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New email - need advice


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Got a new email from Compusa listing online specials available Weds (tomorrow). One thing they have listed is a Lacey Extenernal 250g harddrive for $14.99. When I click on the link, it shows the unit at $149.99. Now, I'm no stranger to doorbusters, etc. But this is striking me as a typo, not a doorbuster due to comparible models and their doorbuster prices. (more like $89.99)


Will Compusa have to honor this ad, even if it's a typo, or face a bait-n-switch lawsuit?



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Got a new email from Compusa listing online specials available Weds (tomorrow). One thing they have listed is a Lacey Extenernal 250g harddrive for $14.99. When I click on the link, it shows the unit at $149.99. Now, I'm no stranger to doorbusters, etc. But this is striking me as a typo, not a doorbuster due to comparible models and their doorbuster prices. (more like $89.99)


Will Compusa have to honor this ad, even if it's a typo, or face a bait-n-switch lawsuit?



Since the deal doesn't start until tomorrow, how do you know if there is a problem?

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If the price is wrong they will not have to honor the ad. Period. All they need to say is that it was a mistake. There's no bait-and-switch involved if they don't try to sell you something else in it's place. Good luck finding a lawyer that'll take your case. Just hope that you get that price, and if not move on. Good luck and let us know what happens.
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