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ToysRUs.com Summer Toy Blowout Sale - Save 75% or More Through July 8th @ ToysRUs.com


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Thanks - I went on today 7/9 and they still have the sale - I just picked up the creepy crawler bug oven with bonus pack for $7.00 - sells everywhere for $25.


OK - just started my christmas shopping!

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I haven't used there site since they left amazon. The shipping prices are rediculous. Even if it is a good price for the item after the shipping it isn't any more. If they had a free shipping deal when you spend $xx I would be on board though
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I just got off the phone with "Bryan" at TRU Customer Service... NONE of my 16 items ordered on the 4th have shipped... He said the "should" ship today - but he couldn't guarantee it... Then - I pointed out the of the 4 of my items that were canceled the next day - "3" of them were back in stock... he said they could re-ad them to my order - but at the prices they are at NOW (which is WAY higher than the prices I had purchased them at.) - I told him that that made no scense and he went to talk to his supervisor (yeah - right) about it. When he came back - he pointe dout the "fine print" on their site and aid the prices were only good while quantitys lasted) - I pointed out (once more) that 3 of the 4 items were back on their site, and since my order had not shipped yet - it made no scence that they couldn't just ad them in - since they DO HAVE THEM in STOCK... He said - "yeah, but they weren't available when you placed your order..." He said his manager agreed to send them at the price they are NOW with FREE shipping (if they added them to my exisiting order!) - I said NO THANKS and told him I had lost all respect for TRU and would NOT be returning... he said he UNDERSTOOD that!


TRU is a JOKE - they can pull anything they want with our orders and justify it with fine print that means NOTHING... they can't be SOLD out if they are in stock and my order is still in their warehouse! I am though with them! (thank you for listening to my rant.) - I wish all of you that ordered from them luck on getting what you ordered! :mad:

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I quit shopping TRU because they let you place the order, making you think you will be getting the item, then they turn around and cancel it. Had this happen 3 times at Christmas. Now I don't even look at their site! What a joke of a business!
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I refuse to shop with them because I think they purposely put all of those great deals out there and then when you click on the item, about 80% of the stuff isn't even available!!!! :mad: It should be taken off of the screen or have an "out of stock" label or something. I don't have ALL DAY to click on the items I'm interested in, only to find that all of them are out of stock!
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I hate Toys R US and the Google Shipping! I ordered a huge order on the 2nd and it was cancelled after it was not transferred from Google. Every time I e-mail them, it gets bounced from Google to Toys R Us! The shipping is stupid too!
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