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Anyone have Best Buy 12/31 ad


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cds & dvds--list and prices please?


And for everyone out there that gets an ad or ads earlier than the sale dates...PLEASE POST THE DEALS!!! :D some of us dont get papers early!!(i get mine on sunday morning at 5 am...and the bag sunday afternoon...but if i drive or actually walk 4 houses down into the country they get their bags on saturday morning...:mad: lol...so please post the deals to give people heads up on things! if you could! Thanks in advance!:gdthums:

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Not really much of nothing. They're still trying to squeeze hype with people on the PS3. It probably worked too with the mentality of people these days. They advertised PS3 and stated tickets will be handed out an hour before the store opens, so you know they had a line. I'll wait until Sony decides to ship enough so they are sitting on the shelf, even if it's not until next year.


The main thing I'm waiting for is good sales on computers. I want a new desktop and these so called sales for low end processors are nothing I want. They had some decent deals before Christmas (before November actually), but I couldn't do anything then plus buy Christmas. Maybe after the first of the year gets rolling. I think the prices are due to Vista coming out soon though.

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I think we all were told that January would be deal month since Vista comes out 1/30. I'm getting a Dell laptop for my b'day but will wait for the best deal since it's not a necessity. I'll check Dell every couple of days.
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