monday Sept 10th a different Sears Rep shows at my home & says it’s not the motor, it’s the brake. Have to reorder more parts. Sears cannot return to my home to install these parts until Sept 20th. On Sept 20th 2 Sears repair reps show up & say it's not the motor or the brake, now it's the transmission.

It was under the so called warranty and they gave me a $390 credit - the cost of the transmission repair and I was done. Went to buy a new one SEpt 24th & to add insult to this injury the new one didn't come until Oct 12th a full 2 MONTHS after the 1st one died.

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:mad: Sears repair made me wait 2 MONTHS to repair my washing machine. I did get multiple $50 Sears cards for calling to complain after each botched service call. Sears Corp was of no help, offered little satisfaction so I wrote letters & posted them across several websites.


Here's a snippet I called back in April/May for a weird noise coming from the agitation cycle. A very young Sears Rep came & said all is well. On August 12th I walk in to find my washroom full of smoke. Call repair center– it will take 10 days to get Sears here. Same young Sears Rep returns & after 1 hour on his phone tells me I need a new motor. He will have to order parts. Aug 28th Sears parts box arrived to my home but it’s water filters?!?! Sears will rush ship my new motor but they cannot come out until Sept 10th to install them. On Monday Sept 10th a different Sears Rep shows at my home & says it’s not the motor, it’s the brake. Have to reorder more parts. Sears cannot return to my home to install these parts until Sept 20th. On Sept 20th 2 Sears repair reps show up & say it's not the motor or the brake, now it's the transmission.

It was under the so called warranty and they gave me a $390 credit - the cost of the transmission repair and I was done. Went to buy a new one SEpt 24th & to add insult to this injury the new one didn't come until Oct 12th a full 2 MONTHS after the 1st one died.


You win! Your experience is worse than mine. What websites did you complain on? I've done my2cents and complaints.com so far. Once I'm sure everything works, I'm filing a complaint with the BBB.


UPDATE: After getting nowhere with trying to change my appt, I was stuck with today from 8-12. At least this time, I was smart and forwarded my phone calls to my cell so I didn't have to stay home all morning. Anyway, at about 11:30, the tech calls to say he's on the way. He made sure I had my parts and went right to work. After 2 hours, the new compressor was in and guess what...still doesn't work right. He was soooo nice. He said he wasn't satisfied with the air coming through so he waited a few minutes and then decided to take apart more of the fridge. He decided to vacuum, flush, and replace the freon or something like that and voila! My fridge seems to be working again. It took him 4 hours of wasted time. If the first guy had done that the first day, it would have cost Sears and I alot less $$. He told me that if what he did today doesn't work, then we get $500 towards a new fridge and we get $200 for lost food. I'm still pi$$ed but at least I'll be able to have ice in my vodka tonight:o.

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The Bottom Line Here Is Sears Suuuucccckkkksssss!!!

Since Fast Eddie From Kmart Took Over It Has Flown Downhill. Go To The Store Manager And If He Doesnot Help You Demand The Corporate Numbers In Chicago. Call Them And You Want Natioal Customer Complaint Manager. Keep Records Of Date Time And Names.

Then When All Is Done Contact Your State Consumer Complaint Office Where You Live. If You Persevere You Will Win. The Bottom Line Is Sears Suuuuuccccckkkkkssssss!!!!

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