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Thing Fling *Wacky Wednesday*


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Got the following email from Thing Fling...Thought I would pass it along..


Flingers Behold! The king and the Queen are proud (actually, crazy) to announce one of our wackiest promotions EVER! You know that age-old saying “You snooze you lose?” That's never been truer. This is a once-in-a lifetime promotion that will get your head spinning, your flinger fingers begging for the keyboard, your adrenaline levels sky-high and God knows what else… On Wednesday, the 26th (Starting sometime after 12:00AM EST) Items will be changing every 10 (TEN) minutes, there will be new items and some you seen in the past, some quantities are very limited if you miss it the first time you may not see it again. Among some of these great deals, we will be selling some cool stuff that usually retails for $20 or more for only – are you sitting down??? - $0.99… Yes, you got that right: $0.99! Do we have your attention? Yeah, we thought so. Are you with me? You will not find another one (at this price, anyway) in the future. Should we ever offer the same item again, it`ll have a killer price, but the King and the Queen will be back to their senses and it certainly won`t be flung out the door for pennies, that`s for sure. Cut to the chase: As you are reading this, some wise flinger is getting that longed-for thing you are dying to get your hands on.So hurry, get the word out and your fingers moving, before they take it all. A $0.99 deal is definitely one to watch… and one not to be missed!www.thingfling.com

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