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FREE Playdoh or Crayola 24pkg Crayons at TRU 10/18-19/07 ONLY!


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thanks very much! managed to print off six this time, plan to redeem for one of each item for three kids (i know thats a lot of trips to tru but i drive by there twice a day anyway). got three of the littlest pet shop last week. i hope they keep doing this for a while, at this rate i'll be able to fill all three stockings for practically nothing
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I just left TRU.. they let me use two coupons because I told them there were 2 different orders. I did purchase other things beside the playdoh so that might have made the different. They come in primary colors and the bright pastel colors. Pretty great for free!!!
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I got there at 3:00 today and they were completely out of Playdoh already:( I was going to get some crayons just because I was there but the registers were out because they had the power go out while we were there. Oh well!

You would have thought they would just trade you the coupon for the crayons anyways since you don't pay anything for them. Humm...


I got the playdoh I'm gonna save it for Toys 4 Tots or Sub 4 Santa gifts. I was going to do that also with the Hotwheels cars I got but my son opened em haha

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Guest caminitorinaldo

my TRU didn't have any out.

you had to actually look in the section, but it had A TON of them.


i'm tempted to go back tomorrow and get another package of them~

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My TRU let me get 8 packs! :cool:

Just have to tell the clerks to do them as diff transactions. Got 4 yesterday and 4 today.

Now thats A LOT of play-doh!


(the manager said not too many people were using the coupons)


However, there were about 20 packs initially on the shelf and she said what was out was it. Nothing in the back.

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