aidansmommy Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 I ran in Target tonight and noticed a lot of cleaning supplies and air freshners at 50% off. Some of the brands were Clorox spray, Lysol toilet bowl cleaner, lots of dishwashing liquid, and Glade air freshner. Outdoor stuff like water hoses, hose reels, patio storage boxes and planters were 30% off. There was also a lot of spaghetti sauce marked down 30-50%.
Janislyn Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 aidansmommy said: I ran in Target tonight and noticed a lot of cleaning supplies and air freshners at 50% off. Some of the brands were Clorox spray, Lysol toilet bowl cleaner, lots of dishwashing liquid, and Glade air freshner. Outdoor stuff like water hoses, hose reels, patio storage boxes and planters were 30% off. There was also a lot of spaghetti sauce marked down 30-50%.That's great news! I've been waiting for the outdoor lighting to go on sale. I will have to go after work tomorrow. Thank you
bth3606 Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 I went to target last night and found 2 vsmile systems for 75% off. Anybody want to trade 2 vsmile systems ( 1 blue and 1 pink) for a blue vsmile pocket?
joshsmommy642 Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 is it true that you cant use the vouchers on "licensed items" such as dora,diego,etc. on the fisherprice items?
niccci Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 joshsmommy642 said: is it true that you cant use the vouchers on "licensed items" such as dora,diego,etc. on the fisherprice items?what vouchers are you talking about? You mean the FP vouchers when you return your lead filled toys?
irisbee Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 Found a cool fisher price imaginex dragon originally $12.99 priced $1.xx. Must have been a return or they found it in the back? My toddler will love it for xmas.
libby82 Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 LoveNcMountains said: You can take them back to target and get your money back. I had to return the Iams wet cat food I had. As soon as they scan the item it tells then if it has been recalled or not and it will not go back on the shelf if you are worried about that. If you paid for your items with a credit card/debit card they can do a "look up" on the item. All you have to do is hand them the item and the credit card and they know if the item was charged on that card. I ALWAYS pay for my stuff with a credit card (cash back) so I can narrow it down to a few cards. They will stand there and swipe the card and the item and see if they match...I had them check 4 cards one day until I found which one I had used (fathers day gift DVD and he wanted a Wii game).I just don't want to have to go to the store just to see if my item was recalled. If I had an item that was recalled and had gotten my items on sale I might consider doing what was mentioned above, but if it was full price I paid, I wouldn't want to wait 6-8 weeks (If not longer since this is such a HUGE recall) to get my money daughter has a few of the recalled items but target said without receipt no go so i had to do it through mattel--cant give them my debit card to lookup cause they were gifts
KC-Traderbear Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 In our paper a couple days ago it said that Walmart and Target would take that stuff back without receipts. I don't know if they will give you full retail for it or whether you'll just get the last markdown price, but they should take the toys back even without a receipt. You'll probably just get a voucher for another toy (I'm guessing). I don't understand why they still have some of those recalled toys on the shelf?! I thought they weren't supposed to sell them anymore.
Gumball Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 I was in Walmart yesterday and went down the aisle that had the Polly Pockets and the Doggy Daycare stuff. Shelfs were still pretty full, no signs up anywhere to let people know where or how to check their stuff to see if it had been on the list. A woman was there looking at the Polly Pocket stuff along with her kid. I mentioned that with the huge recall going on, I'd be nervous about getting any of that stuff for a while and the woman turns and gives me a dirty look before telling me she didn't care if stuff got recalled or not, she would buy it for her kid anyway!
shopping mom Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 Gumball said: I was in Walmart yesterday and went down the aisle that had the Polly Pockets and the Doggy Daycare stuff. Shelfs were still pretty full, no signs up anywhere to let people know where or how to check their stuff to see if it had been on the list. A woman was there looking at the Polly Pocket stuff along with her kid. I mentioned that with the huge recall going on, I'd be nervous about getting any of that stuff for a while and the woman turns and gives me a dirty look before telling me she didn't care if stuff got recalled or not, she would buy it for her kid anyway!That is sad, but at least you tried to tell her.
