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Reading the discription, I think this is supposed to be the 17 or 10 inch MONITOR. It has a slot-in dvd (not in the picture) and a TV tuner (not found in most portable dual dvd players). But it may be worth taking a chance on. Also, the price of shipping HAS got to be for a larger box than what dual dvd players come boxed in.

ok so can you hook systems like XBOX 360 to this thing? My husband may be headed back for Iraq and it looks like this might be perfect as a portable DVD player and monitor for his game system to take with him. I wish you could get it in store or there was a code for free shipping. The description has changes it now all says 17 inch but the picture is wrong and still shows 2 monitors


Ok looks like per the makers site this is the one they are saying is $85. Based on the MSRP on their site this looks like a sweet deal. I am still nervous about a diffrent picture being shown and the shipping is painful. I wish we had a free shipping code



Wow similar items else where are $350+ Think this is an error the MSRP says it is a lot higher than what TRU is showing. Desisions desisions


OK so here is the link from Designer Vision LTd (the manufacturer) for the twin monitors. They are an England based company:




And the link for the 17" LCD TV that Toys R US is actually describing. It appears that they have the picture correct but the headline & description is wrong.




I am new so it will not allow me to add URL's or even post it with www so the link are there just add www before the link.


Hope this helps

  preppie534 said:

And the link for the 17" LCD TV that Toys R US is actually describing. It appears that they have the picture correct but the headline & description is wrong.


I wonder if any orders for these will actually go through. TRU doesn't even seem to know what they're selling.


My wife just got off with customer service, it is 2 screens and they are 17".

Order Details - Mar 22, 2007 11:55 AM PDT

Google Order #131020220575040 Print

Qty Item Price

1 17" LCD TV with DVD Player - Item#:2415454 $84.98

Shipping & Handling (GROUND) : $39.69

Tax (NJ) : $8.73

1 Google Checkout $10 Sign-up Bonus - Bonus may not appear on this store's web site or emails. -$10.00

Total: $123.40

  jerseywolfe said:

My wife just got off with customer service, it is 2 screens and they are 17".

Order Details - Mar 22, 2007 11:55 AM PDT

Google Order #131020220575040 Print

Qty Item Price

1 17" LCD TV with DVD Player - Item#:2415454 $84.98

Shipping & Handling (GROUND) : $39.69

Tax (NJ) : $8.73

1 Google Checkout $10 Sign-up Bonus - Bonus may not appear on this store's web site or emails. -$10.00

Total: $123.40

OMG!! I ordered it a few hours ago. I want the 17 inch LCD. I don't want a 7 inch DVD player.

I am on the phone right now with TRU the girl I am speaking with said she had a call earlier on this and didn't realize that there was a difference in the description compared to the picture. She is not for sure if it is a single 17 in TV monitor with built in DVD player or 2 - 7 inch monitors with protable DVD player. she checked another site for info and it was describing the 7 inch protable dual screen. she said the only way for sure is to put in a request to the warehouse to pull one of the items to look at it and that will take 24-48 hours. I am waiting till then to order because I already have a protable but would like the 17 inch built in DVD for the guest bedroom.
not only does the description not match the screen size but it also says " slot-in DVD loader " - the one pictured with the 7 inch monitors is a not a slot in DVD player. If you go to the manufactur web site and look at the DVD player listed - it has 2 "7 inch" monitors. this is a mispost - the customer service people are looking at the same information you are. It is very confusing but very obvious that these are 2 different items.
:blush: I just hung up from TRU and the rep. laughed and said they are still trying to get things straight about this issue. I ordered 2 in hopes of it being 17in. LCD TVs. If not, I will send them back to TRU.
This is not the first problem I've had with their new website. Before Christmas they had posted the Interactive Barbie Princess Genievieve. It was the one that danced, well they had it posted for 20.xx, the same price as the regular Barbie. I called several times and they could never figure out what the problem was. Nor would they offer to honor the mistake. It seems like they have lots of problems with listing things correctly!
I just called to check on my Inquiry with TRU they did have the warehouse pull the item and it is 7 inch dual screen portable DVD shown in the picture it is not the 17 inch LCD described. Hope this helps everyone.
  atisikitabasket said:

I just called to check on my Inquiry with TRU they did have the warehouse pull the item and it is 7 inch dual screen portable DVD shown in the picture it is not the 17 inch LCD described. Hope this helps everyone.

Thats gonna make for some PISSED people. Whats killing me is do you think they have changed it yet. NOPE

So do you think that we should be paying less for shipping since it is actually 7 in and not 17. I figured it was 7 for the price and I bought it anyway. I need one in the car to keep my little girl happy for long trips. But I am not sure about the shipping. Maybe I will call tru about that. Let me know if anyone hears anything about the shipping costs :)
  kristie4 said:

So do you think that we should be paying less for shipping since it is actually 7 in and not 17. I figured it was 7 for the price and I bought it anyway. I need one in the car to keep my little girl happy for long trips. But I am not sure about the shipping. Maybe I will call tru about that. Let me know if anyone hears anything about the shipping costs :)

yes, a 17 inch LCD TV weighs significantly more than 2 7 inch monitors. The box is larger also and it should cost more to ship it. I think they will probably cancel all of the orders.


LOL I just looked at the site. All they did was change the 17 to a 7 ROFL--the item's description is still wrong. The dual monitor DVD player doesn't have a slot in DVD player and probably doesn't have the TV Tuner or USB.

  Shortness said:

I called the nearest TRU, and they only had it on sale for $139.99, but the sale ended Saturday.

They have it online for this price. However, it is not the same brand as the one originally posted. I see the shipping is only 9.99 and I paid 39.99 for my dual screen. I think I will call them for a credit once I get it if I ever get it.

I just got an email saying that my order was shipped. However, the desciption in the email is a "7 inch dual monitor." I called tru to question the shipping charges and they are telling me it is still about right to charge the 39.99. I told the customer service agent that it must be incorrect if it is only 7 inches. She told me to call back in 3 days as they are looking into it. In any event she says I have to pay the return charges if I am not happy with it. I told her that since I ordered a 17" LCD TV and was actually sent a 7" monitor, TRU is responsible for the return charges. This is really bad business. Well, lets see what happens when we finally get. Anyone else called in about this?
I just called. Mine will apparently be here tomorrow according to UPS tracking. According to the email it's a 7 inch dvd player. I'll be sending it back, since I won't be home when the UPS guy comes I can't just refuse it. I hope it's not too hard to get a refund from Toys R Us.
got the dual DVD players today. She was super sweet and credited the $40 in shipping back immediately and sent me the return label by email. She was much nicer than the witch from yesterday

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