denaults Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Does anyone have the DCPI for a bedding set - I will describe it best I can. It was a bed in a bag set, red - with flowers in the center and maybe a plaid around the flowers and then red on the outside edge....Hopefully someone knows which one I am talking about. I went yesterday and they were still 25.00 now today I went and they were 14.00. All 8 or 9 sets in a Queen were gone. I was really wanting it. Hoping I can drive to the next closest Target to find it, but want to check the "website" first for inventory. I checked out the Target website and I couldn't find it on there. Those of you who have the chance to hit more than one Target within a reasonable distance are so lucky! I live 20 minutes from Target and the next closest one is another 30 past that. I am willing to move just to be closer to more Target stores - hubby wants to move further away from them...hehehe Thanks!
lovetoshopCA Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 tjarena said: I guess I'm missing something but I don't understand all the interest in the toys. My Target has mostly junky toys and the few good toys are going fast without the 75 off. Does all of your Targets have really good toys on clearence that mine doesn't. Maybe I should try another Target.I personally want some new Vtech Vsmile cartridges for the new system I just bought at 50%. Those puppies are expensive!!! I also want some of the Legos, and yes, we still have quite a few at some of my stores. I am also interested in some more Take Along Thomas toys, and yes, we have a lot of those, too. Although in this case probably because they didn't mark them all.
lovetoshopCA Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 For those interested, the new Glendale Galleria Store in CA is lovely, but no clearance. Just thought I would check. As I assumed, they opened a few days before the Grand Opening. It is pretty spread out, though, with the 3 floors. Kinda crazy, really. But nice and sparkling clean right now. If you decide to go, be sure to park on the Colorado & Columbus side to be close.
cari_h Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 tjarena said: I guess I'm missing something but I don't understand all the interest in the toys. My Target has mostly junky toys and the few good toys are going fast without the 75 off. Does all of your Targets have really good toys on clearence that mine doesn't. Maybe I should try another Target.I live close to 3 Targets. Two of them have absolutely nothing I want, but the 3rd one has like 2 aisles of stuff, including the train tables which are currently at 50% off, waiting and hoping they go to 75% off next week and I can snag one for $20. So it can really vary depending on individual stores.
PugMama Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Seattle Northgate: lots of "summer" toys on sale 30% off like jump-ropes, sidewalk chalk, beach toys, kites, etc... Rest of the toys at 50% off, like the Vtech Vsmile, Cabbage Patch kids, Strawberry Shortcake dolls, Dora the Explorer figurines, and a BUNCH of Bratz dolls. Many shoes clearanced to 50 - 75% off, though most of the kids shoes are really picked over. There are a lot of women's summer dress shoes left though. Jewelry and watches, many items at 30% off, and a few styles of earring at 50% off. Kids clothes are VERY picked over and not much there at all. Bulk items at just 15% with LOTS of everything left.
cmattison Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 I finally had a chance to get to Target tonight for the first time all week. The toy dept looked pathetic. It was bare! I asked one of the employees why it looked that way and she said they were waiting on their Christmas reset merchandise but would not elaborate any further. There isn't going to be anything left to go to 75% in our toy section!! I also saw the booster seat that someone got for $4.XX. There was only one and it scanned at $13.XX. So I put it back on the shelf. The only thing I bought was sugar free jello for $0.15/box and a gallon of milk. For some reason, the milk is cheaper at Target than at our Wal-Mart or local grocery stores.
linda050103 Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 tjarena said: I guess I'm missing something but I don't understand all the interest in the toys. My Target has mostly junky toys and the few good toys are going fast without the 75 off. Does all of your Targets have really good toys on clearence that mine doesn't. Maybe I should try another Target.I think it totally depends on your Target. I know I've been to a few Targets where you can blink and miss their toy section and then I've been to a few that have a great toy selection.
