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How many people send family photos in their Christmas cards?


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My family always has with the children who are in school. It is getting expensive though and not only am I scaling back who I send cards to I am doing the same with who I send pictures to.


Really, am I the odd ball who just puts them with the rest of the pictures after we take the holiday decorations down?


What do you do with the pictures you receive in cards?? :rolleyes:

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I send a famly photo out. I love receiving pictures at Christmas time. I have an album where I set aside a couple of pages per family so that I can watch friends/famly grow. Its nice to see how the kids chance from year to year. School pictures are so expensive and you can take a photo to Wal-Mart and get Christmas cards done for so much less. Its the best time to send them. I'm a shutter bug and always have my camera on me snapping away. I tell friends/famly once you get a photo from me your on my list for life. Just love to send them out!
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I always include a pic of my son in every card. This year we are going to have a family one done (haven't told dh yet, that should excite him, lol) so I will include a family one. I always include a pic in every card I send. Most of my cards are sent to people I don't see very often.
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We do paper cards with a photo insert. I like to take candid photos of my kids dressed up in their finest and then send out the one that I just adore. Last year was very sweet. This year I will be taking their picture dressed up and barefoot on the beach. I hope it turns out!
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No I never send out photos and I have never sent out one of those long christmas news letters for a card neither. I think those letters are so tacky to send during the holidays instead of a card.


NO offense to those who do send those letters instead of cards but the ones I receive are always bragging on little Susie or little Johnny that I end up laughing at the whole letter. LOL

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