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Perimeter Perusing at Target (Target Clearance Deals) - 2007


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OH yes they WERE marking down the pet supplies and someone on here wanted to know about the Pet beds.. they were marking them down too. some 30% and some 50% big and small beds. Some of the chew bones and cleaning supplies for the 4 legged family members too.


Thank You so much. I have to get 3 large dog beds for my dogs. I will check it out after work tonight.

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OMG...I am so excited!!!! I got the best deal today at Target!!!! My nience's birthday is coming up. I found her a LeapFrog Learn-Around Playground. They must have just marked it down because it wasn't there Monday. Walmart sells them for 59.95!!!!





I paid 14.98!!!!!!!! :g_thumbri


The number on it is 204040048


I also picked up the toliet paper 30 rolls for 6.50


And since today is my Birthday, I bought something for me!!! I got a tourquese tankini. It's so pretty.

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Today I decided to get a slip cover and was prepared to pay almost $100 for it. Threw one I liked in the cart: 69.99. Started looking at the clearance items and found one for 19.xx!! Ended up getting them both so the love seat can always be covered, even when I am washing one.
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OMG...I am so excited!!!! I got the best deal today at Target!!!! My nience's birthday is coming up. I found her a LeapFrog Learn-Around Playground. They must have just marked it down because it wasn't there Monday. Walmart sells them for 59.95!!!!


I paid 14.98!!!!!!!! :g_thumbri




Great find! My year and a half nephew has one of these and loves it!

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OMG...I am so excited!!!! I got the best deal today at Target!!!! My nience's birthday is coming up. I found her a LeapFrog Learn-Around Playground. They must have just marked it down because it wasn't there Monday. Walmart sells them for 59.95!!!!





I paid 14.98!!!!!!!! :g_thumbri


The number on it is 204040048


Don't know if this is the same or not... Leap Frog recalled the learn around playground item number 10200 (I think it's on the box somewhere.) Could be that this is newer. I have 3 kiddos and probably have lots of "recalled" toys somewhere around. Personally I don't worry too much unless it's an obvious danger/worry. You can't go wrong with Leap Frog! Great find:)

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I got "Pirates of the Carribean Jack Sparrow's Pirate Gear" box for kids for $2.74 it has 10 of Jack's trademark movie items.


They also had a Superman action figure for $2.74 but I didn't get it.


They had a portable gift wrapping station for $14.XX marked sown from $25.XX but I didn't get that either.

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OMG...I am so excited!!!! I got the best deal today at Target!!!! My nience's birthday is coming up. I found her a LeapFrog Learn-Around Playground. They must have just marked it down because it wasn't there Monday. Walmart sells them for 59.95!!!!





I paid 14.98!!!!!!!! :g_thumbri


The number on it is 204040048


Don't know if this is the same or not... Leap Frog recalled the learn around playground item number 10200 (I think it's on the box somewhere.) Could be that this is newer. I have 3 kiddos and probably have lots of "recalled" toys somewhere around. Personally I don't worry too much unless it's an obvious danger/worry. You can't go wrong with Leap Frog! Great find:)



can I ask which target you got that at and were there any left? TIA

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they are 10 packs of Minute Maid juice. Pretty much any flavor except orange. The shelf tags don't give the $.69 price, you have to scan them. If you are seeing 15 packs, then move them around to see if you can find any 10s on the shelf. Sometimes they are in the back, behind the 15s. They are very sporadically put out, so you have to keep checking. Several people on here thought they simply didn't have them in their area because they hadn't seen them over the course of weeks. But then suddenly they are there one day.

I was one of those people who until this afternoon figured I would never catch this deal but for the first time, they had them. I bought 6 of them (they only had apple):D

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OMG...I am so excited!!!! I got the best deal today at Target!!!! My nience's birthday is coming up. I found her a LeapFrog Learn-Around Playground. They must have just marked it down because it wasn't there Monday. Walmart sells them for 59.95!!!!





I paid 14.98!!!!!!!! :g_thumbri


The number on it is 204040048


Don't know if this is the same or not... Leap Frog recalled the learn around playground item number 10200 (I think it's on the box somewhere.) Could be that this is newer. I have 3 kiddos and probably have lots of "recalled" toys somewhere around. Personally I don't worry too much unless it's an obvious danger/worry. You can't go wrong with Leap Frog! Great find:)


Yeah, I seen that when I was searching for a reg. price. It has a kit that I can call and get. But I can't see Target selling something that has been recalled. But thank you, I am going to check when I get home, just to make sure.


I know my daughter has a few things that have been recalled that I never worried about. But they were minor.

