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Who all do you give stockings to?


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how do you decide what to put in for all those people???


i do one for each kid but they are so small i have a hard time filling it...


i do one for the Mr, which is actually easier cause its all toiletries, LOL...it's also the ONLY things i know what to buy of for him, he's worse to shop for than me

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how do you decide what to put in for all those people???


i do one for each kid but they are so small i have a hard time filling it...


i do one for the Mr, which is actually easier cause its all toiletries, LOL...it's also the ONLY things i know what to buy of for him, he's worse to shop for than me

I usually go to the Dollar Tree and get tons of stuff. Did you see the stocking stuffer ideas thread? There is alot of ideas for everyone.

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The kids and the cats (and the bunnies and guinea pigs always get a

special food treat for Christmas or a chew toy) Hey afterall it is Christmas:gdthums:


When do you open your stockings? We have a tradition not to open them

until bedtime on Christmas night. I found that "Christmas" was over so

quickly and everyone seems a little sad that 'its over already" so saving

them until that night gives them something to look forward to.


My friend has Santa put them on the kids beds so when they wake up

way too early on Christmas morning they must stay in bed but can

open the stocking and play with whats in their. That Santa thinks of

everything though, he always puts in something to eat for breakfast

like honey buns or breakfast bars:giggle:

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Where is the stocking stuffers list???

Check out http://forums.gottadeal.com/showthread.php?t=48999 for the stocking stuffers thread (it's in the GiftFinder forum)...


As for stockings in my family: when I was little, there were full-sized stockings for both parents, me, my brother & sister, and a little one for my cats.


But in recent years, since my parents are "empty-nesters," my mom puts a small amount of money and some candy in miniature stockings (the 2-3" ones) for everybody (immediate family plus spouses, grandchildren, great-grandchildren, and any boyfriends/girlfriends that will be around). The fun part is, she and I hide them at various places on the tree on Christmas Eve... then before opening gifts on Christmas morning, everyone has to go find their stocking! :holiday12

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