ives Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 My buys yesterday.. radio flyer little scooter...8.XX 75% off, scanned as online wonder if this was an online purchase returned at store another lonely lawn chair at 75% off full and twin 300 count sheet sets at 12.xx 75% off bathroom etigere 22.xx 75% off 1 lonely MM juice box .69 All scanned a lot lower than what was marked on sticker, so as usual, just making sure I always scan items I'm interested in. Waiting for some clearance ottomans to go lower in price...don't need, but would love to get if price is right Our toys mostly 30-50% still. A few at 75%, but none I'm really interested in. by the way, I'm relatively new at target perimeter perusing...never realized it was so expensive to save money...have spent more at target recently than I ever have
andybrooke Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Columbus Ohio Polaris location, didnt have toy markdowns yesterday, most still at 30% off. There was absolutely nothing at 75% off anywhere in the store except for a few boys t-shirts, and a really picked over womans rack. Last week, I did meet a fellow Perimeter Persuer. We let each other know where all the deals were. Ive been noticing more people shopping the deals lately at this store. I think maybe I will have to find a different Target store for deals. Slim pickins lately here.
sugarkristals Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Has anyone seen any bikes get marked down yet? Does anyone have a copy of the NEW Target ad which will be coming out tomorrow? Thanks!
dmmiller Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Ads probably out in my box as we speak.. Is there something In particular your wanting to know?
dmmiller Posted July 28, 2007 Posted July 28, 2007 Okay, maybe make a mental note for future purchase: In the ad the Brita Water Filtration smart pitchers and filters are $24.99/each (temporary price cut) and the pitchers as well as the filters both contain $5 Target gift cards in them. So if you EVER see these on clearance, check em out.
bfshoppergirl Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 My target toy shelves are bare as well. I did get a little leaps cartridge for $10xx. The bulk items are 15% I went ahead and got pampers because i am assuming they will never make it past that mardown. I did however had 2 coupons at $2 and $1.50 off so got them for less than $20.
kbrady2 Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 I had some great buys tonight... read this first though - I don't have kids, nor am I pregnant. I found a JJ cole System diaper bag that is very cool and not diaper bag looking. I am sure it was an internet purchase/return. It was marked as is with "was 39.99, now 9.96". However I got home to look tonight online - $69.95. Wonderful. I haven't decided if i am going to give it to one of the newly pregnant girls at work or keep it for myself as I really like it. Plus I found one of the humidifiers, the bear looking one...$7.48. Is a humidifier only good for children or will it help adults too.. I should do some research. Found some Chefmate slotted spoons 75% off for $0.24 and pastry mixers (like masher thing) for $0.74. Had a great trip today. Looked like more of our toys were still 50% off nothing to 75 yet, but I didn't look very hard.
shawna629 Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 I went a last night and got a ton of toys. I got a TJ beary tales for 14.xx, some fly wheels for 2.xx and a bunch of the cheap outside toys for 50% off. Also some dress up Disney Princess brand play jewelry for 3.xx
bharper44 Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 I am sooo bummed that they did not mark the toys farther this week. The only thing I really want is the Doodle Bears and they still have a TON left for $7.44 (50%). I have watched them forever and now they have been moved to a new aisle of clearance. Hopefully this means the price is going down this week and I am going on vacation!!! Not sure I can convince my hubby I need to leave the beach to find a Target!
lovetoshopCA Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 kbrady2 said: I had some great buys tonight... read this first though - I don't have kids, nor am I pregnant. I found a JJ cole System diaper bag that is very cool and not diaper bag looking. I am sure it was an internet purchase/return. It was marked as is with "was 39.99, now 9.96". However I got home to look tonight online - $69.95. Wonderful. I haven't decided if i am going to give it to one of the newly pregnant girls at work or keep it for myself as I really like it. Plus I found one of the humidifiers, the bear looking one...$7.48. Is a humidifier only good for children or will it help adults too.. I should do some research. Found some Chefmate slotted spoons 75% off for $0.24 and pastry mixers (like masher thing) for $0.74. Had a great trip today. Looked like more of our toys were still 50% off nothing to 75 yet, but I didn't look very hard.humidifiers are good for anyone with breathing issues or dry air issues. dh has sleep apnea, so we need one. it is also good when you have a cold or allergies. the moisture helps the breathing process, I guess. Not sure, how, but I know it it true.
