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Target Add Posted on their site with "Extra Deals"

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According to meta critic Barnyard got an average of 6 out of 10 by critics. So, not the best game ever, but good enough for $9.


The Fantastic Four: Rise of the Silver Surfer got an average of 3 out of 10...so probably not worth the $9.


What's up with target?? Most of the other BIG retailers are doing the online thing today! Not happy that I will have to get dressed and go shopping.....I was really loving shopping in my Pajamas!!


"Ooohh, a Thomas the Tank Engine railway, normally $49.99, on sale for $44.00. What an unbelievable deal." lmfao...It sounds funny, but thats how 99% of the deals are here (In Canada)...usually go from about 39.97...to 34.97....I have even seen ones where you save a penny! lmfao.
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