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Yeah, I seen that when I was searching for a reg. price. It has a kit that I can call and get. But I can't see Target selling something that has been recalled. But thank you, I am going to check when I get home, just to make sure.


I know my daughter has a few things that have been recalled that I never worried about. But they were minor.


If it were recalled, Target would have pulled it. It would have come up as recalled when you tried to pay. That has happened to me before.


While you are right about some recalls being over-zealous, some are quite serious like the Polly Pocket Quik Clik one from a few months ago. A few children died and some were seriously injured.

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Not too much at the Conroy-Windermere Orlando Target today.


They were giving away 16 oz of Archer Farms Creamy Tomato Penne when you entered the store (it says sample over the bar code) I also bought...


Downy Mt Spring Fabric Softener for 1.74 (was 3.49)


Maybelline Discovery mascara for $1.48 (was 5.99)


There were three buckets full of assorted make-up on the end cap by the medicine, but only half of it was marked on sale or scanned at the sale price.


I also saw a ton of 18 mos blanket sleeper two packs for $2.48 (I need 3t or 4t, too bad) and a few 50 spf baby bikini tops and bottoms for 75% off in the baby section.


No juice, Tide, thermometers or the other goodies I keep looking for. Bounty multipacks were only about 15% off.

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OMG...I am so excited!!!! I got the best deal today at Target!!!! My nience's birthday is coming up. I found her a LeapFrog Learn-Around Playground. They must have just marked it down because it wasn't there Monday. Walmart sells them for 59.95!!!!





I paid 14.98!!!!!!!! :g_thumbri


The number on it is 204040048


I would LOVE to get my hands on one of these for my sons first birthday in May:eyepoppin

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can I ask which target you got that at and were there any left? TIA


Oh, It wasn't me that found it. I think I accidentially deleted an important tag when I hit the quote button. I was responding to someone else who found it. I had heard that they were recalled. I haven't seen any of those around here.

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Thank You so much. I have to get 3 large dog beds for my dogs. I will check it out after work tonight.



I know this is Target thread, but you might want to try Tractor Supply since you need 3 of them and they are still $30 at Target each. My TSC has them for about $11 each for the comparable sizes.

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I know this is Target thread, but you might want to try Tractor Supply since you need 3 of them and they are still $30 at Target each. My TSC has them for about $11 each for the comparable sizes.





I will try there thank you

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I bought the Learnaround Playground 75% off 2 mo. ago.


Mine was missing the balls. It was the only one the store had. Not sure if it was a return since it had never been put together & still in the plastic. I have been trying for 2 months to get the balls from Leap frog & calling them every 2 weeks!!!


The recall is for a part to put over the shoot so you cannot use the balls. Children were getting their arms caught in the hole. I still want th balls anyways since it should have come with them. Check your box also call Leapfrog ph# on their website & they will send you the cover n/c. Hope this helps.:g_thumbri

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I actually did pretty well today.


75% off

Covergirl foundation 2.22 -$2.00 coupon = $.22


50% off

Fabreeze 2.08 -.50 mfc = $1.58

Downy liquid softner 1.87 -$.50 mfc = $1.37 (got two of these)

Degree deoderent (3 of them) 1.18 -.75 mfc = .43

1.08 -1.00 mfc = .08

1.88 -1.50 mfc = .33 (degree ultra on this one)

Suave value pack 2 full size lotions and 1 full sz body wash 2.98 - .75 mfc - .75 mfc = 1.48


She let me use two coupons on the suave because one coupon was for lotion and one was for body wash. I say she let me, actually she just didn't say anything. 35.00 worth of stuff for 6.91!!!! Woohoo!


Craft stuff still only 50% off. :( And the freakin scanners at this one are still broken! Booo!

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I know this is early to be thinking about--but does anyone have any idea when the markdowns begin on the patio furniture? I was thinking they were 75% off shortly after July 4th last year, but can't remember for sure. I need a set for my sunroom, and don't know if I can wait for Target's markdown!
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I found some CG lipstick for $1.2x. Deoderant for 50% off for dh. I didn't get a whole lot, and I went to both stores in town yesterday. Some of the stationary went down to 50% off while other stuff was still 30%. I scanned to double check.


I will be watching the boys short sleeved shirts that are on the display where they are folded. These were 30% off yesterday, so hopefully they will be down to 50% in the next 2 weeks. Little ds needs a few more Spring/Summer shirts. I found a little ergonomic potty chair, 30% off for $4.88. I decided to forgo one of the bigger potties for him as they are such a pain to clean. This one I could just rinse off in the utility sink since it's all one piece.

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