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Last year how did you get more than one PC?


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I've read last year, that some people were able to get more than one eMachines for $150. If you are one of those people, how did you go about doing that? I need 2 this year.

Did you make friends with other people on line, and if they werent getting a PC, you get the slip from them? When they were handing out the slips for the PC's did you stick your left hand in, then stick the right one in? Did you beat the guy up behind you and grab his slip? Please share.

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Our BB gave out any number. I needed two last year and got them without any question. Unless the add says limit one per customer (which our ad did not say last year) you can get as many as you need.


If it does limit the amount, team up with other people in line that are looking for other items. You can maybe grab a second item they need, and just trade the tickets. Lots of people in our line last year were all vaired on what they wanted to get, and worked out perfectly for us.

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i had more than one person with me to get more than one comp. also, after we bout one of the computers, they never took the ticket for it. we came back in a few hrs and tehre was still one left. we jsut used to same ticket over again and we were abel to get it for 150!
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