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Earliest Black Friday Memories


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Does anyone know when Black Friday started? I know it's been going on for awhile. Anyway, I just wanted to know what everyone's first Black Friday memories are.


When I was younger my mom went out by herself and we stayed home with Dad. When I got a little older, 9 or 10, I begged to go to and was amazed at the amount of people and the fightitng and the excitement of it all. I think we were at Toys R Us to get a game boy for my brother. It was crazy. My mom went one way to get the game boy and then cause I was so small she had me slip through the crowds to get other things while she waited with the cart. Good Times. After that I was hooked and I've been going ever since. I love Black Friday. :gdinlove:

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I can't remember that far back! :D I just know I've been shopping on this day it seems like forever. I remember going for some deals, seeing ppl fight that totally cracked me up, and have been going ever since. We come home every year and compare stories about everyone getting nuts over one thing or another. :insane: The deals are great but I love the stories after we are all done too.
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Gosh I think the first time I went was back in 1985 with my mom...and I thought 7am at Kmart was early back then. It was to get a Christmas tree they had on sale. I do remember the midnight madness sales at Zayre's though. My mom used to take me to those. The one year I was so tired that when they were calling out raffle numbers I was too tired to even notice we won something. LOL...
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Gosh I think the first time I went was back in 1985 with my mom...and I thought 7am at Kmart was early back then. It was to get a Christmas tree they had on sale. I do remember the midnight madness sales at Zayre's though. My mom used to take me to those. The one year I was so tired that when they were calling out raffle numbers I was too tired to even notice we won something. LOL...

Lol.. I remember Zayre's.. I used to work at one years ago! That's when I was a teenager.

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