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DVD suggestions for Grandmother

Guest koby

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If she enjoys history-- how about movies or documentaries about national or world events that happened when she was a young adult? Maybe something about women during World War II, or an overview of the 40's/50's/60's... A collection of Bob Hope's earlier USO tours would be nice, if there is such a thing on DVD... HTH!!:)
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if you have a Dollar General or Dollar Tree type stores near you try looking at them and buy their $!.00 old black and white movies. My parents love these. I did about twenty of them last year, wrapped each one, and made them open all! I had no idea what these movies were, but over half they knew and loved to a chance to see again. They are both in their 80's so I can also say..GOOD LUCK teaching her how to run it!!! But after a few trys mine got the idea of it.
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