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Hot Topic - Bad Deal


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Last week I had pulled up the Hot topic page seeing what they had on clearance. I'm an action figure collector so I hit all the pages that sell stuff I'm into regularly. Anyway, I found a pair of boots my wife liked that they had priced for just under $10. I saw some I liked that was priced right at $18. They had a figure I liked too so I threw that in just as an extra item.


Well day before yesterday I got email saying that the boots I wanted were sold out and they were canceling that order. That made me mad, but I figure at least my wife will get her boots. Well today I get my order by UPS and all it had was the figure. This being a $5 item, they tacked on a $8 shipping plus tax. It's nearly $13 beyond the $5 for the figure and they canceled my wife's boots too. Needless to say, they're getting this back and I want a refund.


What makes it worse is that both of these items I ordered remained up on their site over an hour after I finalized my order. My thoughts are that they didn't want to sell it for the price they had it listed because now these items are relisted but at a higher price. I just thought this was horrible business practice. I was near ready to report it to the Better Business Bureau. If they don't refund my money, I probably will. I just thought i'd post this as a heads up to anyone shopping their clearance section.

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I've had the same experience with HotTopic.com, it's very very frustrating. I ordered $40 worth of stuff last week, get an email with shipping info, then the next day or even later I'll get 3 or 4 SEPERATE emails telling me things I ordered are out of stock and cancelled, yet they don't give me the option to just cancel the whole order, which is what I would do.


One order I put in, I think I ordered 10-11 things, actually only ended up getting maybe 3 of them, kept getting emails that things were out of stock, but I'd go to their site and they would still be showing as in stock, for DAYS after I got the out of stock email.


Horrible customer service.

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lnt.com did that to me last year. I placed an order for a roboraptor on clearance for $29.99 and a few other small things on clearance. Well, they didn't even send me a cancellation notice for any of it, they just shipped the 1 item that they had in stock, a $1.19 item that they charged me $11.xx to ship!!! The rest said cancelled due to out of stock on the order form in the box. Needless to say, I was NOT pleased and I called them and told them I would have NEVER agreed to pay that for shipping on the $1.19 item. They explained to me what had happened was that the total shipping for they order I had placed was $11.xx and when the other items were unavailable the computer did not change it. They ended up refunding me the total cost of the shipping. So I just paid the $1.19 for the item.
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Just thought I'd update this. They did allow me to return the single item at the local store. I didn't get the boots, but at least I didn't have to pay that crazy shipping charge for the only item they did send. They didn't really question it. But I thought a follow up was needed just to say they did give me my money back.
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