lovetoshopCA Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 duckbrain said: Did the toys go 75% off today?no, they don't do regular markdowns on the weekends. Just holiday stuff sometimes. the markdown teams have weekends off.
sfven Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 lovetoshopCA said: no, they don't do regular markdowns on the weekends. Just holiday stuff sometimes. the markdown teams have weekends off.I was at Target Saturday morning and there were people doing some markdowns throughout the store. I don't think they do mass markdowns in each dept like they do during the week, maybe they're going through each dept and seeing if they've missed somethings because they usually go therough the aisles and scan items before doing the stickers. There have been several occassions where i've gone on a sunday and got somthing that was clearanced lower than what it was on friday.
sfven Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 smockingfor2 said: ...The FATHER"S DAY stuff FINALLY went %75 off, I got DH 3 ties that I had been watching forever for $6.xx down from $24.99 so I was happy about that, they had tons of radios, shaving stuff and other 'guy stuff' but all I was interested in were the ties. goldenrod target had a lot left but still at 30%! why won't they clearance them out faster with so much stock left? They are in an odd place, on an endcap in the baby section.
lovetoshopCA Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 sfven said: I was at Target Saturday morning and there were people doing some markdowns throughout the store. I don't think they do mass markdowns in each dept like they do during the week, maybe they're going through each dept and seeing if they've missed somethings because they usually go therough the aisles and scan items before doing the stickers. There have been several occassions where i've gone on a sunday and got somthing that was clearanced lower than what it was on friday.Are you sure they were doing markdowns? Did they have the little black printers that spew out the little red stickers? If they just had the PDT guns they may have been doing "research" which is their way of checking inventory levels and reordering. they put grey stickers on or near the shelf tag when they order something. As for the Sunday/Friday discrepancy, it might depend on what time of day you went on Friday and whether they had marked those items. It could also be that they missed the item and that it went down overnight - we had that discussion a few pages back about how things that get missed in the process get marked either automatically overnight or they scan all the codes on their sheets. I have asked directly, and at least one other person on here has as well, and they don't do weekend clearance markdowns.
jarerice Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 I went yesterday and the toys were no cheaper than the day before!
gingersunshine Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 yesterday at the target near knoxville, tn they had 2 pack boxes of cereal (apple jacks, special k, golden grahams, and a few more) for 4.24 marked down from 5.00 and on the boxes were 5 coupons. on the special k the coupon was for a free granola bar and on the apple jacks the free coupon was for eggo waffles. used coupons to buy the 2 boxes of cereal and got each for around $3.00. they were near the diapers that are on sale for 15% off in the back of the store.
blssed2bme Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 Do you think that the pation furniture ever goes for more than 75% off? My Target 2 days ago STILL had some 2 pc chair sets, fake trees and fountains left and I was wondering if I should buy a tree and the fountain now or see if it gets discounted some more.
aacwks Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 blssed2bme said: Do you think that the patio furniture ever goes for more than 75% off? My Target 2 days ago STILL had some 2 pc chair sets, fake trees and fountains left and I was wondering if I should buy a tree and the fountain now or see if it gets discounted some more.Probably not. If it doesn't sell at 75% it will probably go "salvage" and be donated or sold to the liquidator ( - keyword: target - click on one of the listings and if the seller name is Target click on the name to see all of the Target listings - almost all items sold by the pallet).
nannymouse Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 does anyone know if the scooters should be going on clearance soon ?- the niece and nephews are due an upgrade but simply don't have the $$ to do for all at full price. Thanks in advance!
becalyn24 Posted July 29, 2007 Posted July 29, 2007 got a great deal at Target....the deal was thong underwear for a penny!
supershopper1 Posted July 30, 2007 Posted July 30, 2007 Went today, toys still not 75% yet. I did get a folding lawn chair $7xx 75% off someone returned it so there was no bar code only a paper that said return $29.95. Told the cashier all chairs had gone 75% even though a store near by still wants full price for these. I also got a flashlight, the type you shake for 75% off $8.xx. Car seat I wanted still only 30%. Went to Kmart & found it 50% off on clearance over $20 cheaper than Target! Target only had 1 left in the area & I know it will be gone before it goes to 50 or 75% off.
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