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So..here is my plan... (merged)


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I am going to CC tomorrow to ask the manager if they will PM the 46" Aquos and the 24" Samsung monitor. If he gives me a signed paper stating they will PM, and signs my receipt I will purchase both.


HOWEVER, I will leave both unopened.


I will then camp out at Best Buy, and pick up the 22" Samsung monitor, and the 40" Samsung 1080P.


Leave both unopened.


Then I will go back to CC, and see if they will actually go through with the PM. If they do, I return the stuff to Best Buy. If they don't, I still have a rockin TV and monitor from Best Buy.


Can't lose.


What do yall think?

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I am going to CC tomorrow to ask the manager if they will PM the 46" Aquos and the 24" Samsung monitor. If he gives me a signed paper stating they will PM, and signs my receipt I will purchase both.


HOWEVER, I will leave both unopened.


I will then camp out at Best Buy, and pick up the 22" Samsung monitor, and the 40" Samsung 1080P.


Leave both unopened.


Then I will go back to CC, and see if they will actually go through with the PM. If they do, I return the stuff to Best Buy. If they don't, I still have a rockin TV and monitor from Best Buy.


Can't lose.


What do yall think?


I also posted this in the CC section, so delete this if that's not allowed. =P

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sux to be the guy who misses out on the BF deal at Best Buy cuz you needed an insurance policy... just saying....

Yeah, and the OP should be prepared for the attitude that the BB clerks are going to give Tequila when the BB stuff is returned.


Back in 2005 I had to return Ram I bought from Staples (it was a doorbuster). I was returning it on BF, but after doorbuster hours. Man, you would've thought I hit the manager's dog with my car.

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YMMV and you probably will see little/no success. Look at it from the CC managers POV. If someone came up to you and asked for your John Hancock on a slip of paper would you do it not knowing the ramifications that could later return and bite you in the A55?


At this time of the year, Corporate notifies the stores of their Price Matching policies as no one is in business to lose money. Many times these larger retail chains will negotiate a better price with manufacturers to move older inventory. Now if BB negotiates to get your 46" Aquos at a cheaper price than CC, why would CC want to match it. Companies DO want to make sure they offer you the best prices, but they are not in business to lose their shirts. Your best bet is to buy it from BB and not waste your time with CC.

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Yeah, and the OP should be prepared for the attitude that the BB clerks are going to give Tequila when the BB stuff is returned.


Back in 2005 I had to return Ram I bought from Staples (it was a doorbuster). I was returning it on BF, but after doorbuster hours. Man, you would've thought I hit the manager's dog with my car.



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