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So, Walmart has that 19" Emerson 720p tv on BF . I need a smaller TV and was thinking about getting this. HOWEVER Target has one too with a DVD player.. but whos ever heard of trutech, ya know??

I want the Emerson at walmart because I've heard of Emerson AND it has 800:1 contrast ration.. and Target has only 400:1.

MY DILEMA is where to go first because I want a lot in target but only the TV in walmart... and I seriously doubt i can go to walmart at 5 to get the tv then get to target righ tafter and be able to get that 10" dvd player too!


Has anyone had any experience with the 19" Emerson tv at all? or with the trutech @ target?


Would LOVE some feedback on either tv because thats my biggest BF dilema right now!




Oh yea.. talk about Tv's in this forum too!

-my friend has the 1080p polaroid and loves it.

I've had a trutech.. it's a really bad brand.. at least the one I had was not good at all. I ended up taking it back. In fact I was looking at the one they had there today for the bf ad. I believe it's the same one I purchased and took back. The only clear picture I got was when I was watching a dvd in the player. I may of just had a bad one but, I didn't want to chance it exchanging it. Hope this helps some.

Oh that definitely helps. Thanks!

I was in target lastnight taking a look at it and the picture doesn't look very clear at all on the display one. My regular tube tv at home is MUCH more clear. which is why I may have to figure out someway to get to walmart in Friday to get that Emerson.


Guest online_assistan
always be careful with comparing tv's @ walmart. I have seen them get them out of the box and put them straight on the shelf. Like any brand from super expensive to low priced it takes some tuning to find a good balance of color. Someone on here was talking about how the polaroid brand TV is awful my walmart it looked quite good. I would also say good marketing would be to fine tune the more expensive TV's so peoples eyes draw to the TV as good quality. Just Random Thoughts ;)
I make it every year from Walmart at 5 am to Target at 6 am. I just find someone who will go sit in line early at target while I shop at walmart for the both of us, then join them at the front of the line at target around 5:30 since I know exactly what I want and run through walmart like a madwoman! Good luck!
  tempguy said:

does anybody know if the emerson has pc input?

The picture ad doesn't say that it does, so I would guess no, but best to check the box description.

  moondancer69 said:

Oh that definitely helps. Thanks!

I was in target lastnight taking a look at it and the picture doesn't look very clear at all on the display one. My regular tube tv at home is MUCH more clear. which is why I may have to figure out someway to get to walmart in Friday to get that Emerson.


You are welcome! Hope you get what you wanted.


damn, i screwed myself. i convinced myself that the 22" at BB was a better deal at $230, but my BB decided to keep it hidden away, and when i found it they wanted to charge $400 plus. so i said screw this.


by the time i got to walmart, emerson was sold out. then i went to target, and they're sold out of trutechs.


damn, i fail at BF.

I got the 19" Emerson. Got in line 4:30; long line. Everyone was going for the larger sets so I got mine very quickly and checked out. I have basic cable without a box and it was easy to set up and the pic as good as I can get with the minimal stuff I have. Like it alot except the speakers sound "tinny". Not bad though, for $198.00
My mom got the 19" Emerson yesterday during the blitz to replace one of her tvs. Got home and hooked it all up...it doesn't work. No picture and the thing just cuts off after a few minutes. So now she's taking it back today....don't know if maybe someone dropped that one or what happened...but her's didn't work. :(
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