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okay since I didn't see this thread.. I started a new one and it got closed and re-directed here...

anyway this is what I posted..

I have heard from employees that they got their signage for Black Friday.. it's 30% off your entire purchase till 12pm then 25% off the rest of the weekend

Make it an even better deal if you can find a coupon! Simon malls should be giving 20% off ones with Santa

best Gymbo stratagy - go Wednesday night or call if you know exactly what you want and do "holds" then you just have to run in before noon and pay!

PLUS rummors say Gymbucks earning will also be going on! (for every $50 you spend you earn a $25 off $50 gymbuck to spend at later date)

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keep in mind for their B&M stores - if their mall is opening early so will Gymboree. For example, if the mall is open that day at 6am then Gymboree opens at 6am.


If you live near one of these malls, and want to get to Gymboree before the store gets demolished I would get yourself there early. :)

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I am getting SOOO super frustrated with my Gymboree...I have called 6 times to do a hold today and yes I understand they are busy BUT I just called and asked if she was busy FIRST she said, "NO", I said "I need to make a LARGE hold". She says "How Large" I respond "about $700" She says "sorry but the manager just left and I don't know how to a hold that large can you call back?" I feel pretty embarrased because without thinking I blurted out, "You DON'T know how to do a hold?" in a tone. But honestly I didn't mean to offend her I was just incredibly frustrated!!


C'mon how is a LARGE hold any different than ANY hold? I am only getting ONE of each item and its not for resale (I have 3 kids, do daycare and have 9 Neices and nephews!) So what exactly is the problem? I used to LOVE this store and the old manager, she'd let me email in my holds because they were so large...and shop the backroom. But then Old Navy came in and offered her double the amount to manager thier store :( and now I HATE my store!!


They asked if I could come in to do holds, well um NO! I am a 3hr trip from any Gymboree and I already have to make that trip FRIDAY !! :(


Sorry I just needed to vent...

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