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I was just coming to post this. I am a bit late in checking my usual sites today but from what I heard everyone was happy with what they got last time
I received my mystery bag and was not impressed at all. Received 2 different sizes of the "zip n go" canvas bag. Starts off as a small pouch and when unzipped and opened it becomes a larger canvas type bag. Did anyone receive anything different?
I ordered those bags too and am supposed to get em tomorrow. I have NEVER once gotten junk from them, Im sorry you had a bad experience

Wow. I bought 2 mystery bags last time and got

Maxell pro disc fixer and refill kit - Retail value $70.00

Maxell video screen cleaner and towel

2 night owl night lights

3 CD cases(2 were cracked)

2 push in lights

Linksys 2.4Ghz wireless network adapter - Retail value $77.00

I also got 2 of the zip bags. What a joke! Where did they come up with $35 for a retail vaue?? The anticipation was fun, but I won't waste my money again.

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