theboyzmom Posted August 16, 2007 Posted August 16, 2007 I'm so mad. There is a big sign in the clearance aisle of the toy section in our Target that says 75% or more off. There is a TON of stuff there that is 15-50% off, very few that is 75. I called a manager over cause there are 2 clearance items in the section, right under the 75% off sign that weren't ringing up at 75% off. He argued with me that the sign says as marked, but I said it says 75% off the original price...there were jogging strollers there and a bunch of other stuff that obviously was put in the wrong place. All I wanted were 2 spiderman dress up suits at the signage price. He took the sign down and told me end of problem and no way was I getting the suits at 75% off. I should mention that these suits already have clearance stickers on them, but for 30%, not 75%, so it's not like I took regular priced items over there and wanted the price changed. I didn't move them, they were already there. My two kids were there too and I couldn't get them for them cause I needed to buy 2 and I can't afford them at 15-30% (can't remember now which it was, but it wasn't 75). GRRRRRRRRRRRRR funny thing is I was there to do a secret shop as well....oh how I wish this incident could be reflected in my report, but that's not what I was there to observe. If he would have been nicer about it or listened to me I wouldn't be so mad, but he acted like he was 4 years old and was snotty about it.
sugarkristals Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Gumball said: I was in Walmart yesterday and went down the aisle that had the Polly Pockets and the Doggy Daycare stuff. Shelfs were still pretty full, no signs up anywhere to let people know where or how to check their stuff to see if it had been on the list. A woman was there looking at the Polly Pocket stuff along with her kid. I mentioned that with the huge recall going on, I'd be nervous about getting any of that stuff for a while and the woman turns and gives me a dirty look before telling me she didn't care if stuff got recalled or not, she would buy it for her kid anyway!The "Magnet Recall" items were actually only for older products from November 2006 and before. It was a retroactive recall as a safety procaution. All of the newer products were redesigned so that the magnets do not fall out (they have a plastic covering over them). The products are fine to still be on the shelf.
Gumball Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Oh, I know they are probably OK, but there's been so many recalls lately for things that every time I think one is over, another one comes along to replace it. I'd rather hold off for 6 months or so and if no new recalls come up, get the item then. I don't want to give something to my child and then have to take it away from her again after she's grown to love it. I'd rather wait & make absolutely sure it was safe in the first place.
sugarkristals Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Gumball said: Oh, I know they are probably OK, but there's been so many recalls lately for things that every time I think one is over, another one comes along to replace it. I'd rather hold off for 6 months or so and if no new recalls come up, get the item then. I don't want to give something to my child and then have to take it away from her again after she's grown to love it. I'd rather wait & make absolutely sure it was safe in the first place.Definately. I can understand where you are coming from!
weesiedog Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 I noticed a bunch of kids craft kits on clearance for $4.98 - 50% off. They make great birthday gifts. They're in the craft aisle, as opposed to the toy section
libby82 Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 sugarkristals said: The "Magnet Recall" items were actually only for older products from November 2006 and before. It was a retroactive recall as a safety procaution. All of the newer products were redesigned so that the magnets do not fall out (they have a plastic covering over them). The products are fine to still be on the shelf.not really the tanner barbie dog was a last christmas item thats when i bought mine
weesiedog Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Oh, and I saw Lysol wipes for $5.98 - 300 count (three containers). Not fantastic, but not terrible either.
bharper44 Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Finally! I found the Doodle Bear babies at my Target today for $3.72!! I got the last 2 they had there but I still need one more. The SuperTarget still wants $7.44 and said that they have no say in when the prices drop, its up to corporate and they have no idea when they will be allowed to go to 75%. The manager said they have no set day for toys or anything its just whenever corporate sends word. I thought that last part was weird but oh well:)
jax422 Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Has any fellow Orlando perusers found any of the pools on clearance?The Blow up family pools. Usually green and white ones. Last year they had tons of them for super dirt cheap. This year I can't find any at all. I have been to ST in Waterford Lakes and the Goldenrod store. I always like to have a back up for my kids. Needed it this year when we had a leak. If anyone has seen them, let me know so I can try to get one. Thanks.
lovetoshopCA Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 KC-Traderbear said: In our paper a couple days ago it said that Walmart and Target would take that stuff back without receipts. I don't know if they will give you full retail for it or whether you'll just get the last markdown price, but they should take the toys back even without a receipt. You'll probably just get a voucher for another toy (I'm guessing). I don't understand why they still have some of those recalled toys on the shelf?! I thought they weren't supposed to sell them anymore.When you try to ring out with them, they come up as recalled, so they won't actually sell them. At least at the major retailers, that is true. It has happened to me more than once.
