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Anyone gone to Mickey's Very Merry Christmas Party?


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We went 2 years ago. It was nice. There was snow on main street, the MK was decorated beautifully for Christmas, a Christmas parade with Santa, the characters are dressed up in winter/holiday clothing, hot chocolate and cookies and a special "Wishes". Honestly after doing it once, we won't go again. We like the Not So Scary Halloween Party much better.
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we went a few years ago and it rained almost the whole time we were there! So, I'd definately do it again so I could enjoy everything while dry ;)


Although, I really enjoyed going to the different resorts and seeing how they were decorated. The Grand Floridian's gingerbread house is my favorite!

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  • 2 weeks later...
  • 2 weeks later...
My wife and I went 6 years ago and was not impressed at all. Their version of "snow" on Main Street was nothing more than soap...which got me in the eyes several times. Unless you are a die hard Disney fan, you really aren't missing anything.
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We're going to Disney the weekend before Thanksgiving this year, and they have the party that Friday.. I was considering it but it starts late and ends late and the kids would be dead tired in the morning.. sounds like it's hot chocolate, cookies some Christmas shows... don't know if that's worth the over 40bucks a person... I think we'll skip it... thanks everyone for your responses.
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  • 3 weeks later...
I went in 2003 on my honeymoon! I loved it. There was a crowd, but everyone was so cheerful and happy. We got free cookies and hot cocoa (which we needed since it was freakishly cold for Florida). The parade was great!! When Chip & Dale went by in their float, they were "baking cookies" and it actually smelled like cookies!
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We are going the week before Christmas. Bad week to go but only vacation time my DD could get. Anyway I tt my friend who lives in Orlando and she said it is not worth it if you are staying on site because you can get to the parks early and miss the crowds then for rides. Also, the characters usually visit the other parks dressed in holiday attire after the parade. We are not going to spend the extra $40+ for this. We are going to take that money and go to SeaWorld.
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If you can go mid-week, that's best. Weekends tend to sell out since you have the regular tourists plus locals. That stretch between Pop Warner week and the week before Christmas are best. It used to be totally dead between Thanksgiving and Christmas and word got out about the low crowds and Christmas atmosphere so it's picked up a little. But if you get there mid-week middle of December, it should be less crowded.


I love Disney's parties. I think they're worth the money unless you go on a sold out night. I suggest not going to a park earlier that day. Since parks are open til midnight, it can be a late night. And if you can stick it out til after the fireworks, the crowds file out. That last half of the party (between the two parades and after the fireworks) are pretty dead, so if you're rested and can run til midnight, you're set. The parties start at 7PM officially, but they start letting you into the parks at 4PM on your party tickets. Unofficially of course. But every party I've gone to, we've arrived between 4 and 5 and they had set up half of the turnstyles for the party.

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  • 2 weeks later...
We have gone every year for 8 years now! We love it! It is nice because they only allow a certain number to buy tix, so it is not that crowded! I recommend seeing the parade the later time, and go do all of the rides first. Once you have seen the parade, you can skip it every year after that!! It has been the same parade for years! It is part of our family tradition, and I can't imagine missing it! :)
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If you can go mid-week, that's best. Weekends tend to sell out since you have the regular tourists plus locals. That stretch between Pop Warner week and the week before Christmas are best. It used to be totally dead between Thanksgiving and Christmas and word got out about the low crowds and Christmas atmosphere so it's picked up a little. But if you get there mid-week middle of December, it should be less crowded.


I love Disney's parties. I think they're worth the money unless you go on a sold out night. I suggest not going to a park earlier that day. Since parks are open til midnight, it can be a late night. And if you can stick it out til after the fireworks, the crowds file out. That last half of the party (between the two parades and after the fireworks) are pretty dead, so if you're rested and can run til midnight, you're set. The parties start at 7PM officially, but they start letting you into the parks at 4PM on your party tickets. Unofficially of course. But every party I've gone to, we've arrived between 4 and 5 and they had set up half of the turnstyles for the party.

I have never tried to go early, I just assumed that they wouldn't let us in!! What time do they close the park for the regular crowd? And how do they not shoo you out when they are closing?
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We had planned to go but changed our minds. We are there 12/18-26 which also means I can see the parade and that stuff at the party but not pay the extra money. I can wait a few days to save 240.00. We are eatting dinner the night of the party at LTT at 5:30 but then after that we will have to clear the park. I am sure we can find something else to do!


I just hope I can get a sweatshirt that says Xmas party or something on it before we have to leave they look really cute!

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