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Iowa freaking sucks.


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Stupid Iowa BB stores. No 7 hour deals for us - instead we get $15 GCs for every $100 we spend (making the Westinghouse TV $695 instead of $480, and I'm not camping out for that). Guess they're not getting our money this Friday. This sucks. :(

Welcome to the community! I am sorry your BB is doing this. The people in Ohio had to go thru this last year. Good luck to you and stick around after BF as this site is open year around!

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Stupid Iowa BB stores. No 7 hour deals for us - instead we get $15 GCs for every $100 we spend (making the Westinghouse TV $695 instead of $480, and I'm not camping out for that). Guess they're not getting our money this Friday. This sucks. :(

Take a Thanksgiving shopping trip to Chicago or Minneapolis. Make a weekend out of it! :)

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Stupid Iowa BB stores. No 7 hour deals for us - instead we get $15 GCs for every $100 we spend (making the Westinghouse TV $695 instead of $480, and I'm not camping out for that). Guess they're not getting our money this Friday. This sucks. :(

This happened last year AND the year before in Ohio. I did not go to BB for two years for this reason. Looks like Ohio is back and Iowa gets this "special" deal.



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Ok so this migh be a repeat but here it goes. I went to the BB web site and looked at the flyer for firday and put in my zip code and looked at the flyer for my region, and it does not have the 189.00 emachines computer. So I got to checking arround in other zip codes and for another state next to mine they have it but not in my state they only have the 15.00 gift card for ever 100.00 spent. SO I remember this happened last year that some stores for BB were doing the gift card and others were doing the sales. WATCH out cuz you might not be in a area with the sales you are looking for ! GO AND CHECK IT OUT!----this is also in Nebraska .. SUCKS!!! ..
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Stupid Iowa BB stores. No 7 hour deals for us - instead we get $15 GCs for every $100 we spend (making the Westinghouse TV $695 instead of $480, and I'm not camping out for that). Guess they're not getting our money this Friday. This sucks. :(

some stores in iowa and IL are going to do this instead of doing the national ad and some stores also are giving you a choice between the gift certf. or the ad depends on where your store is located......:mad:

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okay okay, I just got off the phone with my old mgr. ( I used to work for BBY )

he said that you have the option of the national ad, OR the gift cards...

and that they HAVE TO HONOR the national ad.


look at it this way, if they are doing this where you live, then that means fewer people will have seen the ad we have all seen on here ;)

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The Illinois and Iowa quad-cities will not have the ad that was posted here on Gotta deal, this happened last year too. We have the Gift card special, Well all I wanted was the camara and now Ill get the one at walmart

the best buy in IL quad cities will honer the ad but the davenport,iowa store will not acording to best buy corprate your given the choice in the IL store i was told by corprate :eyepoppin

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