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Getting $24 out of Circuit City

Guest spectraflamed

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Guest spectraflamed
I snagged my camera last night online so I would not have to wait in line and possibly miss it. Anyway get to the store and the line to pick stuff up was pretty long even at noon since they had one person working customer service. While waiting in line I notice the Circuit City promise if the item is not ready in 24 minutes after saying they have it (I got the confirmation email last night) you get a $24 gift card. I ask to talk to a manager and while waiting for that I notice a 800 (or 877) number for the central Circuit city office so I call it I have nothing better to do. I get through and start talking to a nice guy on the phone and he says it does not count for today and I say why is it in my email then? He is baffled and goes to get his boss. In the meantime the store manager arrives and I say I am on the phone with corporate about this. Well he runs off comes back about 5 minutes later and says you get the gift card. Cool I got another $24 just for holding them to thier promise.
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I snagged my camera last night online so I would not have to wait in line and possibly miss it. Anyway get to the store and the line to pick stuff up was pretty long even at noon since they had one person working customer service. While waiting in line I notice the Circuit City promise if the item is not ready in 24 minutes after saying they have it (I got the confirmation email last night) you get a $24 gift card. I ask to talk to a manager and while waiting for that I notice a 800 (or 877) number for the central Circuit city office so I call it I have nothing better to do. I get through and start talking to a nice guy on the phone and he says it does not count for today and I say why is it in my email then? He is baffled and goes to get his boss. In the meantime the store manager arrives and I say I am on the phone with corporate about this. Well he runs off comes back about 5 minutes later and says you get the gift card. Cool I got another $24 just for holding them to thier promise.

Let me get this str8,you got the $24.00 becasue u had to wait on line and didnt get ur item within 24 minutes? or becasue they didnt have it when u got there?If so now thats smart.Wish i would of tried that.I waited almost a hour today to pick up.

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Guest spectraflamed
I got my $24 because I had to wait in line for more than 24 minutes to pick it up. When I finally got to the pick up window I picked up my item (camera) and my $24 gift card for waiting. If I had not been stuck in line so long I would have never noticed all the promises they mentioned. In fact when I called the 877 number and was on hold for about 5 minutes before I got a rep the little commercial they played also stated their 24 minute promise. I will admit I had to act upset and somewhat angry but it worked. The think the key was calling that seemed to really get the store manager concerned and willing to take care of it.
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