lovetoshopCA Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 theboyzmom said: I'm so mad. There is a big sign in the clearance aisle of the toy section in our Target that says 75% or more off. There is a TON of stuff there that is 15-50% off, very few that is 75. I called a manager over cause there are 2 clearance items in the section, right under the 75% off sign that weren't ringing up at 75% off. He argued with me that the sign says as marked, but I said it says 75% off the original price...there were jogging strollers there and a bunch of other stuff that obviously was put in the wrong place. All I wanted were 2 spiderman dress up suits at the signage price. He took the sign down and told me end of problem and no way was I getting the suits at 75% off. I should mention that these suits already have clearance stickers on them, but for 30%, not 75%, so it's not like I took regular priced items over there and wanted the price changed. I didn't move them, they were already there. My two kids were there too and I couldn't get them for them cause I needed to buy 2 and I can't afford them at 15-30% (can't remember now which it was, but it wasn't 75). GRRRRRRRRRRRRR funny thing is I was there to do a secret shop as well....oh how I wish this incident could be reflected in my report, but that's not what I was there to observe. If he would have been nicer about it or listened to me I wouldn't be so mad, but he acted like he was 4 years old and was snotty about it.I'd certainly at least do a write up like a mystery shop and send it via the customer service email on the website. I have done that with good results sometimes. You probably got his name or can at least do a good description (those mystery shopping skills come in handy sometimes).
lovetoshopCA Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 sugarkristals said: The "Magnet Recall" items were actually only for older products from November 2006 and before. It was a retroactive recall as a safety procaution. All of the newer products were redesigned so that the magnets do not fall out (they have a plastic covering over them). The products are fine to still be on the shelf.No, not true anymore. Mattel added a large number of new ones to the list this week. There are a large number of items that I bought during the January/February clearance sale that were not recalled with the ones you reference. Also, if anyone has a Disney Cars Sarge, he was the only one recalled. The stores have had to pull the whole Cars line because they share a single UPC, so there is no way to differentiate at checkout to know that they are not selling the recalled item. A TRU guy was telling me that was the reason they pulled everything off the floor.
lvmyboo Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 I found lots of the above mentioned toys on clearance. I did find several Vsmile cartridages $7 something. Also found "Fly through" programs- one was a journal and I forgot what the other one is, they were about $5. I was going to grab one for my DD but they didn't come with the pen and I have never seen them anywhere so I put it back. My big score was Off products. I found Off skintastic wipes for .74. They were 6.99, marked to 1.74 with $1 off peelies. There were also lots of other mosquito repellant stuff for 75% off.
becalyn24 Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Go some pixter games for 5 bucks and captain Jack Sparrow action figures were 1.48
atisikitabasket Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 I wish I could trade you but I can't find the pocket either. My son broke the vsmile so I was looking for one of them or a pocket and never saw either at my Target. Does anyone know if the new joystick will work with the old vsmile. I might see if my brother will take it apart and fix it but the controller has been chewed thru to the wires. I know sometimes I think me kid is part puppy. he chews on everything.
adewrell Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 I bought one of the V-Smile controllers (blue) last night for $4.xx. I have no need for it, but I thought someone on here might want (need) it.
sfven Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 jax422 said: Has any fellow Orlando perusers found any of the pools on clearance?The Blow up family pools. Usually green and white ones.Last year they had tons of them for super dirt cheap. This year I can't find any at all. I have been to ST in Waterford Lakes and the Goldenrod store. I always like to have a back up for my kids. Needed it this year when we had a leak.If anyone has seen them, let me know so I can try to get one.Thanks.I've only seen the metal sided pools on clearance, haven't seen any blow up ones. And this was at Oviedo and FL Mall, in addition to the ones you went to.
EmE2006 Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 sfven said: I've only seen the metal sided pools on clearance, haven't seen any blow up ones. And this was at Oviedo and FL Mall, in addition to the ones you went to.I haven't either on the west side of town. I've only seen pool chemicals. I'll let you know if I do.
mommytoellabell Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 YEAH! I found the Little Tikes Sand and Water Play Table for $9.98 on Tuesday and on Thursday I bought 6 of the Doodle Bears for $3.72 each. Very excited about my deals!
lovetoshopCA Posted August 17, 2007 Posted August 17, 2007 Had to report back that the boys (4 & 6) and I did our tie-dyed tshirts today. Those kits they have on clearance are cool because you get dye embedded string to tie around the item you are dyeing, so it is a lot easier in the long run. Once you get it all tied up, you wrap it in a rag or towel or paper towel and put the whole thing in warm saltwater to soak 15 minutes. Then rinse and hang up. Much less of a mess than vats of dye and rubber bands or wax. Everyone is quite pleased with the results. 1 kit was enough to easily do one adult and one child's tshirt.
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