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nintendo ds lite


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Hi all....this is my first time posting!


Is there really that huge of a difference between the regular Nintendo DS's vs the Nintendo DS Lite? My 8yr old son wants one too, but I can't decide which one to go with. :confused:

The main thing that sold me is that the control buttons are suppose to be in a better location/easier to use for little hands.


I finally bought two this weekend at Bestbuy. I used the few McDonalds Monopoly bucks that I had to offset the price. I was going to buy a bundle from tru last week but they were completely out of ds lites. Bestbuy only had one left after I purchased mine. Meijer is having a good bundle sale, Limit one--but I don't want to battle for one that I might or might not get especially since my kids really, really want them.



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The DS Lite is also lighter and smaller than the reg. DS. Plus the screens are brighter. Also like already mentioned the controls are better placed. However, if you need two, I would go ahead and get the reg. DS because they are on sale for BF for $99 each. Esp. considering it is for a young child. Hope that helps.
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The one at Brandsmart for $88 is not the interactive double screen....so I was told...but I did not confirm this in person. I went to Circuit City yesterday - the DS Lite....means Double Screen and the Lite means that it lights up and is easier to see. They were very helpful and even went over the best games....Brain Age is for older teenagers and adults while Brain Acamademy is best for 7 and up.... Best price I have seen is $129.00 which includes the free accessory pack valued at 19.99. Games are at Target buy 2 and get a free $20.00 Target Gift Card. That is the best deal I found so far..... still looking.....
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