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Ok I'm unsure where either of you are at.. but if you have Aldi food store there..Ours here has them on clearance. I picked up about 6 packages and they were only 1.99 per pack for 40 sheets. Hope you have one there, and if you do hopefully they have them on clearance there also.
Office Max has all photo paper buy 1 get 1 free thru Saturday. The prices of coure vary depending what you are looking for but this seems to be a really good deal.:)
I got some Fuji glossy last week at Big Lots for 1.50. Can't remember how many is in a package though. At my BL they were right by the registers in the impulse section.
And I was just at big lots today with office max right next door and didn't even think to look for the photo paper :( How much is the paper at dollar tree?

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